I have TW and I like it, but IIRC it is around the platoon to reinforced platoon level (or am I wrong?).
When you play the game on the table top, each roughly 8 to 11 man unit is a squad. Three squads to the platoon, three platoons to the company, and three companies to the battalion.
To answer your initial question: Platoon or Company sized is more in line with how the engagements would be run. However, the original poster's initial comments and subsequent comments make me think that he is going too high on the organizational chart for what he wants to achieve.
Mean guy that I am, and volunteering other people's time *teasing grin*...
Probably the BEST approach for Flykiller is for him to haunt Ebay and score a copy of Tomorrow's War cheap, or...
Have you whip up a map with gridlines on it much like Ambush Alley uses in their books. Each "unit" that is being manipulated on the board, would be tracked by the referee (maybe a third party?). The main rules would still be adhered to through out the game, but the decisions being made, and the results being created, would still have the same validity as actually playing the game in table top mode. The hard part would be handling the reaction fire involved. On the other hand, where there is a will, there is a way...
Now - the same approach for TW or FoF scenarios would work just as well for Striker Scenarios. It might be interesting for Flykiller to indicate what kind of scenario he wants to partake in, and for any of us other guys to try to at least create the map of the terrain, disseminate the map to the relevant players, and play this over the net.
We could try an experiment by having people download a demo version of FANTASY GROUNDS 2 (free of charge) and I could offer to referee or host the game. FG2 has the following features:
Map display: Check
Chat Display and chat logging: Check
Die Roll emulator: Check
Unit representative (one symbol equals one man): Check
I picked up the Ultimate License - which allows me to host games with Demo licenses. Normally FG2 requires that someone get a GM license, and that his player gets the player Licenses. With the ultimate License, I can host the GM players, the player players, and the Demo players. With a GM license, you can only host GM players or player players.
In the end, I think Flykiller is after the experience and wants to know what is going on at the personal level for what he wants to write or work on. This method would probably do it...