Im starting a 2300AD game and am having difficulty invisioning the lack of FTL communications.
Im imagining a continual bizz of little couriers darting about the universe broadcasting the lastest " database update" to each system - including news, financial data, current commodity information, licensing and certifications, heck even a master data base of somekind. Imagine the internet if it only worked locally and required a CD ROM to update it every few days or weeks.
Is this accurate? Am I looking at this right?
And then there is the issue with not being able to communicate directly outside your immediate area.
My main character is a private freighter captain - who cant get pricing information until he gets the system in question, cant find out what the market price of his goods are until her reaches his destination and cant make a business deal unless face to face. Its an odd situation to get used to in a game.
Im imagining a continual bizz of little couriers darting about the universe broadcasting the lastest " database update" to each system - including news, financial data, current commodity information, licensing and certifications, heck even a master data base of somekind. Imagine the internet if it only worked locally and required a CD ROM to update it every few days or weeks.
Is this accurate? Am I looking at this right?
And then there is the issue with not being able to communicate directly outside your immediate area.
My main character is a private freighter captain - who cant get pricing information until he gets the system in question, cant find out what the market price of his goods are until her reaches his destination and cant make a business deal unless face to face. Its an odd situation to get used to in a game.