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I think that youa re completely right

the meson accelerator takes 240 power

a heavy fusion cannon takes 160

both these weapons only do 9d20 vehicle (Which is 4d20 ship) which corresponds (fusion gun) to 1 fusion gun which takes 2 EPs

Jon Miller
glad I could Help, Though plugging the formulas into your design example listed above, gives me a Model 9 computer requiring EP 30 for starships/spacecraft, for all subsystems, which is still alot though acceptable for a custom built computer...
Evening Commander Dax and bobpartdeux,

Again my thanks for the comments and a very good solution to the current state of EP affairs. Off the top of my head I couldn't say what the EP to Watts, Kilo or Mega, figure is but the numbers you mention and the apparent problem sound right. I have been focusing on a direct conversion method between the CDS and the SSDS. Now to figure a way to incorporate this into a spreadsheet. Again my thanks for finding a solution.

Originally posted by Commander Drax:
I think I've isolated the problem, though please tell me if I'm wrong. An EP used in spacecraft and starship design is of a completely differnt scale to the EP's used in vehicle/robot design. I am of the opinion that the computer design sequece is aimed at vehicle components as opposed to starship/spacecrafts etc. I don't tend to look at this section very often so please let me know if I've made a mistake, I do feel however that some scale should be given between Vehicle and Spacecraft scale EP. I seem to remember from MegaTraveller that a single EP was MW 250, though in cross comparison was later design sequences (i.e. TNE & T4) it seems to be somewhere between MW 125 and MW 280.

In the TA (Against Gravity) there are weapons tables that seem to suggest that a vehicle EP is MW 10. I won't try and factor these calculations into the work you've already done, as I am boggled by it all to say the least and am sure that your greater familiarity with these charts will quickly allow you to make a decision on this.

Though just for the record it looks like

1 Starship/Spacraft EP (MW 250) = EP 25 Vehicle/robot scale.

Alternatively 1 Starship/Spacecraft EP (MW 125) = EP 12.5 Vehicle/robot scale.

Hope this can help
Wow, great observations, guys. I haven't spent that much time as yet looking at the differences between the CDS and the SSDS, but knowing this EP conversion will help matters in the future.

Well the problem is that it is now linear at all.

If you make a Model/1 Starship computer with the CDS, you end up with a value to convert EP.

If you run the same calculations with a Model/6 computer, you end up with another scale for the vehicular EPs.

The easiest to get everything in line (as it is clear we want to be able to use the HG designs) would be to change the EP requirements (at the vehicular scale) of the CDS to put them in line with the EP requirements (at the SDS scale) of the starship computers.

I have tried to get a scale for those bloody vehicular EPs compared to starship EPs (just to be able to use vehicular components in starships, I'd love to have robotic arms on my Far Trader, just to help me to unload those pesky trucks) but then again depending on where you start the scale does not scale.

Or it's exponential
which is not the best way to convert something as output power...

At that point I gave up and said, well let's use it as it is written and stop worrying about it being compatible.

So when my players ask, my answer is : the power voltage does not fit and no one has a clue on how to convert the starship output into power that is useable for vehicles components. (In one case, the EPs are actually a measure of mechanical power and the other is a measure of electrical power

Whatever, they don't have any money to transform their starship.
And I'll make sure they will never enough to even start considering ⌧ing with that
*nasty DM grin*