• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Confederation Captain Wanted

The music is more like Traditional Hungarian folk singing combined with an almost dub reggae rhythm track. Strings have almost Indian arrangement. It is haunting, if a bit two dimensional.
As a rule of thumb with the Party, anything that competes with the Party for societal control is probably illegal or "erased". Religion, individual people being TOO popular... that sort of thing...
Nice job, as always, Chuck. I would de-emphasize the shoulder decoration on the Officer. They may be the Nazis of Chartered Space but there is also a very egalitatian thrust in Solomani ideology which would remove such fancy dress...even for an Officer.
I wouldn't go for the nautical look, I would rather go for emphasizes militarism, that being sleek and stealth like. For inspiration, I always fall back to the Cats & Rats cover of the two brush cut individuals or the Reformation Coalition's "black suit" (they couldn't have come with that look all their own and manufacture in in such quantities and given that the Imperium was also their Bete Noir...I always figured that they emerged from the Solomani remainants).
Don't know if your interested in my opinion but here it is. For the officer I would move the symbol from the left chest position to the front of the crown, above the visor on the hat. For the crew and marine I would make the symbol much smaller and move it to the shoulder/ upper arm junction (much like the US flag on our troops today). The symbols in their present locations, especially on the crewman and marine present too much of a "bulls-eye" pattern for enemy to aim at. IMO
The Marine in the example is in "off" mode, and in "on" mode the chameleon layer of the suit blurs it to camoflage...

As far as the crewman goes, the Sol symbol is big so they think about it all the time!

It actually is supposed to be smaller, like the officer one...