Interesting. I think TTB is the best version of the CT rules.
Although, I do like Pulse Lasers and Range Band space combat from Starter Traveller.
TTB has a lot of needed rules not in other editions of the game, like cover and concealment.
My own take:
1. Yes, there are omissions from some editions of the rules (like the double roll of pulse beams). Which is why I sometimes reference the errata. (That the Errata is some sort of suspect nemesis by some people is one of the weirder things that has happened in the last few days.) In general I happily add rules in that were dropped from a given printing.
2. Yes, the Range Band space combat from ST is good. There is also an abbreviated, non-miniatue version of space combat found in the 1977 edition.
3. Cover and concealment can be added by the Referee has needed. This is especially clear in the face of, for example, cover, since not all,cover is ov the same value. The fact is the Referee of the early editions of Traveller was expected to come up with Throws and DMs for different situations all the time. Even the Special Consideratiins list, as handy as it is, can only be considered a guideline for the infinite number of other situations the Referee might have to adjudicate.
4. The text in
The Traveller Book is full of half-conceived explanations and phrasing so that grind against other portions of the text that make a reader need to do gymnastics or selectively choose which reality of the meaning he is going to advocate for.
The earlier editions, while not spelling everything out, don't require so many mental gymnastics. There are gaps, yes. But there gaps are easy to fill in with details found elsewhere or blunt common sense.
For this reason, I find the text of the earlier editions much better. Armed with the Errata I can fill in dropped details like pulse laser damage and missile speeds and a few other matters.