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CT Only: Consequences of characteristics lowered due to combat

Thank you, Axe. That is convincing. I didn't like what I was writing above about this, but that's what I saw on the page. I wasn't going with what I liked or wished the rules said. I was going with that they literally said.

This section that you've found alters the meaning of what I cited above.



As far as the First Blood rule, it is the first wound of each encounter/combat. I'll eventually find time to support it better. It seems to be a context solution. when I read the combat section as a whole, that's when I see the First Blood rule's application.

One thing to keep in mind, the errata was sometimes set by conversations/emails/message boards between Don and those in the immediate know.

Again, I'll get back to it eventually...

I say yes to all the points above.

6) Do healing times stack?

That is, if you need three days of healing, and you get into a fight and take more minor wounds, do you, do you now need six days of healing? (Three for the interupted days of for the first set (the rules make it clear the healing must be rest and an additional three for the new wounds?

I say yes.
Also, having read S4's posts of the past few days i am now convinced that anyone who wants to know how to play Basic Traveller should probably avoid The Traveller Book at all costs.
As far as the First Blood rule, it is the first wound of each encounter/combat.

I've always played it like that. But, looking coldly at the rules, it sure doesn't say that.

I'll eventually find time to support it better.

I'm ready to be corrected!

It seems to be a context solution. when I read the combat section as a whole, that's when I see the First Blood rule's application.

According to the examples (I just posted a new thread on it), I don't think anybody is playing the First Blood rule as intended.

Certainly not as written in the examples.

One thing to keep in mind, the errata was sometimes set by conversations/emails/message boards between Don and those in the immediate know.

I am very suspect of the errata. I do think it was viewed with glasses that already had a point of view.

Even with some of Marc's calls. It is well known that Marc doesn't use the rules as written when he plays. I wonder if he remembers intimately the details of a game he helped to create over 40 years ago.

So, I tend to disregard the errata.:)
Also, having read S4's posts of the past few days i am now convinced that anyone who wants to know how to play Basic Traveller should probably avoid The Traveller Book at all costs.

Interesting. I think TTB is the best version of the CT rules.

Although, I do like Pulse Lasers and Range Band space combat from Starter Traveller.

TTB has a lot of needed rules not in other editions of the game, like cover and concealment.
6) Do healing times stack?

That is, if you need three days of healing, and you get into a fight and take more minor wounds, do you, do you now need six days of healing? (Three for the interupted days of for the first set (the rules make it clear the healing must be rest and an additional three for the new wounds?

I say yes.

Healing time is based on the wound level, not on the total wounds taken.

If your character has stats 777777, and he is wounded to 757777. He has a Minor Wound.

If he hasn't healed two days later, then gets wounded again so that his stats are 751777, then he still has a Minor Wound.

Minor Wounds are healed naturally with three days of rest or 30 minutes with a character who has Medical-1 or better (and medical supplies!).

If, on the next day, the character is wounded again so that his stats are 720777, then he is rendered unconscious for 10 minutes, and when he awakes, he has a Minor Wound with stats at 743777.

It's still only a Minor Wound.

If, the poor bastard on the next day is wounded again so that his stats are 003777, now his wound status changes, and it takes longer for him to heal.

He now has a Serious Wound.
I am very suspect of the errata. I do think it was viewed with glasses that already had a point of view.

Even with some of Marc's calls. It is well known that Marc doesn't use the rules as written when he plays. I wonder if he remembers intimately the details of a game he helped to create over 40 years ago.

There are plenty of hard number corrections that makes it very useful, however.
Interesting. I think TTB is the best version of the CT rules.

Although, I do like Pulse Lasers and Range Band space combat from Starter Traveller.

TTB has a lot of needed rules not in other editions of the game, like cover and concealment.

My own take:

1. Yes, there are omissions from some editions of the rules (like the double roll of pulse beams). Which is why I sometimes reference the errata. (That the Errata is some sort of suspect nemesis by some people is one of the weirder things that has happened in the last few days.) In general I happily add rules in that were dropped from a given printing.

2. Yes, the Range Band space combat from ST is good. There is also an abbreviated, non-miniatue version of space combat found in the 1977 edition.

3. Cover and concealment can be added by the Referee has needed. This is especially clear in the face of, for example, cover, since not all,cover is ov the same value. The fact is the Referee of the early editions of Traveller was expected to come up with Throws and DMs for different situations all the time. Even the Special Consideratiins list, as handy as it is, can only be considered a guideline for the infinite number of other situations the Referee might have to adjudicate.

4. The text in The Traveller Book is full of half-conceived explanations and phrasing so that grind against other portions of the text that make a reader need to do gymnastics or selectively choose which reality of the meaning he is going to advocate for.

The earlier editions, while not spelling everything out, don't require so many mental gymnastics. There are gaps, yes. But there gaps are easy to fill in with details found elsewhere or blunt common sense.

For this reason, I find the text of the earlier editions much better. Armed with the Errata I can fill in dropped details like pulse laser damage and missile speeds and a few other matters.
For this reason, I find the text of the earlier editions much better. Armed with the Errata I can fill in dropped details like pulse laser damage and missile speeds and a few other matters.

What I have to say is this: I love Classic Traveller, and I pretty much like any version of CT. They're all good.

There's so many little details that conflict with the various versions that it invites a Ref to change, morph, adapt the game to his own tastes.

How I play the game, and how you play it, may be a tad different, but we both love the same game in general.

If I were on a desert island, I'd be happy to be stuck with any of the CT versions.