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consequences of Power Loss in combat

Our group uses MgT 2E. I've been itching to play some space combat, but there are a few sets of dots that I cannot seem to connect. One topic of confusion is what happens when a ship's power plant output drops below the system load due to a critical hit.

Let's say a ship is in combat, its power plant has suffered a couple of critical hits, and the power output is less than the power requirements of the online systems. Is/are there rule(s) for how this affects the ship's systems? I mean, obviously, there should be some negative consequence and I can "house rule" if this is a gap. But I first want to know if I'm missing an existing answer. Sometimes that happens.

The Core Rulebook has a section for "Running Out of Power" on p.144, which boil down to reducing (or shutting off) power to various systems. In a combat situation, changing the power status requires an Engineer to perform an Offline System action (p. 160). This action requires a successful Engineer (Power) check. But no mention is made for what happens if this check fails.

So if the power plant output drops below the load requirements and the engineer fails the skill check, then what? Something has to give. Something is going to fail.

High Guard has some ideas for how to handle under-power situations on p. 16. But these seems more like quirky things that might happen is the plant is overloaded by a few points. Quirky doesn't seem like the right fit if the power plant is 20% overloaded.

P.S. Here are some ideas I am considering. Please tell something like these already exists.

* roll on the "Critical Hits Location" table and shut down the system indicated; continue until the power load drops below the current power output capacity
* require any system being used to pass some kind of power check, where failure results in a consequence: maybe thrust fails, sensors lose their locks, weapons misfire
* require systems to pass a power check as previous, and failure causes the system to take a critical hit and it powers off