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Consolodated Equipment list posted

Originally posted by PVernon:
A question for someone how has the T20 Epic adventures. Do any of them incude any new equipment?
No I don't think any of them do now that I think about it. Deckplans yes, new equipment no.

Thank you for the info. One less group of books to go through for this project.

And realy noware neer done yet. Lots of scaner artifacts still to be found and removed. Lots of CT third party stuff to be gone through that I just don't have etc, etc, etc.
Quote: "No I don't think any of them do now that I think about it. Deckplans yes, new equipment no."

EA-5, Scout Cruiser has a 50vl IISS mini-probe for data gathering in space.

EA-6 - when it comes out, has various tracked tanks for the mercenary ticket as well as weapon packs for the 30 ton slow boat design that has been converted to an "assault boat".

EA-3 has various submarines and ships for this water-borne adventure.

So there are new vehicles but not a lot of new equipment. The list of equipment in the players handbook is very comprehensive however.
Epic Adventures 1 & 2 list survival kits, etc., which Peter is trying to work into the equipment list. Problem is, many of the items have not appeared elsewhere (to our knowledge) and Peter would like official stats (if any) for the list.

Questions that come to mind are: What are TL12 water purification tablets? Fire-starting equipment -- flint and steel? matches? propane torch? How much does a blanket/poncho weigh? Is it like a space blanket, wool, heavy rubberized cotton, nylon and fiberfill? What's the calibre of a survival rifle? It includes shot and shell -- is it over/under or do both types of rounds chamber in the same barrel? What's in a personal field kit? What kind of rations -- canned, tinned, freeze-dried, energy bars, bricks of pseudofood? How big is a bulk water container and what kind of filter is included with them? Is it part of the container or a canvas bag with a funnel? What are the stats for an emergency radio distress beacon?


Thanks. :cool:

The lists as they appear in the two adventures follow:

Suggested contents of the Ship ’s Locker include:
Survival Kit,Personal – A small backpack or belt pack containing personal survival equipment.There should be one per crewmember plus a couple of spares. Contents include:
Small knife
Fire-starting equipment
4 days ’ preserved rations
Water bottle
Light cord or string
Water purification tablets
Survival manual

Survival Kit,Vehicle – A standard kit carried aboard lifeboats,vehicles and starships,the Vehicle Survival Kit designed to equip 4 people.Imperial Law requires that all spacegoing vessels include one kit per 4 passengers or crew.The one aboard the Barn has probably been pillaged several times to deal with minor emergencies and may lack much of its listed contents at the Referee's discretion.Contents include:

1 Survival Rifle,plus 50 rounds shot and 50 ball
1 Hatchet
1 Field Medical Kit
4 Personal Survival Kit
4 Field Kit,Personal
4 Sets/Emergency Cold Weather Clothing
4 Combination Masks plus extra filters
Field Rations for 60 person-days (15 days for 4 people)
4 Bulk water storage containers with filters
1 Water Purification Kit
2 Pressure Tent

Arms and Protective Equipment:
1 Snub Revolver
1 Shotgun
3 Blade
8 Combination Mask
8 Life-Support Mask
Assorted Vac Suit Spares
1 Standard TL 12 Vac suit per crewmember

The Locker also includes slings,holsters and a few dozen rounds of ammunition for the two guns.

Survival and Emergency Equipment:
Rescue Balls (Located throughout the vessel)
Emergency Softsuits:(1 per duty station,8 spares in Locker)
1 Portable Airlock
Emergency Bulkhead Patches
4 Emergency Radio Distress Beacons
Tools and Other Equipment:
Electronic Toolkit (Originally quite comprehensive)
Mechanical Toolkit (Originally quite comprehensive)
So how exactly do we reward these fine folks?

This is excellent work. If it got rounded out and printed, I might even buy a copy! (though electronic form, that can be added to is better!)
The Consolidated Equipment List ver 0.72 has been posted at:

Also some very nice deckplans for Peter's design of a spherical Type A Free Trader.

Follow the links under "Latest Updates".
Take a look on the right side you will see book and page references. How to read my code is on page 2 of the list.

I have a problem!!!!!!!

The history of my equipment list seems to indicate that I post the new version some time in December with actual work beginng durring the summer. OK it summer, time to do some work... I had a disk crash in January the original was on it and I can not find a backup copy!!!!

So does any one know of a PDF to Excel (or any other spreadsheet) progam that actualy works? Please if you know of one that works please let me know.
The only thing that comes to mind would be whether Acrobat Professional can do it. That would be the only way I know of, and I don't know for sure whether it can export or not. The Reader version doesn't.
Just curious, what do other Refs (and non Munchin players can also respond) allow for Personal Equipment for a bunch of low level free traders?

Equipment can be culled from any version Traveller as it is circa 1115 (sans Rebellion).

Not so much in terms of what will fill a Ship's Locker (which I know already) but the personal stuff that makes life interesting.

As I have to go the route of pre-gen and don't want to waste time by having the characters buy their own things.

[hoped this is not viewed as a hijack thread attempt, but it seemed only logical to place it here]
Typically, I start PC's with the following free:
Soc stat in outfits of clothing
Identity Documents
Sufficient luggage for same

I would presume each PC should have the following by "type":
Engineer/maintenance/electronics: Toolkit of appropriate type
Computer Geek (Comp 2+): Hand Comp
Most anyone: Commdots and Multiplexer, if only for on ship use.
Skilled with weapons: One ranged and one melee sidearm for anyone skilled with one.
Gunbunny: One weapon for each skill known. Cloth or better, possibly Combat Armor if Vacc Suit 1+
Linguistics: CLT with clips for known languages.
Doctor: Medical Kit, Field Surgical Kit.
Ex-military Uniforms: 1 mess dress, 1 service dress, 2 office, 2 field, 2 dungaree, 2 more of choice from (Field, office, dungaree), 1 PT, one casual if Navy/Marine, one Vacc Suit Liner if Navy/Marine
Anyone skilled in vacc suit: Vacc Suit Liner/LDVS, soft bubble helmet, and PLSS. Possibly also a full vacc suit.
I like the idea of Soc = No. of outfits, Aramis, thanks for that.

I think Peter was hoping for an update on the possibility of PDF to Excel conversion though, to recover his lost spreadsheet.
To excell, no. To text/HTML, several.
Have one that made a decent job of the T&T7 rules....

Don't recall which one, butit was a unix util.
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