Ep 3: Icelands and the Running Man.
This session actually took place before the previous sessions, and being someone else's game also happened in an Alternate Reality. We still played the same characters.
If I recall, there was my monk, the Elven Wizard/Thief, Wayne the Cleric, and one other (whom I forget - possibly a Barbarian). The party has journeyed to a frozen land with Vikings walking around making arses of themselves.
We look into the standard the dungeon setting - forgotten tombs near the city/town. We explore, find monsters, conquer. Big deal.
At this point, Wayne the Cleric was pissing off everybody, not just me. He has the "schnict!" syndrome - that is, every time he gets confronted by the long arm of the law, or some old guy that's asking for directions, he (the player) says "schnict!" (supposedly the sound a sword makes when it gets drawn - ironic, considering Wayne wasn't armed with a sword) and attempts to teach the offender some "manners". Another word for it is munchkin.
Anyway, Wayne is bemoaning how we never get any magical items as treasure when we adventure. The DM asks Wayne what sort of magical trasure he would like. Wayne says boots of speed. Wayne then trips over, looks at what caused him to fall, and lo and behold there's a pair of fancy looking boots with an aura of greatness about them. Wayne immediately claims ownership, and threatens bodily harm upon any who would attempt to steal the trasure away from him. We all kinda collectively roll our eyes and carry on.
We get back to town and are about to divy up the treasure we got from the tombs. Wayne feels this is an excellent time to try out his new sneakers. He doesn't bother getting the boots identified. There's a Wizard in the party who could do this for free, but no - there's no need, you see, because Wayne knows they're boots of speed.
He puts them on. He immediately starts running. The party looks up from whatever we were doing to catch the last glimpse of Wayne sprinting out of town, yelping all the way. (ok not really. I'm using my imagination here)
Now here's the kicker. Wayne could've attempted to somehow jump out of his boots. Anyone with a brain could tell that the boots were cursed, and the DM was waving his finger at Wayne. "Be careful what you wish for" and all that.
But no, Wayne is convinced that the boots are "leading" him to an even greater treasure hoard, so he decides to do nothing. The DM was even giving him a chance to get out of the boots, but no Wayne is insistent; he's being led, after all, to riches and power.
They lead him alright, right into the freezing sea. Wayne becomes a popsicle and the rest of us burst out laughing.
This session actually took place before the previous sessions, and being someone else's game also happened in an Alternate Reality. We still played the same characters.
If I recall, there was my monk, the Elven Wizard/Thief, Wayne the Cleric, and one other (whom I forget - possibly a Barbarian). The party has journeyed to a frozen land with Vikings walking around making arses of themselves.
We look into the standard the dungeon setting - forgotten tombs near the city/town. We explore, find monsters, conquer. Big deal.
At this point, Wayne the Cleric was pissing off everybody, not just me. He has the "schnict!" syndrome - that is, every time he gets confronted by the long arm of the law, or some old guy that's asking for directions, he (the player) says "schnict!" (supposedly the sound a sword makes when it gets drawn - ironic, considering Wayne wasn't armed with a sword) and attempts to teach the offender some "manners". Another word for it is munchkin.
Anyway, Wayne is bemoaning how we never get any magical items as treasure when we adventure. The DM asks Wayne what sort of magical trasure he would like. Wayne says boots of speed. Wayne then trips over, looks at what caused him to fall, and lo and behold there's a pair of fancy looking boots with an aura of greatness about them. Wayne immediately claims ownership, and threatens bodily harm upon any who would attempt to steal the trasure away from him. We all kinda collectively roll our eyes and carry on.
We get back to town and are about to divy up the treasure we got from the tombs. Wayne feels this is an excellent time to try out his new sneakers. He doesn't bother getting the boots identified. There's a Wizard in the party who could do this for free, but no - there's no need, you see, because Wayne knows they're boots of speed.
He puts them on. He immediately starts running. The party looks up from whatever we were doing to catch the last glimpse of Wayne sprinting out of town, yelping all the way. (ok not really. I'm using my imagination here)
Now here's the kicker. Wayne could've attempted to somehow jump out of his boots. Anyone with a brain could tell that the boots were cursed, and the DM was waving his finger at Wayne. "Be careful what you wish for" and all that.
But no, Wayne is convinced that the boots are "leading" him to an even greater treasure hoard, so he decides to do nothing. The DM was even giving him a chance to get out of the boots, but no Wayne is insistent; he's being led, after all, to riches and power.
They lead him alright, right into the freezing sea. Wayne becomes a popsicle and the rest of us burst out laughing.