On the topic of unbelievable dice rolls and cool sceens:
Game System: Top Secret
Setting: PCs on roof of hotel/apartment building taking fire(and hits!!) from a sniper.
PC #1: I peak up to see where the shots are coming from.
Ref.: Roof top across the street, one building over maybe 50 yards away.
PC #1: I stand up and fire a three round burst at the sniper using my MP40.
Ref.: Supression Fire?
PC #1: No, I am aiming to hit.
Ref.: OK, roll you shots.
Dice: 7, 20,19.
Ref.: Ok roll for hit location(70% cover, so hit to leg etc. automatic miss.)
Dice: Head shot(for the critical sucess roll) and Throat.
Ref. and other PCs: Impossible.
Result: Never went anywhere w/o that damn Schmiesser, even claimed his Traveller(CT) character's SMG was based off that weapon! And he Never missed, except when that Rat-Bastard of a Ref.(me)ruled he could not sneak his beloved SMG through the check points.
Game System: Top Secret
Setting: PCs on roof of hotel/apartment building taking fire(and hits!!) from a sniper.
PC #1: I peak up to see where the shots are coming from.
Ref.: Roof top across the street, one building over maybe 50 yards away.
PC #1: I stand up and fire a three round burst at the sniper using my MP40.
Ref.: Supression Fire?
PC #1: No, I am aiming to hit.
Ref.: OK, roll you shots.
Dice: 7, 20,19.
Ref.: Ok roll for hit location(70% cover, so hit to leg etc. automatic miss.)
Dice: Head shot(for the critical sucess roll) and Throat.
Ref. and other PCs: Impossible.
Result: Never went anywhere w/o that damn Schmiesser, even claimed his Traveller(CT) character's SMG was based off that weapon! And he Never missed, except when that Rat-Bastard of a Ref.(me)ruled he could not sneak his beloved SMG through the check points.