The others were experienced Classic Traveller players who did much as you describe your RC players.
CT players are morally bankrupt, quid pro quo.
btw, as one GM who was running the Brave New World to another, I remembered something that might come in handy to you:
IMTU, the Hivers (warning, I really hate them) are not really helping out the RC. It's a scam, just like everything the Hivers do. In fact, the nature of Hiver worldview means they can't do anything BUT scam and manipulate people. The only reason why we believe they have some sort of long-view is because Nilsen told us in the "word of god" writing style.
A Hivers? A race built upon a bedrock of mistrust, passive-aggression, doubting everyone around, and finally titantic self-absorption? They can't be altruistic and I doubt they could really see that far.
The actual Hiver Technical Mission isn't a technical mission at all. It's that during the Hiver rebuilding ... using "tamed" viruses to defend their computer systems, something went terribly wrong. The virus broke free of its shackles (probably not on their own but because of some short-sighted Hiver "manpulation" or "experiment" by some Hiver) and turned on the slavelords.
The "rebuilding" Hive Federation is a lie. The "Hiver Technical Mission" that claims to represent the Hive Federation to the RC consists of a few hundred Hivers and their client races who basically came back from an expedition, saw what was happening, grabbed whatever they could from the shelves of the nearest warehouse (so to speak) and high-tailed it out of the Hiver worlds. They don't know what's happening to the Hive Federation, but from what they saw before they left, it can't be good.
Instead, they've decided to manipulate (since that's all they can do) some group of rebuilding humans. It's true that the Hivers do have TL13 goods - but they're not bringing it from the Hive Federation that can make more. What they have on their ships is all they have. Hivers are good at lying, if nothing else, and so they concocted the story that they're rebuilding too so they don't really have much resources to spare, a story that sounds sort of plausible on the surface. Inquiry into how come the Hivers have sufficient ships to spare to create a trade route while only being able to ship in a pitiful trickle of goods is something they discourage, again via manipulation. However, this careful doling out of goods and knowledge to create goodwill (and hopefully dependence) towards them is all part of the Hiver plan.
The Hiver goal in the RC is simple: They want to settle down, getting land ceded to them by one of the RC member worlds where they can create a sustainable population base. The humans of the RC will more or less become their client race - they won't run the RC, the Hivers are (trying to be) content to as advisers and teachers, wise men with gifts from afar. In return, they'll ride the coattails of the recovering RC to live technological lives of (relative) comfort and ease, protected by the armies of the humans, for the investment of a few ships and lots of time setting up technical schools (something that in reality humans could have done themselves).
The Hivers are aware that eventually someone will win the virus vs. Hivers war in the Hive Federation. What happens then is something they're already setting up the groundwork for. Of course, they can't just "tell the truth" -- that's simply impossible as a physiological level for the Hivers who must manipulate. Their immediate goal is to make the RC strong enough to hopefully weather an assault if the Virus proves to be victorious out there. In addition, the Hivers cannot help but manipulate. An increasing number are going to seek to make the RC their client state, and the humans, their Guervin. They're already doing it - the "technical advisors" they keep sending with RC missions are basically Hivers setting up their own "herd" of human thralls - given the energy, drive, and intelligence of RC exploratory teams (as well as their romantic image), they're sure to become leaders in the RC in a few decades - and that's when the Hiver "old buddy" who traveled with them "back in the day" will be there with "observations" and "suggestions"...