The format I use lists the mainworld first, then the rotation period giving an idea of how long its day is, then I list the highest orbit number, and then I list the orbit distances from the primary, which is a bell curve random function that i programmed into my calculator that average around the standard orbit distances listed in the classic Traveller Supplement Scouts, one of the orbits is always the habitable zone, which is basically the square root of the star's luminosity in Solars expressed in A.U., then I list how many Empty orbits followed by the orbits that are empty. I count how many empty orbits there are and asteroid belts and gas giants and add them up and if the result is less than the maximum orbit number, the difference is how many non-gas giant planets their are.
I list how many asteroid belts, and the orbits of each. I list how many Gas Giants, I list the Gas Giant types with their sizes in kilometers, and underneath I list the gas giant orbits.
After all that, I list the mainworld's satellites and express their UPP, then below that I list the star's characteristics, type, luminosity, size and mass, its habitable zone, and the orbital period of the main world that is assumed to be in the habitable zone.
If I'm going to do a New Era Pocket empire, some adjustments have to be made.
This pocket empire centers on Earth, it is balkanized and has a population of 7 billion people. The nations are as follows
There are 11 countries on old Terra, or Earth as the inhabitants now call it. Each country speaks the same language, but they have different regional accents. Here are the Nations of Earth.
North America (The continent minus California and Mexico, and Cuba)
Mexafornia (California, Mexico, Central America and Columbia)
Brazilia (Northern South America includes the west coast and Andies but not Columbia)
Argentchile (Argentinia Chile and any other South American countries I haven't mentioned yet.
Carribeia (The Carribean minus Cuba)
Mediterreania (Coincides mostly with the borders of the Ancient Roman Empire (North Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle East)
Northern Europe (North of Mediterreania, includes Scandinavia, the Baltics, Poland, Ukraine and other slavic countries reaching as far south as Romania)
Eurasia (The borders of the Old Soviet Union and Mongolia)
East Asia (China, Indonesia, Korea, Indochina)
Austro-Pacifica (Australia, Antarctica, Japan, and most of the Pacific Ocean)
Africa (Africa South of the Sahara Desert, includes Madagascar)
In addition we have Lagrangia 4, Luna, and Lagrangia 5 which are seperate nations unto themselves.
The Martian Republic or more commonly Mars, brings the number of Nations in the Solar System up to 15. Mars has a thin but breathable atmosphere due to terraforming which occurred prior to the Virus. The rest of the Solar System consists of outposts run by the various 15 nations in the Solar System, Each Nation has its own seperate Starport, they build their own star ships which go as high as Tech Level 11 or Jump-2 drives. Higher number jump drives have to be imported from out of system. Most of the itens for sale here are no higher than tech level 11, althoug their are some relecs and imported items of higher tech levels.