I was thinking about a few "rules of a thumb" regarding personal improvement and skill progression in Classic Traveller.
First, the question should be asked: How do you learn "skills" in real-life? It seems to me that there are 5 general categories of such learning:
1) Direct experience
2) Self-education through manulas/books/vids (and in TL8+, VR).
3) One-on-one instruction/teaching.
4) A course or class in a specific subject (one teacher per several students, as opposed to 3).
5) A wide education (i.e. most academic studies - they teach you several distinct subjects plus "general knowledge" AKA EDU).
The Instruction skill (LBB4 pp.13-14) covers 3 very well; 2 and 4 could be extrapolated from it by giving the book/tape or teacher a level in the skill and in Instruction, and increasing the learning times. 5 is similar to the "college" and "medical school" described on LBB5. The real question is how to fit 1 in while keeping it in line with CharGen learning rates.
First, the question should be asked: How do you learn "skills" in real-life? It seems to me that there are 5 general categories of such learning:
1) Direct experience
2) Self-education through manulas/books/vids (and in TL8+, VR).
3) One-on-one instruction/teaching.
4) A course or class in a specific subject (one teacher per several students, as opposed to 3).
5) A wide education (i.e. most academic studies - they teach you several distinct subjects plus "general knowledge" AKA EDU).
The Instruction skill (LBB4 pp.13-14) covers 3 very well; 2 and 4 could be extrapolated from it by giving the book/tape or teacher a level in the skill and in Instruction, and increasing the learning times. 5 is similar to the "college" and "medical school" described on LBB5. The real question is how to fit 1 in while keeping it in line with CharGen learning rates.