What skills would you give law enforcement officers in a mostly TL 7-10 game? There are municipality, Planetary, System, and InterSystem issues to deal with. Close by areas have TLs up to 14.
in a mostly TL 7-10 game? ... Close by areas have TLs up to 14.
CT: Brawling, Legal, maybe streewise, liaison, intrusion, and admin, depending upon nature of duty. Forensic if a detective.
Definitely streetwise for undercover officers
What do you think about rank systems that require a skill before a rank (Streetwise before getting an Undercover promotion), etc?
Or is it better to just automatically give skills to people filling that role?
Definitely streetwise for undercover officers
give? nevah! have 'em earn it through role-play.
Depends upon where they're undercover. White collar undercover isn't streetwise as much as persuasion.
Carousing with a specialty in donut eating and drinking coffee... :coffeesip:
Between Worlds #1 had a CT basic chargen article for police/detectives.
Freelance Traveller #47 had a CT basic chargen article for investigators.
Freelance Traveller #54/55 had a CT/MT chargen article for law enforcement.
Freelance Traveller #57 had one for TNE.
Freelance Traveller #58 had one for MT.
Freelance Traveller #62/63 had an MT one for Ministry of Justice.
There's also intelligence career ones also. Just search the RPGGeek article database using 'character generation'.