This career is my version of the Classic Traveller port of Mongoose Traveller's Scavenger career.
Enlistment 6+, DM +1 if Str 6+, +2 if Int 7+
Survival 7+, +2 if Dex 9+
Position 6+, +1 if Int 9+
Promotion 9+, +1 if Str 8+
Reenlist 5+ (originally 4+ but that seems a bit too easy.)
Personal Development Skills: 1.) +1 Str, 2.) +1 Dex, 3.) +1 End, 4.) +1 Int, 5.) Streetwise, 6.) Gamble
Service Skills: 1.) Vacsuit, 2.) Recon, 3.) Mechanic, 4.) Streetwise, 5.) Vehicle, 6.) Electronics
Education Skills: 1.) Survival, 2.) Mechanic, 3.) Carouse, 4.) Gun Combat, 5.) Demolitions, 6.) JoT
Advanced Education Skills: 1.) Astrogate, 2.) Medical, 3.) Pilot, 4.) Computer, 5.) Engineer, 6.) Forgery
Rank 1: Apprentice, Rank 2: Scavenger, Rank 3: (not named), Rank 4: Master, Rank 5: (not named), Rank 6: Legend
Automatic Skill: Enlistmen, Mechanic; Rank 4 Pilot (OR Streetwise at GM's discretion)
Material: 1.) Low Passage, 2.) +1 Int, 3.) Weapon, 4.) Mid Passage, 5.) High Passage, 6.) TAS Membership [NOT a TAS member's hip!]
Cash: 1.) 1000 Cr, 2.) 2000 Cr, 3.) 5000 Cr, 4.) 10000 Cr, 5.) 20000 Cr, 6.) 30000 Cr, 7.) 100,000 Cr
Scavengers may, at GM's discretion, begin at 13, 14, 15, 16 or 17 years old instead of at 18. Upon mustering out, player may switch low, middle or high passage for any piece of non-weapon, non-ship piece of equipment, such as a hand computer, toolkit or vacsuit. At GM's discretion, the cascade skill of "Vehicle" may include Vacsuit or Ship's Boat, and the cascade skill of "gun combat" may include melee combat and brawling. In addition, a character may take a level of Broker in place of Streewise on the Career Skills table or JoT on the Education table (and may still take either Streetwise or JoT if the result is rolled again), or if available, the skill of Scrounging taken instead of Carouse, Streetwise or Electronics/Mechanic, though the skills replaced may also be taken if the result is taken again.
The original game method of scavenging is to use Carouse or Streetwise to find parts or places to scavenge, and use Mechanic, Electronics or Engineer to the actual identification and scrounging of the parts.
Scavengers are those who pick over the remains of battlefields, old cities and the leavings of civilization to gain parts and other things that, even though discarded, may still be valuable. Many youths take up this career because of either crushing poverty or lack of other options (most don't make it, but your characters are "quote special unquote"). Even though there is no scavenger's guild as such, many of the more experienced, or at least more sensible, scavengers often group together in crews, thus creating organizations with rank. Indeed, there are a few crews that have gone on for generations, raising their children to be scavengers and wandering the cosmos in search of the next big score.
However, given their nomadic lifestyle, scavengers are not eligible for retirement pay (and good luck collecting it in any case).
Enlistment 6+, DM +1 if Str 6+, +2 if Int 7+
Survival 7+, +2 if Dex 9+
Position 6+, +1 if Int 9+
Promotion 9+, +1 if Str 8+
Reenlist 5+ (originally 4+ but that seems a bit too easy.)
Personal Development Skills: 1.) +1 Str, 2.) +1 Dex, 3.) +1 End, 4.) +1 Int, 5.) Streetwise, 6.) Gamble
Service Skills: 1.) Vacsuit, 2.) Recon, 3.) Mechanic, 4.) Streetwise, 5.) Vehicle, 6.) Electronics
Education Skills: 1.) Survival, 2.) Mechanic, 3.) Carouse, 4.) Gun Combat, 5.) Demolitions, 6.) JoT
Advanced Education Skills: 1.) Astrogate, 2.) Medical, 3.) Pilot, 4.) Computer, 5.) Engineer, 6.) Forgery
Rank 1: Apprentice, Rank 2: Scavenger, Rank 3: (not named), Rank 4: Master, Rank 5: (not named), Rank 6: Legend
Automatic Skill: Enlistmen, Mechanic; Rank 4 Pilot (OR Streetwise at GM's discretion)
Material: 1.) Low Passage, 2.) +1 Int, 3.) Weapon, 4.) Mid Passage, 5.) High Passage, 6.) TAS Membership [NOT a TAS member's hip!]
Cash: 1.) 1000 Cr, 2.) 2000 Cr, 3.) 5000 Cr, 4.) 10000 Cr, 5.) 20000 Cr, 6.) 30000 Cr, 7.) 100,000 Cr
Scavengers may, at GM's discretion, begin at 13, 14, 15, 16 or 17 years old instead of at 18. Upon mustering out, player may switch low, middle or high passage for any piece of non-weapon, non-ship piece of equipment, such as a hand computer, toolkit or vacsuit. At GM's discretion, the cascade skill of "Vehicle" may include Vacsuit or Ship's Boat, and the cascade skill of "gun combat" may include melee combat and brawling. In addition, a character may take a level of Broker in place of Streewise on the Career Skills table or JoT on the Education table (and may still take either Streetwise or JoT if the result is rolled again), or if available, the skill of Scrounging taken instead of Carouse, Streetwise or Electronics/Mechanic, though the skills replaced may also be taken if the result is taken again.
The original game method of scavenging is to use Carouse or Streetwise to find parts or places to scavenge, and use Mechanic, Electronics or Engineer to the actual identification and scrounging of the parts.
Scavengers are those who pick over the remains of battlefields, old cities and the leavings of civilization to gain parts and other things that, even though discarded, may still be valuable. Many youths take up this career because of either crushing poverty or lack of other options (most don't make it, but your characters are "quote special unquote"). Even though there is no scavenger's guild as such, many of the more experienced, or at least more sensible, scavengers often group together in crews, thus creating organizations with rank. Indeed, there are a few crews that have gone on for generations, raising their children to be scavengers and wandering the cosmos in search of the next big score.
However, given their nomadic lifestyle, scavengers are not eligible for retirement pay (and good luck collecting it in any case).
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