This paradoxically means that partially-streamlined ships need more maneuver drive capability to skim gas giants (just an observation).
Unstreamlined, Streamlined, Airframe.Should have been more clear, I meant forms streamlined, close structure Etc. etc..
I would like:
1) Partial armor - only armoring those parts of the ship you think =need= protecting. This would, of course, require a hit location system, so....
2) Individualized hit location charts, so each ship is unique. It'd require some calculations, but only in ship construction.
Again which model do you want to use?3) Higher/lower-tech components: building on a TL-14 world, but using a TL-12 hull, a TL-15 powerplant, a TL-12 jump drive, a TL-11 maneuver drive, TL-13 weapons, and TL-14 electronics and controls. Rules for changes in prices, build times, and maintenance requirements, of course.
I use (house rule) a calculation that takes percentages of a ship's components and converts them to a 2d6 hit location roll, with a further 1d6 roll for the specific component, if needed.Ok, you have a particular model you like? Dice mechanic?
Again which model do you want to use?
I use (house rule) a calculation that takes percentages of a ship's components and converts them to a 2d6 hit location roll, with a further 1d6 roll for the specific component, if needed.
I have done things along those lines as well. Though I tend to kinda ignore TL specifics when it comes to ships, especially ships with standard drives. In that I assume and Yard that can produce ships has access to the larger market for drives.Foe different TL components I (house rule, again) say that lower-TL components are cheaper and reduce the maintenance cost by a percentage based on the TL difference, and higher-TL components do the opposite.
T5's ship sheet uses the 2D6 + D6 distribution, using tonnage generally but also decision-making for placing components. Thus how hittable things are greatly dependent on how you rank them.
For smaller ships (to 900 tons), some of the elements are fixed in place on the 2D distribution; however, the D6 distribution is based on percentage of hull. So a smaller bridge is still harder to hit... a 20 ton bridge is only one slot.
I believe Golan2072 also had his own set of options for Book 2 ships. I quite liked those.CT+ SHIPS
I start here. Remove things until it fits:
Book 2 Plus
Attached. This has additions that lets me build most of the classic Traveller small starships, and a couple of rules adjustments that I think have been badly
a more accurate correction: drives hits are flat rate per Ton-Displacement.Tons per hit is in MT, but only used in the vehicle combat system IIRC, not space combat.
Many existing power sources have limited ranges of operation, but few are ALL/None - the only ones I can think of are diamond batteries, metal-air batteries (mostly because the needed air to initiate the process is also the operational flow for maximal life; One could push them harder...), and themopiles; all of them are keyed to specific rates and have maximum safe cell sizes... diamond batteries are tiny but very long discharge...(Or, perhaps, that powerplants in general can't be operated for long at anything other than full power or idle -- transitions between those conditions have to be done promptly, and yet take 20 minutes per Pn up or down.)
Design ratings. Not used in MTHG... but the vehicle combat and personal combat do.Where does it say MT has hits per ton? The combat system in the ref's book is High Guard converted to the task system. If you use the personal combat/vehicle combat resolution option then the weapons have a pen and damage.
The problem is that CT combat isn't really damage point based, it's "hit" or "not hit", or, "each hit is 1 point" whether it's from a laser or a missile.