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CT style char gen (long)


I'm looking for constructive criticism on a CT style char gen I'm working on. Here is what I have so far.

CT/MT style character generation for TNE

Generate the eight basic characteristics using: 2D-1; Str, Agl, Con, Int, Edu, Chr, Psi *, Soc.
Psi is normally 0, until tested at a Psionic Institute. (See TNE rulebook, chapter 4, page 245, Psionics for details)


All schooling is for one term each, except for Graduate University, which may be taken for as many terms as the character wants. Schooling does NOT count towards a characters mustering out benefits. Skills are listed as, Cluster Skills, Single Skills, and Cascades Skills.

Enlistment Restrictions
(Homeworld/Region and Prior Career)
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Undergraduate University Industrial+
Graduate University Industrial+, Undergrad
Law School Industrial+, Undergrad
Medical School Industrial+, Undergrad
Technical School Industrial+
Hiver Technical Academy Old Expanses
Flight Academy Ind+, Early Stellar+
Military Academy ModPop+, Ind+
</pre>[/QUOTE]Undergraduate University
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Admission 9+ DM +2 if Edu 9+
Success 7+ DM +2 if Int 8+
OTC 8+ DM +1 if Soc 8+
NOTC 9+ DM +1 if Soc 10+
Education 1d-2 DM +1 if Int 9+
Honors 10+ DM +1 if Int 10+ </pre>[/QUOTE]Honors Graduates receive Edu 10 or current Edu +1 whichever is greater.
Skills: (8 skills, no more that 3 levels in any one skill) Physical Science, Economics, Engineer, Social Science, Fine Arts, Computer, Language, and Leadership.

Graduate University
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Admission 9+ DM +2 if Edu 11+
Success 7+ DM +2 if Int 8+
Education 1d-3 DM +1 if Int 9+
Honors 10+ DM +1 if Int 11+</pre>[/QUOTE]Honors Graduates receive Edu +1.
Skills: (6 skill per term in any one specialty, plus 2 skills in any electives)
Specialties: Physical Science, Economics, Engineer, Social Science, Fine Arts, Computer, and Language.
Elective: Computer, Instruction, Language, and Leadership.
Any Specialty Skill of 4+ earns the character a Bachelors Degree, 6+ a Masters Degree, and 8+ earns a PhD in that skill.

Law School </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Admission 9+ DM +2 if Soc 11+
Success 7+ DM +2 if Int 8+
Honors 10+ DM +1 if Int 10+ </pre>[/QUOTE]Honors Graduates receive Edu +1.
Skills: (8 skills in the following) Admin/Legal, Interrogation, Observation, Persuasion, and Bargain

Medical School (pre: Skills: Biology 3+, Chemistry 2+) </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Admission 9+ DM +2 if Edu 10+
Success 8+ DM +2 if Edu 8+
Honors 11+ DM +1 if Edu 11+</pre>[/QUOTE]Skills: All graduates receive +1 Edu, Medical-3 and 4 skills in the following; Computer Operation, Medical, and Observation.
Honors graduates also receive +1 Medical and +1 Computer Operation.

Technical School </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Admission 9+ DM +2 if Edu 8+
Success 7+ DM +2 if Int 8+
Honors 10+ DM +1 if Int 10+ </pre>[/QUOTE]Honors Graduates receive Edu +1.
Skills: (6 skills in any of the following) Technician, Space Tech, Medical, Economics, Computer, Aircraft, and Vehicle.

Hiver Technical Academy </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Admission 9+ DM +2 if Edu 10+
Success 7+ DM +2 if Int 8+
Honors 10+ DM +1 if Int 10+ </pre>[/QUOTE]Honors Graduates receive Edu +1.
Skills: (4 skills from any one of the following skill clusters, plus 1 skill in each of the other clusters) Space Vessel, Space tech, Physical Science, Engineer, and Technician.

Flight Academy (Aviation, Navy, Marines, Scouts, Traders) </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Admission 10+ DM +2 if Soc 10+
Success 9+ DM +2 if Edu 8+
Education 1d-3 DM +1 if Int 9+
Honors 9+ DM +1 if Int 10+</pre>[/QUOTE]Skills: (4 skills, no more that 3 levels in any one skill, plus 4 service skills) Pilot, Space Vessel, and Leadership.
Service skills;
Aviation: Gun Combat, Aircraft, Vehicle, Physical Science, Determination, and Perception.
Navy: Gun Combat, Spacehand, Space Vessel, Space Tech, Tactics, and Determination.
Marines: Gun Combat, Armed Martial Arts (Large Blade), Melee, Spacehand, Heavy Weapons, Tactics, Determination, and Personal Transport.
Scouts: Spacehand, Space Vessel, Space Tech, Physical Science, Explore, Determination, and Gun Combat.
Traders: Interaction, Spacehand, Space Tech, Space Vessel, and Economics.

Military Academy (Army, Merchant Marine, Wet Navy) </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Admission 10+ DM +2 if Str 10+
Success 9+ DM +2 if Edu 8+
Education 1d-3 DM +1 if Int 9+
Honors 9+ DM +1 if Int 9+ </pre>[/QUOTE]Skills: (4 skills, no more that 3 levels in any one skill, plus pick a service and receive 4 service skills) Determination, Engineer, Interaction, Social Science, Space Tech, and Technician.
Service skills;
Army: Gun Combat, Explore, Heavy Weapons, Tactics, Determination, and Artillery.
Merchant Marine: Gun Combat, Explore, Vessel, Heavy Weapons, Economics, and Determination.
Wet Navy: Gun Combat, Vessel, Technician, Artillery, and Determination.

Basic Skill Eligibility </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
For initial term of service 6
Per subsequent term 3
Upon receiving commission 1
Upon receiving promotion 1
Upon receiving special duty 3 </pre>[/QUOTE]Note: If the throw (including DMs) for commission, promotion, or special duty is 4+ greater than the required throw, then two skills are received instead of one.

Background Skills
Characters receive 4 skills, with restriction for their Homeworld, in the following. </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Skill Atm Hyd Pop Law Tech
Acrobatics - - - - -
Act/Bluff - - - - -
Archery - - - 9- -
Armed Martial Arts - - - 9- -
Biology - - - - -
Chemistry - - - - -
Climbing - - - - -
Computer - - - - 6+
Disguise - - - - -
Electronics - - - - 4+
Environment Suit 0-3 - - - 6+
Farming 4-9 1+ - - -
Guard/Hunting Beast - - - - -
Ground Vehicle - - - - 4+
History - - - - -
Language - - - - -
Mechanic - - - - 4+
Muscle Transport - - - - -
Music - - - - -
Painting - - - - -
Pilot (Fixed Wing) 4+ - - - 4+
Pilot (Interface/Grav) - - - - 9+
Research - - - - -
Riding 4-9 - - - -
Sculpting - - - - -
Slug Weapon - - - 7- 4+
Small Watercraft 4-9 4+ - - -
Song - - - - -
Stealth - - - - -
Streetwise - - 4+ - -
Survival 4-9 - - - -
Swimming 4-9 1+ - - -
Thrown Weapons - - - - -
Tracking 4-9 - - - -
Unarmed Martial Arts - - - - -</pre>[/QUOTE]Muster Out Benefits
Per term of service 2
If rank 01 to 03 +1
If rank 04 to 06 +1
If rank 07 to 010 +1
Benefits table: DM+1 if rank 06+.
Cash table: DM+1 if retired (5+ terms in a single service) or Gambling-1+.

Retirement and Pensions
A character who completes his fifth (or later) term in a single service is considered retired after he musters out. He receives a pension equal to Cr2000 time the number of terms served.
Anagathics: Terms (during character generation) in which a character takes anagathics may not be counted toward retirement pay or mustering out benefits.
Enlistment Restrictions
(Homeworld/Region and Prior Career/Skills) </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Civilian Occupations
Athlete ModPop+
Attorney Law School
Barbarian PreInd-
Belter PreStlr+, Skill 1
Bounty Hunter n/a
Bureaucrat ModLaw+
Civil Engineer Master’s, Skill 2
Civil Pilot Ind+, Tech/Flight, Skill 3
Computer Operator PreStlr+, Tech/Univ, Skill 4
Construction Worker n/a
Corsair Early Stellar+
Criminal n/a
Diplomat ModPop+
Entertainer n/a
Farmer n/a
Hunter/Guide ThinAtm+, Regency
Journalist Industrial+, Univ
Law Enforcement LowLaw+, No Prison Terms
Manager Industrial+, Univ
Martial Artist n/a
Mechanic Industrial+
Medicine Industrial+, (Med)
Mercenary Military Career
Merchant Marine Ind+, ModPop+, Wet+
Prisoner Forced by Capture
Professor PhD
Psionic Researcher Regency, Med, PhD Biology
Rebel n/a
Scientist Ind+, PhD Physical Science
Scout Early Stlr+, (Univ/Flight)
Tough ModPop+
Trader Early Stlr+, (Flight)
Undercover Agent Industrial+
Wealthy Traveller Regency
Military Careers
Army Ind+, ModPop+, Thin+, (Univ/Acad)
Aviation Ind+, ModPop+, Thin+, (Univ/Flight)
Navy PreStlr+, ModPop+, (Univ/Flight)
Marines PreStlr+, ModPop+, (Univ/Acad)
Special Operations Military Career
Wet Navy Ind+, ModPop+, (Univ/Acad)</pre>[/QUOTE]Notes; Master’s: Master’s Degree from Graduate University; PhD: Doctorate from Graduate University; Med: Medical School; Tech: Technical School; Flight: Flight Academy; Univ: Undergraduate University; Acad: Military Academy; Skill1: Geology 2+; Skill2: Construction 4+; Skill3: Pilot 3+; Skill4: Computer 2+.

Prior Service Tables </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Athlete/Attorney/Barbarian/Belter/Bounty Hunter/Bureaucrat
Enlistment 7+ 7+ 5+ 8+ 9+ 5+
DM +1 if Str 9+ Int 10+ Con 9+ Agl 6+ Agl 4+ Edu 7+
DM +2 if Agl 9+ Con 9+ Str 10+ Int 6+ Con 9+ Str 8-
Dm +1 if Con 9+ - - - - -
Draft - - - - - -
Survival 4+ 6+ 6+ 9+ 6+ 4+
DM +2 if Chr 8+ Int 9+ Str 8+ # terms Str 10+ Edu 10+
Commission n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Dm +2 if - - - - - -
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Promotion 6+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 7+
Dm +1 if Chr 7+ Edu 7+ Chr 7+ Int 7+ Agl 6+ Int 8+
Dm +2 if - - - - - -
Special Duty 8+ 7+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 8+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Reenlist 3+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 5+

Civil Engineer/Civil Pilot/Computer Operator/Construction Worker/Corsair/Criminal
Enlistment 6+ 6+ 5+ 5+ 7+ 6+
DM +1 if Str 7+ Con 10+ Edu 8+ Str 4+ Str 6+ Soc 8-
DM +2 if Agl 9+ Agl 8+ Str 8- Agl 5+ Con 6+ Con 7+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Draft - - - - - -
Survival 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 6+ 7+
DM +2 if Con 8+ Agl 8+ Edu 10+ Con 8+ Int 8+ Int 9+
Commission n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Dm +2 if - - - - - -
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Promotion 7+ 6+ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+
Dm +1 if Edu 6+ Agl 6+ Int 7+ Con 7+ Str 8+ Int 7+
Dm +2 if - - - - Chr 8+ -
Special Duty 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 5+ 5+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Reenlist 6+ 6+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 5+

Diplomat/Entertainer/Farmer/Hunter-Guide/Journalist/Law Enforcement
Enlistment 8+ 9+ 5+ 9+ 6+ 6+
DM +1 if Int 7+ Chr 8+ Str 7+ Agl 9+ Chr 7+ Str 6+
DM +2 if Chr 7+ Soc 6+ Con 8+ Con 9+ - -
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Draft - - - - - -
Survival 4+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 5+ 6+
DM +2 if Int 8+ Chr 9+ Con 10+ Str 10+ Int Int 7+
Commission n/a n/a N/a n/a n/a 9+
Dm +1 if - - - - - Int 8+
Dm +2 if - - - - - -
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Promotion 6+ 6+ 7+ 7+ 6+ 6+
Dm +1 if Edu 7+ Int 7+ Con 6+ Int 6+ Edu 7+ Con 7+
Dm +2 if Soc 8+ - - - - -
Special Duty 8+ 8+ 8+ 6+ 6+ 8+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Reenlist 5+ 6+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+

Manager/Martial Artist/Mechanic/Medicine/Mercenary/Merchant Marine
Enlistment 5+ 10+ 6+ 9+ 5+ 5+
DM +1 if Edu 8+ Con 8+ Int 9+ Int 8+ Str 4+ Str 6+
DM +2 if Str 9- Agl 10+ Edu 10+ Agl 5+ End 6+ Con 5+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Draft - - - - - -
Survival 4+ 7+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 4+
DM +2 if Edu 10+ Agl 9+ Edu 9+ Int Str 5+ Int 9+
Commission n/a n/a n/a Med School n/a 6+
Dm +1 if - - - - - Edu 7+
Dm +2 if - - - - - Int 8+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Promotion 7+ 7+ 7+ 6+ 6+ 6+
Dm +1 if Edu 6+ Agl 7+ Chr 6+ Edu 7+ Con 7+ Edu 8+
Dm +2 if - - - - - -
Special Duty 6+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 8+ 8+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Reenlist 5+ 6+ 6+ 4+ 6+ 4+
subject to draft *
Prisoner/Professor/Psionic Researcher/Rebel/Scientist/Scout
Enlistment (special) 6+ 8+ 6+ 6+ 7+
DM +1 if - Int 9+ Int 10+ Agl 5+ Int 7+ Str 7+
DM +2 if - Edu 10+ Psi 1+ Con 7+ Edu 10+ Int 7+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Draft - - - - - 4
Survival 6+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 7+
DM +2 if Con 8+ Edu 9+ Psi 1+ Int 9+ Edu 9+ Con 9+
Commission n/a n/a n/a n/a 9+ 7+
Dm +1 if - - - - Edu 8+ Str 8+
Dm +2 if - - - - Int 8+ Int 8+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Promotion n/a 6+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 6+
Dm +1 if - Int 8+ Int 7+ Int 7+ Int 7+ Chr 7+
Dm +2 if - - - - - -
Special Duty n/a 8+ 7+ 5+ 5+ 8+
Dm +1 if - - Psi 1+ - - -
Reenlist (special) 5+ 7+ 5+ 5+ 3+

Tough/Trader/Undercover Agent/Wealthy Traveller
Enlistment 7+ 7+ 7+ (special)
DM +1 if Chr 3+ Int 6+ Int 6+ Soc 9+
DM +2 if Soc 5- Chr 6+ Chr 6+ -
Dm +1 if - - - -
Draft - - - -
Survival 7+ 5+ 5+ 4+
DM +2 if Int 9+ Int 7+ Agl 9+ -
Commission n/a 6+ n/a 5+
Dm +1 if - Edu 8+ - Edu 9+
Dm +2 if - Int 8+ - -
Dm +1 if - - - -
Promotion 6+ 7+ 7+ 12+
Dm +1 if Str 7+ Chr 7+ Agl 7+ Int 10+
Dm +2 if - Int 7+ - -
Special Duty 6+ 4+ 6+ 8+
Dm +1 if - - - -
Reenlist 5+ 4+ 3+ 4+
Military Prior Service Tables
subject to draft * subject to draft *
Army/Aviation/Navy/Marines/Special Operations/Wet Navy
Enlistment 5+ 6+ 8+ 9+ 11+ 6+
DM +1 if Con 6+ Str 7+ Int 7+ Agl 7+ Str 5+, Int 7+
DM +2 if Agl 7+ Agl 7+ Edu 7+ Str 8+ Agl 5+ Edu 7+
Dm +1 if - - - - Con 5+ -
Draft 3 5 1 2 - 6
Survival 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 8+ 5+
DM +2 if Edu 6+ Agl 8+ Int 7+ Con 6+ Int 9+ Con 8+
Commission 7+ 7+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 8+
Dm +1 if Edu 7+ Edu 7+ Edu 8+ Edu 8+ Int 8+ Edu 8+
Dm +2 if Int 8+ Agl 8+ Soc 8+ Int 8+ Chr 8+ Soc 8+
Dm +1 if - - - Con 8+ Con 8+ Int 8+
Promotion 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
Dm +1 if Con 7+ Edu 7+ Chr 7+ Con 7+ Con 7+ Con 7+
Dm +2 if - - - - - -
Special Duty 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+
Dm +1 if - - - - - -
Reenlist 7+ 6+ 6+ 7+ 7+ 6+</pre>[/QUOTE]All rolls except draft are 2D
Character cycle through this table during each term of service (4 years). The reenlistment roll is required even if the character does not intend to reenlist: a roll of 12 exactly means mandatory reenlistment.
DMs on enlistment are cumulative if the character has the necessary attributes.
* Draft: When any attempt at enlistment fail, the character may submit to the draft in any of the six military services. Roll 1D for result of draft: Navy (1), Marines (2), Army (3), Scouts (4), Flyers (5), and Sailors (6). Draftees may not receive a commission in their first term of service.
Survival: Failing the survival throw ends the character generation and forces mustering out. Roll 1D for number of years in the term served: 1-2, 1 year; 3-4, 2 years; 5-6 3 years. For Military serving characters only, if the number is thrown exactly, the character is wounded and is awarded the Purple Heart.
Decorations: Any character serving in the Military who throws a 9+ on survival (before adding DMs), can roll for Decorations. Roll 2D with the following results: 2-9, no decorations; 10, Meritorious Conduct Under Fire (MCUF); 11, Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry (MCG); 12, Starburst for Extreme Heroism (SEH)
Command Duty/Ribbons: Once per term (officers only) roll 2D with the following results: Navy 9+; Army 9+; Marines 8+; Scouts 11+; Flyers 9+; Sailors 10+. DMs -2 if rank O2 or less, -1 if rank O3, -1 if Int 7-, -1 if Edu 7-.
Promotions: Military characters that do not have a commission are promoted as an enlisted rate. Enlisted characters are promoted once per year in the first term, and once per term for all following terms. If an enlisted character receives a commission, advance to rank O1 (rank E7 advances to rank O2 and ranks E8 and E9 advance to rank O3).
Belter: Belters receive a variable DM for survival based on terms served: in the first term of service, the DM is +1; in the second term of service, the DM is +2; in the seventh term of service, the DM is +7

Table of Ranks </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
NavyEnlisted NavyOfficer MarinesEnlisted MarinesOfficer ArmyEnlisted
E1 Spacehand Recruit O1 Ensign E1 Private O1 2nd Lieutenant E1 Private
E2 Spacehand Apprent O2 Sub-Lieut E2 Lance Cprl O2 1st Lieutenant E2 Lance Corporal
E3 Able Spacehand O3 Lieutenant E3 Corporal O3 Captain E3 Corporal
E4 PO 3rd Class O4 Lt Commander E4 Lance Sgt O4 Force Cmdr E4 Lance Sergeant
E5 PO 2nd Class O5 Commander E5 Sgt O5 Lt Colonel E5 Sergeant
E6 PO 1st Class O6 Captain E6 Gunery Sgt O6 Colonel E6 Gunnery Sgt
E7 Chief PO O7 Commodore E7 Lead Sgt O7 Brig General E7 Leading Sgt
E8 Senior CPO O8 Fleet Admr E8 First Sgt O8 Maj General E8 First Sergeant
E9 Master CPO O9 Sector Admr E9 Sgt Major O9 Lt General E9 Sergeant Major
O10 Grand Admr O10 General
ArmyOfficer FlyerEnlisted FlyerOfficer SailorEnlisted SailorOfficer
O1 2nd Lieutenant E1 Aircrafthand O1 Pilot Office E1 Seaman Recruit O1 Ensign
O2 1st Lieutenant E2 Lead Airhand O2 Flight Off E2 Seaman Apprent O2 Sub-Lieutenant
O3 Captain E3 Senior hand O3 Flight Lt E3 Able Seaman O3 Lieutenant
O4 Major E4 Crew Chief O4 Squad Leader E4 PO 3rd Class O4 Lt Commander
O5 Lt Colonel E5 Flight Sgt O5 Group Cptn E5 PO 2nd Class O5 Commander
O6 Colonel E6 Lead Flt Sgr O6 Wing Command E6 PO 1st Class O6 Captain
O7 Brigadier General E7 Snr Flt Sgr O7 Air Commodr E7 Chief PO O7 Commodore
O8 Major General E8 Mtr Flt Sgr O8 Air Vice Mar E8 Senior CPO O8 Vice Admiral
O9 Lt General E9 Flt Sgr Maj O9 Air Marshal E9 Master CPO O9 Rear Admiral
O10 General O10 Air Chief Marshal O10 Admiral
MerchantDeck MerchantPurser MerchantSales MerchantEngineering MerchantAdmin MerchantFree Trader
O0 Apprentice O0 Steward O0 Apprentice O0 Asst DriveHand O0 Clerk O1 4th Officer
O1 4th Officer O1 Junior Pur O1 Clerk O1 Drive Hand O1 Asst Manager O2 3rd Officer
O2 3rd Officer O2 Asst Purser O2 Asst Broker O2 Asst Engineer O2 Manager O3 2nd Officer
O3 2nd Officer O2 Asst Medic O3 Broker O3 Engineer O3 Asst Stn Hd O4 1st Officer
O4 1st Officer O3 Purser O4 Senior Brok O4 Chief Engineer O4 Station Head O5 Captain
O5 Captain O3 Medic TransfertoDeck TransfertoDeck TransfertoDeck O6 Owner
O6 Senior Cptn O4 Chief Purser
O7 Line Commodr Trans to Deck
Law Enf Diplomat Bureaucrat Noble Pirate Barbarian
O1 Officer O1 3rd Secy O1 Clerk O2 A Knight O1 Henchman O1 Brave
O2 Corporal O2 2nd Secy O2 Asst Super O4 B Baron O2 Corporal O2 Warrior
O3 Sergeant O3 1st Secy O3 Supervisor O5 C Marquis O3 Sergeant O3 Leader
O4 Lieutenant O4 Counselor O4 Asst Manager O6 D Count O4 Sub-Lieut O4 Chieftain
O5 Detective O5 Sr Counselor O5 Manager O7 E Duke O5 Lieutenant O5 Sub-Chief
O6 Detective Lt O6 Minister O6 Sr Manager O8 F Archduke * O6 Leader O6 Chief
O7 Chief O7 Sr Minister O7 Executive O9 G Prince * O7 Pirate Lord O7 Elder
O8 Commissioner O8 Ambassador O8 Direcutive O10 H Emperor * 08 Pirate King O8 Sr Elder</pre>[/QUOTE]* Noble ranks of Archduke, Prince, and Emperor are not available to characters during generation.
Looks like you've got some good ideas there, though you might want to edit your post and add {code} before each 'table' and {/code} at the end of each table. (Use square brackets [] instead of curly {} ones). They may still have some problems if you used tabs and so on, but it should make them MUCH more readable since it tries to preserve white-space within those UBB tags.

For example:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Skill Atm Hyd Pop Law Tech
Acrobatics - - - - -
Act/Bluff - - - - -
Archery - - - 9- -
Armed Martial Arts - - - 9- -
Biology - - - - -
Chemistry - - - - -</pre>[/QUOTE]rather than:
Skill Atm Hyd Pop Law Tech
Acrobatics - - - - -
Act/Bluff - - - - -
Archery - - - 9- -
Armed Martial Arts - - - 9- -
Biology - - - - -
Chemistry - - - - -
You may want to edit it further to get the tabs and columns right. I find that if I use the 'preview post' button a lot to see how it looks before I actually post something like this, it helps enormously. Takes a bit of time (especially if you have a lot of columns) but it makes it much easier to read.
One thing I liked about MT char gen was the 4 year terms were broken into 4 x 1 year assignments. I liked that table you rolled on for duty; Raid, Garrison, strike, police action etc. This really gave the player's a greater understanding of what their characters did.

Now, was this only MT char gen or was it also CT char gen?? either way my groups been known to haphazzardly try to incorporate that table into char gen. We try to put alot of effort into detailing our characters like what our parents did/do, do we have siblings, did we undergo a life change event during our youth ? etc etc

I'll have ago at creating the same character under your system and the TNE books system and see what I get at a later stage. Just now from a quick skim read the lack of that term duty table was what I noticed.
The year-by-year breakdown that Badbru asks about was for the advanced PC gen (Book 4-7 in CT, and in MT) was only for the Army, Marines, Navy, Scouts, and Merchants. As I am trying to cover all the Careers given in TNE, I've reverted to the char gen tables as shown in Book 1 and Sup 4 but changed the number of skill from 1 per term plus bonuses to 4 per term plus bonuses. If time will allow, I do plan on and detailed char gen as shown in books 4-7.