• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

CT+, what would you do?

OR, could we put this together in the Moot? That would keep it from being freely copied, until it's done. Then, perhaps, TPTB could put it out as a product on QLI. I would certainly lay down a bit of money for this in PDF.

(Sorry, 2-4601... :( )
Another suggestion is that we start up or resurrect one topic for each house rule we've been talking about. The topic is already reasonably partitioned, we just need to seperate them a bit.

Instead of calling it CT+, for example, perhaps a label like "Best CT Fixes for XYZ", as in

"Best CT Fixes for Task Systems"
"Best CT Fixes for Combat Systems"
"... Chargen"
"... Sysgen"

Thus you can still grep for "Most Popular House" in the IMTU forum.

And we also preserve what we've done so far.
Are you volunteering? ;)

After all it was getting confusing without your excellent summaries.

Originally posted by Fritz88:
OR, could we put this together in the Moot? That would keep it from being freely copied, until it's done. Then, perhaps, TPTB could put it out as a product on QLI. I would certainly lay down a bit of money for this in PDF.

(Sorry, 2-4601... :( )
I'll just post my rules in several "My XYZ House Rules", where "XYZ" is Ship, Combat, Gear etc. think it'll be ok for the publisher, as they have alot of CT LBB references and can't be used without the CT LBBs.
Originally posted by robject:
Another suggestion is that we start up or resurrect one topic for each house rule we've been talking about. The topic is already reasonably partitioned, we just need to seperate them a bit.

Instead of calling it CT+, for example, perhaps a label like "Best CT Fixes for XYZ", as in

"Best CT Fixes for Task Systems"
"Best CT Fixes for Combat Systems"
"... Chargen"
"... Sysgen"

Thus you can still grep for "Most Popular House" in the IMTU forum.

And we also preserve what we've done so far.
Seconded, and I also nominate (and thank and deeply appreciate) robject as lead on the task
Oh, and it wouldn't be too difficult for the original poster of each area to go and change the heading references "CT+" to the new "Best CT Fixes..." format to keep it all like named, if that would be helpful.

The Moot idea is not bad (also sorry Employee 2-4601 and others :( ). It is (a little) less likely to be irritating to MWM and Hunter being in a subscription only area I think. Here in the open it's more of a challenge to the license I think, especially if it were to be condensed from it's current "discussions" into a more compiled "rules" format.
No problem if you design your rules in the Moot; I'll just post mine here; as I said, they should be legal as they don't replace the rules, they just refer to them and add to them and require the CT LBBs to be used. Am I correct?
There's a problem with developing things in the Moot, it doesn't indicate new posts. If there's active daily posting (as there currently is for this) that's not so bad but it could be.

I don't see developing it here as a problem with QLI at least. QLI owns these forums and there's a "This website and its contents are copyright ©2004 QuikLink Interactive, Inc. All rights reserved." notice on every page here. So IMO if QLI wanted to they could publish whatever's developed here without any legal challenge from the posters. IANAL. Esp. since this is based partially on Hunter's posts (CT+ already having been a QLI idea/project) and also on FFE IP.
I'd subscribe just to stay in the loop ;) , but judging from some of the site issues mentioned by subscribers, I'm in a wait and see mode. I'd have to get updates from Mr Robject

He said he mentioned the activity to Mr Hunter, and would like to know anything without being pushy.

Again, I'd say drop the "CT+" title, don't repeat existing rules in the forum unless you modify them much and/or need to quote them (and then, don't overdo it; a table or three, not more); use page references whenever possible instead. Then "publish" it on the net as "Citizens of the Imperium Recommended House Rules".
Oh, and it wouldn't be too difficult for the original poster of each area to go and change the heading references "CT+" to the new "Best CT Fixes..." format to keep it all like named, if that would be helpful.
So all together we change the headings Coti House Rules for...
(Go find your threads now people

Originally posted by Jame:
I think this all sounds good, but no-one has really addressed my real concern - rewriting the computers! How? HOW? HOW?!?

Oh, and here's a thought - yeah, do something like Book 2 ships, but allow all ship sizes to be done at the starting TL, even if you can't do as well with a 5k ton ship of TL9 as the same size ship of TL15. That may require the tonnages to be kajiggered, though...
These and making hand computers TL 8 plus making rifle damage 4d, with better damage at mid and long range.