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CT+, what would you do?

In the spirit of Rapid Iterative Development, with neither permission nor authority, I am declaring a CT+ Alpha Virtual Houserules Collection scheduled for Friday, 18 August, 2005. This is neither authorized nor authoritative.

It replaces certain components in Classic Traveller with elements from later supplements and Traveller versions. The target publication to "modernize" is The Traveller Book (though it applies equally to the LBBs).

Key components of the Alpha Houserules are still under contention, and do not have consensus. But I'm an impatient grump.

Hence the label Alpha.

CT+ Alpha is a virtual collection of these committee-discussed solutions:

The Traveller Book Modernata Alpha
- Sigg's version of Aramis' task system [4-step, char/4].
- Careers added [Belter Noble Scholar Citizen?].
- Careers updated to fit expanded skill list. To-Do
- 50 base skills plus 5 skill clusters.
- Limited player skill choice during career.
- Special duty rolls added to careers.
- Homeworld skills. To-Do
- Weapons from LBB4 and CoTI included.
- Personal weapons quick-reference. To-Do
- T20/ACQ-like combat rules.
- Personal weapons from Mercenary and CoTI.
- Deckplans [small craft, A, A2, K, L, M, P, R, S, T, Y, Gazelle] To-Do
- Everything else in TTB as-is.
I hate "Alpha" versions....
Well... I'm going to vote for dropping in Jim's worldgen system, or any consensus system that fixes the most egregious errors in CT worldgen. It's important to start with a solid foundation, and changing relatively big things like this later means yet another branch of the Traveller tree.

Call me a curmudgeon if you want. Rapid development that doesn't properly think through these kinds of issues always leads to problems. It is never worth just tacking something on to get something out the door. The effort to fix things is always worse.

Though it keeps me gainfully employed as a computer security guy...

- John
I understand your points. Building a foundation means building something as strong as possible, because of the load it will have to carry. There is no 'phased rollout' of a foundation.

I'm labelling a version because there is enough disagreement on what the foundation should be, that it's worth compiling what's been done so far and giving it a label.

Call it a playtest draft if you prefer.

The rate we're going, there's going to be two versions of key systems as it is, each of which may be independent enough to simply be alternate module that referees drop in as they prefer. Doesn't really sound like a typical foundation, wot?
Originally posted by robject:

- T20/ACQ-like combat rules.
- Personal weapons from Mercenary and CoTI.
3. A handy cheatsheet of the personal weapons from LBB4 and CoTI should be drawn up.
LBB4 I understand. By CotI do you mean TA1 or weapons that have been thrashed out on the forums?
Originally posted by robject:

To-Do List
1. All careers need to be updated to reflect the skills list we're converging to. This is the number one priority at this time.
I've tried doing a version of the Navy career and will stick it on the careers thread for comment.
We forgot the last page of CT+: credits.

I suggest we do credits by each picking a Traveller human race, and reformatting your name in that orthography (wrong term, but you get the idea).

SJG has the "Your Name In Vilani" code, and there's a public JavaScript page that'll help you figure it out.

There's also a "Your Name In Zhodani" rule floating around here on COTI.

Some names on COTI are already Vilani/Sylean (Sarthuran von Gushiddan is almost definitely from an old Sylean family, with a Vilani surname).

Or use your real, Solomani name. Or make it look Darrian. You get the idea.

Sort the thing, alphabetic by last name.
I'm wondering what end form this will be allowed to take?

*A free pdf?
*Will this disrupt Hunter's plan (if he still wished to carry it out in the future)?
*Do we need a liscence to make it anything but posts on a forum?

*Do we need a liscence to make it anything but posts on a forum?
copyright violation occurs when:

1) you claim something as yours when it isn't
2) you make money off of something that is not yours
3) the copyright holder loses business that he would otherwise have because you are distributing his material without permission

#3 applies. need a license.
Well a license to produce it for free use would almost have to be permission by default. No one could afford to buy a license and give away the work. Well, actually if I had the money I would, but I'm not stable so we can't go by me

Actually that's the only way I'd do it. I wouldn't want to just step all over Marc or Hunter with this. To be honest I'm a bit surprised at how this exploded out of such a small idea in so short a time. And all without much thought (posted at least) about this last concern which would normally come first.

Interesting experiment in, well, I'm not sure what :confused:

Information wants to be free
I was wondering what people "would do" with CT+ when we have a more complete package?

The original concept proposed by Mr Hunter I thought would be good for online gaming. CT is streamlined as it is, but a version that is not (or less) broken, with more modern system mechanics would work well for this purpose.

If that's what we achieve, I will seriously consider it's use for such gaming. Perhaps this would be it's ideal gaming market (besides CT diehards ;) ).

Mr Hunter and/or Mr Miller may (probably not) be interested in the fact that some dedicated people on these boards, may have managed to produce a product that they may (or not) find useful. At least alot of the work would be done for them ;)
