SOC-14 5K
Based on feedback on another thread, I am starting this one concerning recipes for the various Traveller races, which could be made here. I do like to collect cookbooks, so I have a wide range, plus there are quite a few available for download or perusal on the Internet. The basis for this idea is a couple of cookbooks that I have, one covering Narnia, written by Douglas Gresham, C. S. Lewis' stepson, and also one based on the Sherlock Holmes stories. So, based on the following information from Aramis, here goes. Note, eat are your own risk!!!!
Vilani "cuisine" is similar in many ways to certain South Pacific diets - highly processed in order to make the inedible edible. No "import" species pre-spaceflight, so only what was on their bodies... which probably means bacterial cultures can be traced to normal body flora.... (eww...) But note also: vilani have to ferment just about EVERYTHING from Vland in order to render the majority of protiens digestable. Since they don't have major metabolic disorders, all needed amino acids are present in the environment.
Zhodani - human normal for diet, but Zhdant was intentionally stocked with edible species, so not anywhere near as extreme as Vilani. Still, I'd expect somewhat more involved prep for some items in the diet, as they're precursor native life...
Vargr: noted for highly spiced foods, especially aromatic spices, and yes, meat dominant. But also note: Like the vilani, they're transplants. Expect some "native" foods on lair are inedible without bacterial culturing.
Aslan: At least one illo shows live food escaping the plate. Carnivores with some spices. Since they are xenomammalia, they probably have little issue with dairy as a basis, but may have adult intolerances of it. Use of plants as dietary additions is noted, but unlike the Vargr, they are probably not eaten as significant dietary elements. Perhaps, some as dietary supplements or medicinals (much as cats eat grass as a medicinal, and mint as a recreational).
K'Kree: No animal product at all. MILITANTLY ANTI-Dairy. Keep in mind - while warm blooded, and placental, they are not mammals. (infants are fed by regurgitation.) One of the short stories shows a K'kree killing a xenomammalian for nursing its young.