I think one consideration with the original question is the Vilani issue. When getting food for another species, you need to check Everything by your Xenobiologist. Even on the same biosphere, if you feed a Solomani delegation a random plant/animal from Terra there’s a chance it will poison all of them…and even if they are foods, there’s a chance one of them is allergic.I always find it amazing how a thread can develop when I was just trying to figure out what to feed a K'kree trading delegation at a formal dinner.
That said, once you check with your xenobiologist, since Kkree are grazers… (possibly like giraffes). I would expect the meal would look like a nice meal for a horse/cow…decent amount of a variety of different leafy greens for the main course, and probably some sweet fruit type treats and maybe some protein rich nut/bean type ingredients.
..However, I might not be surprised if Kkree can fix their own nitrogen, since Terran “herbivores” will eat meat when they can get it. If Kkree had that impulse, it would be a little harder for their culture to hold. In that case maybe the nuts/beans not be as much of a treat as say a lipid rich nut/avocado type ingredients.
I might avoid bread, until you know exactly what this particular faction of Kkree thinks about yeast.(there may be some fanatic hardliners where the yeast counts as an animal and so serving it to them is like slipping bacon grease into a delegation from the Middle east).
It may be good for at least some of the food to be mashed/ground up. This way it would be like the food they got as infants. However this would need some cultural research…would they regard it as a comforting reminder of their youth or as insulting baby food.
(This is where you can have the roll for “will it go horribly horribly wrong” or a “masterful spectacular success”…where it is more cultural than biological)
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