Quoted for value
from this thread. Now alphabetized for your convenience and well on its way to becoming a one-page supplement:
Agiishlan! "First In!" (i.e. we're all gung-ho about this job) Not really invective, but (for instance) it's a good toast for drinking.
A jump drive tech is drinking rounds of Vilani beer with gregarious Vargr at the starport bar.
Call: "Agiishlan!"
Response: "Agiishlan!!!"
(all chug flagons of Vilani beer)
Burudak! -- a Vilani invective that sort of falls midway between "aw, heck" and "▮▮▮▮▮▮!" on the galactic scale of obscenity. It's derived from buruda, an adjective which refers specifically to a non-human state of impregnation. In this context, it's a perfectly serviceable and polite term; it's extremely bad form -- and highly vulgar -- to use it to describe a human pregnancy, however.
Describing a woman as buruda is one of the quickest ways in the Vilani cultural region to experience the local healthcare system firsthand. Vilani-acculturated Vargr also recognise this insult -- and if anything react more quickly and harshly than their human cousins in the face of it.
G. Kashkanun Anderson said:
You wake up on the floor of a starport bar after one too many rounds of Vilani beer. Your shoes are missing, your pants are torn to shreds, and there's Vargr slobber all over your knee. If I were you, I'd say:
"Burudak! Kimguna igi adlaam ka sezirike Daag dakakapu!" (literally: Fr@ck! Some stupid-@$$ Dog has eaten my pants again!)
And your friend, the smug pilot, arms crossed and shaking her head, would simply reply "Pakha!"
Daag (borrowed from the Old Anglic "dog") is a common barroom invective used against them. The derived term daagii actually points in the other direction -- it's a slangy way of describing anything closely associated with Terra, and is often used as an insulting blanket term for Solomani culture in general. This is the source of the Solomani Rim version of daag, which is more likely to be a reference to a SolSec agent than a Vargr.
Daruun, 'ingratiating fool'.
Dukam! (literally, "unsorted mess") "dang nabbit!" etc. Also /
dukham/ and just /
Seneschal: "Excuse me, my good sir. Duke Kaarlessi really can't be kept waiting on that jump drive repair..."
Hung-over jump drive tech: "I don't give a good dukam whose bastard child wants what..."
...and the adventure is underway.
Kugganzir! (literally, "holy eye of the underworld (or pit of hades, etc)") "dang nabbit!" etc. A personal favorite of mine.
Captain: "I told you to fix the dukam jump drive!" (pause, sniffs, flaps a hand) "Kugganzir, you smell like a Vargr! Have you been out drinking Vilani beer with them at the starport again?"
Hung-over jump drive tech doesn't respond. Clutches barf bag possessively.[FONT=arial,helvetica]
[/FONT] Pilot: "Pakha. And don't forget to turn in your paperwork."
Hung-over jump drive tech: "Okay." (under his breath) "Paperwork. Mukdapin khii gasliir uzudgi mamkur."
Mid. (pronounced 'mid' as in 'middle'): Noun. (1) The female of a livestock breeding pair; (2) Any creature that must be coddled in order to preserve its submissive disposition; (3) A person who whinges about the least little discomfort; (4) Any person, male or female, who insists that things be done their way when any other way would be more effective, efficient, and produce less paperwork; (5) An expletive used to express contempt for the hygeine, parentage and/or sexual habits of another sophont.
Pakha. 'Idiot'.
Usudgi mamkur! Groat droppings!
Example: Mukdapin khii gasliir uzudgi mamkur. What a load of rotten groat droppings.