SOC-14 1K
Well, I couldn't resist. Looking at the options, I have to say I like the idea of the Darrians working together with the Federation of Arden and the fragmented remains of the Sword Worlds.
Kinda like this:
Arden/Vilis (1011-A554ACB-B) 097-1209
Official representatives for the Darrian Confederation, the Sword World Confederation and the Federation of Arden announced that they have formed the League of Spinward States and that the headquarters for the League will be located on Entrope (0720-C336AAA-C).
The three members will retain their own sovereignty and independence. The purpose of the League is to provide a mutual defense agreement. While each member is free to conduct their own foreign affairs, each has agreed to come to the aid of the others in any time of need.
"The genesis of this historic agreement was the extensive expansion of the Regency and its growing influence over our three states," began the spokesperson Andult Taylorsen. "With the implosion of the Zhodani Consulate, there was no longer any counterbalance to the growth and influence of the Regency, and the three states determined that the only way to preserve our independence and neutrality was to form this League.
"The League of Spinward States is absolutely neutral to all other states and has no intention of expanding to the detriment of any existing interstellar state. We only exist to preserve what we currently have."
Entrope/Querion (0720-C336AAA-D) 112-1209
As a result of the announcement that the new League of Spinward States is to place its headquarters here, a significant amount of activity is taking place. The new League capital is to be located on the planet Rindhem (E228200-B). A new League military base is to be colocated on Rindhem, and the system starport is to be upgraded to class "A".
Bids are being taken from all interested parties.
Garoo/Darrian (0130-A2008CB-B) 118-1209
The government of Garoo decried the formation of the League of Spinward States.
"This is just a bid by the Darrians to take over all of the Darrian, Querion, Vilis and Sword Worlds subsectors! It is just another landgrab, pure and simple!"
Mora/Mora (3124-AA99AC7-G) 121-1209
The Regency formally made its response to the announcement of 097-1219 on the formation of the League of Spinward States when the spokesperson for the Regency met with the press today.
"We welcome any new piece of stability in the Marches, and so welcome the emergence of the League of Spinward States. We hope to be able to continue to partner with the members of the League
for mutual benefit."
Off the record, the spokesperson expressed what appeared to be some indignation at the stated reason for the formation of the League and surprise that the Darrian Confederation would be party to it.
Kinda like this:
Official representatives for the Darrian Confederation, the Sword World Confederation and the Federation of Arden announced that they have formed the League of Spinward States and that the headquarters for the League will be located on Entrope (0720-C336AAA-C).
The three members will retain their own sovereignty and independence. The purpose of the League is to provide a mutual defense agreement. While each member is free to conduct their own foreign affairs, each has agreed to come to the aid of the others in any time of need.
"The genesis of this historic agreement was the extensive expansion of the Regency and its growing influence over our three states," began the spokesperson Andult Taylorsen. "With the implosion of the Zhodani Consulate, there was no longer any counterbalance to the growth and influence of the Regency, and the three states determined that the only way to preserve our independence and neutrality was to form this League.
"The League of Spinward States is absolutely neutral to all other states and has no intention of expanding to the detriment of any existing interstellar state. We only exist to preserve what we currently have."
As a result of the announcement that the new League of Spinward States is to place its headquarters here, a significant amount of activity is taking place. The new League capital is to be located on the planet Rindhem (E228200-B). A new League military base is to be colocated on Rindhem, and the system starport is to be upgraded to class "A".
Bids are being taken from all interested parties.
The government of Garoo decried the formation of the League of Spinward States.
"This is just a bid by the Darrians to take over all of the Darrian, Querion, Vilis and Sword Worlds subsectors! It is just another landgrab, pure and simple!"
The Regency formally made its response to the announcement of 097-1219 on the formation of the League of Spinward States when the spokesperson for the Regency met with the press today.
"We welcome any new piece of stability in the Marches, and so welcome the emergence of the League of Spinward States. We hope to be able to continue to partner with the members of the League
for mutual benefit."
Off the record, the spokesperson expressed what appeared to be some indignation at the stated reason for the formation of the League and surprise that the Darrian Confederation would be party to it.