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Darrians and Sword Worlds

Well, I couldn't resist. Looking at the options, I have to say I like the idea of the Darrians working together with the Federation of Arden and the fragmented remains of the Sword Worlds.

Kinda like this:
Arden/Vilis (1011-A554ACB-B) 097-1209

Official representatives for the Darrian Confederation, the Sword World Confederation and the Federation of Arden announced that they have formed the League of Spinward States and that the headquarters for the League will be located on Entrope (0720-C336AAA-C).

The three members will retain their own sovereignty and independence. The purpose of the League is to provide a mutual defense agreement. While each member is free to conduct their own foreign affairs, each has agreed to come to the aid of the others in any time of need.

"The genesis of this historic agreement was the extensive expansion of the Regency and its growing influence over our three states," began the spokesperson Andult Taylorsen. "With the implosion of the Zhodani Consulate, there was no longer any counterbalance to the growth and influence of the Regency, and the three states determined that the only way to preserve our independence and neutrality was to form this League.

"The League of Spinward States is absolutely neutral to all other states and has no intention of expanding to the detriment of any existing interstellar state. We only exist to preserve what we currently have."

Entrope/Querion (0720-C336AAA-D) 112-1209

As a result of the announcement that the new League of Spinward States is to place its headquarters here, a significant amount of activity is taking place. The new League capital is to be located on the planet Rindhem (E228200-B). A new League military base is to be colocated on Rindhem, and the system starport is to be upgraded to class "A".

Bids are being taken from all interested parties.

Garoo/Darrian (0130-A2008CB-B) 118-1209

The government of Garoo decried the formation of the League of Spinward States.

"This is just a bid by the Darrians to take over all of the Darrian, Querion, Vilis and Sword Worlds subsectors! It is just another landgrab, pure and simple!"

Mora/Mora (3124-AA99AC7-G) 121-1209

The Regency formally made its response to the announcement of 097-1219 on the formation of the League of Spinward States when the spokesperson for the Regency met with the press today.

"We welcome any new piece of stability in the Marches, and so welcome the emergence of the League of Spinward States. We hope to be able to continue to partner with the members of the League
for mutual benefit."

Off the record, the spokesperson expressed what appeared to be some indignation at the stated reason for the formation of the League and surprise that the Darrian Confederation would be party to it.
Originally posted by daryen:
Well, I couldn't resist. Looking at the options, I have to say I like the idea of the Darrians working together with the Federation of Arden and the fragmented remains of the Sword Worlds.

[remainder snipped]
That's an interesting idea. Those are 3 very different polities who haven't had any kind of common ground in the past. Offhand I'd be skeptical that they could ally themselves with one another. The Darrians are the noblest of the bunch. The Swordies are still arrogant jerks. And the Ardenians are oppressive and don't shy away from criminal activities. I could see the latter two forming an alliance but how do the Swordies reconcile their differences with the Darrians. And what happens to make the Darrians forego their long standing alliance with the Regency?

Still, I wouldn't say that it's not possible. The Darrians were able to hook up with some Aslan centuries ago and they get along swimmingly (though the non-Darrian Aslan don't seem to care for their brethren any longer). And more importantly, stranger things have happened in the history of Traveller. =)
If you can get hold of the TNE Regency supplement it gives a different slant on the Darrians and noble is not it. As the 1200s role past the Darrians use a policy of resettlements on the worlds annexed by them to reduce the local populations to minorities. One world receives a visit from a Star Trigger detachment for not toeing the line. This shows that the Darrians are not the good guys of the sector but can be just as ruthless as anyone else when they want to be.
But then Arden and the Swordy's are bitter that, even though the Domain of Deneb spent LOTS of blood and treasure keeping the Rebellion and Virus out of the area, they still feel that the Darrians are hand-in-glove with Norris' people...

And noone has added in the Aslan Aorlahkt Factor. Did the ihatei keep the Virus on their side of the Rift? Nevertheless, they keep coming, and the preassure is felt. Just one Tlaukhu-level clan decides that they don't want to abide by the ruling given by the earlatrais and it begins again, right?

One wonders what the 1250 sourcebook will reveal...
The motivations are thus:

The Zhos are gone as an interstellar power. You are now the biggest power outside the Regency. The Regency has done everything to make you dependent on it. How long until the Regency finally removes even the appearance of your independence?

Sword Worlds:
You have five measley worlds. Well, OK, two are pretty good (Narsil & Anduril), but the Regency has completely taken over all of the others. How long do you have before the Regency comes for the last five?

See Sword Worlds above. The Regency is expanding and you are in the way. Plus, you are being overrun by Zho refugees. What are you going to do now?

Not all alliances are based on trust and friendship. Sometimes you have to work with someone you don't like because the other options are even worse. In the case of the Darrians, sometimes you have to work against someone you do like because you finally realize your goals are incompatible.
The referee, of course, knows how his pocket empires want to play. Our mileage varies.

Darrians are a mixed bag of high technology geek, ruthless Solomani paranoia, and Imperial mercantilism. They'll appear to cooperate as far as they can to manipulate the situation covertly. Always agreeable, always making concessions yet never actually delivering on them (delay, delay, delay...).

Swordies never seemed so subtle to me; maybe that's why noone seems to like them. The Zho's used them as a pawn; the Impies barely tolerated them; the Darrians are smug and superior to them; no wonder they're sullen. Yet they can run a stable interstellar organization. Piracy, perhaps? Yes, then the Darrians have someone to covertly do some of their dirtier work. Interesting. Always a pawn? Surely there's some brilliance in the Sword Worlds, waiting for its time to blaze forth and conquer. But still, I think more of a Tamerlane or Charles Martel than a political coup.

And Arden, the scheming pearl. Note on the CT Spinward Marches maps, in the early 1100's there's just Arden, but scarcely a handful of years after, it's a Federation, at least partially grown via subjugation. Admire its location, sandwiched between Zho and Imp. It's a Switzerland. A gold mine. And that much gold must have a fleet. Sure, Arden was TL8 or some such. But its military can't be. Just can't. Well, it could, but to be a post-Imperial, post-Zho power it would have to be strong enough to protect its interests and be The Exchange for all trade interests. A new hub of finance for the Marches.

Add to that Ihatei states rimward, and a Droyne Worlds Consortium in Five Sisters.
Originally posted by robject:
Darrians are a mixed bag of high technology geek, ruthless Solomani paranoia, and Imperial mercantilism. They'll appear to cooperate as far as they can to manipulate the situation covertly.
I don't see the Darrians as having "Solomani paranoia". They seem to be singularly non-paranoid. (Plus they are completely non-racist.) They are, however, quite ruthless when they decide it is necessary and the time is right.

Also, they do seem to have a very definite sense of what is "theirs". (This could be a reason why they get along with the Aslan so well.)

Other than that, I don't disagree with your assessment of the Darrians.
Originally posted by Antony:
If you can get hold of the TNE Regency supplement it gives a different slant on the Darrians and noble is not it. As the 1200s role past the Darrians use a policy of resettlements on the worlds annexed by them to reduce the local populations to minorities. One world receives a visit from a Star Trigger detachment for not toeing the line. This shows that the Darrians are not the good guys of the sector but can be just as ruthless as anyone else when they want to be.
Yes I have that book and did not see this discussed. What page is it on?
Originally posted by daryen:
The motivations are thus:

The Zhos are gone as an interstellar power. You are now the biggest power outside the Regency. The Regency has done everything to make you dependent on it. How long until the Regency finally removes even the appearance of your independence?

I wouldn't say the Zhos are gone, just a tad bit distracted (ok that's an understatement). But yes, they certainly seem to be a shadow of their former selves. But what happens when the Zho civil war is resolved?

As for being the next biggest kid in the neighborhood, well, what about those Aslan? I think they're bigger. They certainly have more territory.

I think that the Regency are going to want to keep them around as allies and not annex them. It helps to keep some of that gray off of the white hat they keep trying to wear.

Sword Worlds:
You have five measley worlds. Well, OK, two are pretty good (Narsil & Anduril), but the Regency has completely taken over all of the others. How long do you have before the Regency comes for the last five?

True but those darn Darrians are in "cahoots" with the Regency. Always have. Why trust them now? What's to stop the Darrians from selling them out to the Regency?

See Sword Worlds above. The Regency is expanding and you are in the way. Plus, you are being overrun by Zho refugees. What are you going to do now?

No they're not. They refuse to allow Zho refugees on their worlds.

Not all alliances are based on trust and friendship. Sometimes you have to work with someone you don't like because the other options are even worse. In the case of the Darrians, sometimes you have to work against someone you do like because you finally realize your goals are incompatible.

But the Regency and the Darrians have always been allies while the Darrians and the Swordies have always been enemies. What do you propose is going to happen to change all that? The Regency Civil War?
Originally posted by daryen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by robject:
Darrians are a mixed bag of high technology geek, ruthless Solomani paranoia, and Imperial mercantilism. They'll appear to cooperate as far as they can to manipulate the situation covertly.
I don't see the Darrians as having "Solomani paranoia". They seem to be singularly non-paranoid. (Plus they are completely non-racist.) They are, however, quite ruthless when they decide it is necessary and the time is right.

Also, they do seem to have a very definite sense of what is "theirs". (This could be a reason why they get along with the Aslan so well.)
</font>[/QUOTE]I agree.
Originally posted by DED:
As for being the next biggest kid in the neighborhood, well, what about those Aslan? I think they're bigger. They certainly have more territory.
I am ignoring the Aslan at the moment. The Regency has pretty much beaten them out of the Marches, and pretty far back down the Reaches. Once the Regency breaks up, they can reappear as a threat, but that only helps give more justification for the continuation of the League.

[Darrians] I think that the Regency are going to want to keep them around as allies and not annex them. It helps to keep some of that gray off of the white hat they keep trying to wear.
I didn't mean to imply the Regency was going to fully annex the Darrians. They are instead just going to completely coopt them.

The Darrians are already massively dependent on the Regency for their industrial needs (like starships). Likewise, while the Regency won't annex the Darrians, they are actively working on expanding around them.

So, if nothing is done, the Darrians will still be "independent", but will be completely surrounded by the Regency and completely under their control. At that point, the Regency might as well just annex them.

For explanation, look at your own TNE pages. The Regency has already coopted the Darrian client in Foreven, and has cemented client status for worlds completely surrounding the Darrians. The Regency is bottling them up.

(BTW, this doesn't even have to be completely true. The Darrians just have to believe it is true. At the least, it is still mostly true.)

[Sword Worlds] True but those darn Darrians are in "cahoots" with the Regency. Always have. Why trust them now? What's to stop the Darrians from selling them out to the Regency?
Nothing. The SWs have no guarantees that they won't get backstabbed. But they just don't have a choice. They have NO allies, and the Darrians, old enemies and all, are the only ones offering them a hand.

[Arden] No they're not. They refuse to allow Zho refugees on their worlds.
They are *trying* to refuse or pass them on to the Regency. At some point the Regency is going to get tired of that and make them take some refugees. Plus, the Regency is eventually going to decide to come and clean Arden's house for them.

But the Regency and the Darrians have always been allies while the Darrians and the Swordies have always been enemies. What do you propose is going to happen to change all that? The Regency Civil War?
No. This happens before the Regency falls apart. (BTW, MJD's description doesn't sound like there is a Regency civil war. Instead it sounds more like an amicable divorce.)

What changes everything is two things: the Regency and Zhodani are no longer enemies and the SWers are no longer a threat to the Darrians.

Look at the example of the Imperium/Regency and Zhodani. They were enemies from the day they met and had four and a half massive wars that were very destructive. Yet they got over it when the Regency was no longer perceived as a threat by the Zhodani.

At this point (1200+) the Regency is the greatest threat to the independence of the Darrians and the very existance of the SWers. They have no one else to turn to, so why would they not at least see if some common ground could be reached?
Originally posted by DED:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Antony:
If you can get hold of the TNE Regency supplement it gives a different slant on the Darrians and noble is not it. As the 1200s role past the Darrians use a policy of resettlements on the worlds annexed by them to reduce the local populations to minorities. One world receives a visit from a Star Trigger detachment for not toeing the line. This shows that the Darrians are not the good guys of the sector but can be just as ruthless as anyone else when they want to be.
Yes I have that book and did not see this discussed. What page is it on? </font>[/QUOTE]It wasn't.

The population resettlements was a Regency, not Darrian, tactic. The Regency used it on the annexed Sword Worlds.

The intimidation of Nonym with a Star Trigger fleet was detailed in GT:Behind the Claw. The Regency Sourcebook mentions no such occurance.

On a general level, the Regency Sourcebook describes the Darrians very favorably. In the Regency Sourcebook the Regency is the "hero" of the Marches. The Darrians are the faithful sidekicks.

The hard edge to the Darrians that is mentioned in the original quote was done in GT:BtC.
Originally posted by daryen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by DED:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Antony:
If you can get hold of the TNE Regency supplement it gives a different slant on the Darrians and noble is not it. As the 1200s role past the Darrians use a policy of resettlements on the worlds annexed by them to reduce the local populations to minorities. One world receives a visit from a Star Trigger detachment for not toeing the line. This shows that the Darrians are not the good guys of the sector but can be just as ruthless as anyone else when they want to be.
Yes I have that book and did not see this discussed. What page is it on? </font>[/QUOTE]It wasn't.</font>[/QUOTE]That's what I thought. But I had to call him on it.

The population resettlements was a Regency, not Darrian, tactic. The Regency used it on the annexed Sword Worlds.

The intimidation of Nonym with a Star Trigger fleet was detailed in GT:Behind the Claw. The Regency Sourcebook mentions no such occurance.


On a general level, the Regency Sourcebook describes the Darrians very favorably. In the Regency Sourcebook the Regency is the "hero" of the Marches. The Darrians are the faithful sidekicks.

The hard edge to the Darrians that is mentioned in the original quote was done in GT:BtC.

Ah well that explains it. I don't want to get in a canon match but I didn't pick up any of the GT line because it was an Alternative Time Line. Also since it was all owned by SJG, I knew Quiklink wouldn't have access to it for copyright reasons, therefore it wouldn't be incorporated into the OTU. Hence my decision to ignore GT, despite its reputation for solid quality, and save my money.

That's not to say that Martin and company couldn't possibly be "influenced" by it. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Originally posted by daryen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by DED:
As for being the next biggest kid in the neighborhood, well, what about those Aslan? I think they're bigger. They certainly have more territory.
I am ignoring the Aslan at the moment.</font>[/QUOTE]That could be dangerous. ;)

The Regency has pretty much beaten them out of the Marches, and pretty far back down the Reaches. Once the Regency breaks up, they can reappear as a threat, but that only helps give more justification for the continuation of the League.

Hmmmm, well there are all those fait accompli worlds where humans have been subjugated by aslan. That's a problem. They're kind of embedded in several rimward Regency subsectors. And though the Regency reclaimed all of the old territory it had before the war, the Aslan were permitted to keep everything else they conquered, so long as it was non-Regency.

By the time the Regency breaks up, I would think that the Aslan would be headed back into the old Heirate to beat up Virus to satisfy their insulted honor. There are fatherlands to reclaim.

[Darrians] I think that the Regency are going to want to keep them around as allies and not annex them. It helps to keep some of that gray off of the white hat they keep trying to wear.
I didn't mean to imply the Regency was going to fully annex the Darrians. They are instead just going to completely coopt them.

The Darrians are already massively dependent on the Regency for their industrial needs (like starships). Likewise, while the Regency won't annex the Darrians, they are actively working on expanding around them.

So, if nothing is done, the Darrians will still be "independent", but will be completely surrounded by the Regency and completely under their control. At that point, the Regency might as well just annex them.

For explanation, look at your own TNE pages. The Regency has already coopted the Darrian client in Foreven, and has cemented client status for worlds completely surrounding the Darrians. The Regency is bottling them up.

(BTW, this doesn't even have to be completely true. The Darrians just have to believe it is true. At the least, it is still mostly true.)

I understand now. Though I do believe that the Regency seems more concerned with expansion back into the old Imperium via Corridor.

The stuff in Foreven is just conjecture by Peter Gray. It may or may not stand up once the TNE sourcebook comes out.

[Sword Worlds] True but those darn Darrians are in "cahoots" with the Regency. Always have. Why trust them now? What's to stop the Darrians from selling them out to the Regency?
Nothing. The SWs have no guarantees that they won't get backstabbed. But they just don't have a choice. They have NO allies, and the Darrians, old enemies and all, are the only ones offering them a hand.


[Arden] No they're not. They refuse to allow Zho refugees on their worlds.
They are *trying* to refuse or pass them on to the Regency. At some point the Regency is going to get tired of that and make them take some refugees. Plus, the Regency is eventually going to decide to come and clean Arden's house for them.

Yeah, that could happen.

But the Regency and the Darrians have always been allies while the Darrians and the Swordies have always been enemies. What do you propose is going to happen to change all that? The Regency Civil War?
No. This happens before the Regency falls apart. (BTW, MJD's description doesn't sound like there is a Regency civil war. Instead it sounds more like an amicable divorce.)

Hmmmm, that's not how I interpreted it at all. Sounded awfully violent to me.

Martin, would you please clarify this point for us. Is the Regency Civil War an "amicable divorce" or a fight complete with bloody noses and other body parts?

What changes everything is two things: the Regency and Zhodani are no longer enemies and the SWers are no longer a threat to the Darrians.

Look at the example of the Imperium/Regency and Zhodani. They were enemies from the day they met and had four and a half massive wars that were very destructive. Yet they got over it when the Regency was no longer perceived as a threat by the Zhodani.

At this point (1200+) the Regency is the greatest threat to the independence of the Darrians and the very existance of the SWers. They have no one else to turn to, so why would they not at least see if some common ground could be reached?

Hmmmmm ok. You've argued your point really well and it does indeed sound plausible. I'm not convinced 100% that it would happen, but your reasoning is sound.
Originally posted by DED:
... Hence my decision to ignore GT, despite its reputation for solid quality, and save my money.

That's not to say that Martin and company couldn't possibly be "influenced" by it. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Of course the ironic part here is that Martin co-wrote Behind the Claw. The influence issue could be interesting ...

BTW, I heartily recommend the GT:Humaniti book. While the interior art is problematic, the contents are quite good. The Darrian writeup is the best I have seen yet (and that is coming from a guy using "Daryen" as his profile name), and much of the others are very faithful to their origins. (Especially the Geonee and Dynchia, for example.)

Quite a good book for anyone wanting to use minor human races.
Originally posted by DED:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by daryen:
I am ignoring the Aslan at the moment.
That could be dangerous. ;) </font>[/QUOTE]I am ignoring the Aslan. The in-game states sure aren't. For example, I imagine the Floriani feel like they are staring down a loaded gun all the time.

By the time the Regency breaks up, I would think that the Aslan would be headed back into the old Heirate to beat up Virus to satisfy their insulted honor. There are fatherlands to reclaim.
The Aslan should be preoccupied with retaking their fatherlands rather than duking it out with Regency remnants. Granted there will still be some ihatei too lazy to make the longer trip, but the clans are primarily going to be tripping over each other to get across the Reft.

I am sure there will be some fights, and even a few lo-pop worlds take by the random ihatei. But most will be rushing the Reft.

The stuff in Foreven is just conjecture by Peter Gray. It may or may not stand up once the TNE sourcebook comes out.
I know you were just putting Peter's stuff up, but it still irks me to see the one and only Darrian client be taken by the Regency.

Besides, regardless of the source, I still couldn't resist tossing something from your website back at you. ;) (Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I love DED's site. It is one of the best Traveller resource sites on the web.)

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />This happens before the Regency falls apart. (BTW, MJD's description doesn't sound like there is a Regency civil war. Instead it sounds more like an amicable divorce.)
Hmmmm, that's not how I interpreted it at all. Sounded awfully violent to me.

Martin, would you please clarify this point for us. Is the Regency Civil War an "amicable divorce" or a fight complete with bloody noses and other body parts?
</font>[/QUOTE]I am completely wrong on this. There is a civil war in the Regency and it is not pleasant. I am sorry for stating things incorrectly on that.

Hmmmmm ok. You've argued your point really well and it does indeed sound plausible. I'm not convinced 100% that it would happen, but your reasoning is sound.
Thank you.

I do agree that it could easily not happen. I in no way mean to imply this scenario is probable, merely that it is possible.

The Darrians could resign themselves to just be clients for the Regency and want the Sword Worlds to finish getting stomped.

But where is the fun in that?
I like changing things up occationally. The really nice thing about the Darrian/Sword World teamup here is that it actually *helps* both sides. The Sword Worlds get saved, but it is done in a very face-saving way, as they are "equals". The Darrians get assurances for their holdings, plus access to a powerful industrial world.

I also assume the path to the foundation of the League is a long, difficult, painful, devisive path. It takes longer to get them to the table, than it does to actually make the agreement. But, once they finally do talk, and the cards are finally laid on the table, they realize that neither side can afford to walk away. So they don't.

And thank you for the discussion. It really helps to be forced to think ideas through to see if they can stand on their own.
Originally posted by daryen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by robject:
Darrians are a mixed bag of high technology geek, ruthless Solomani paranoia, and Imperial mercantilism. They'll appear to cooperate as far as they can to manipulate the situation covertly.
I don't see the Darrians as having "Solomani paranoia". They seem to be singularly non-paranoid. (Plus they are completely non-racist.) They are, however, quite ruthless when they decide it is necessary and the time is right.

Also, they do seem to have a very definite sense of what is "theirs". (This could be a reason why they get along with the Aslan so well.)

Other than that, I don't disagree with your assessment of the Darrians.
</font>[/QUOTE]Ok, that works.
Originally posted by daryen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by DED:
... Hence my decision to ignore GT, despite its reputation for solid quality, and save my money.

That's not to say that Martin and company couldn't possibly be "influenced" by it. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Of course the ironic part here is that Martin co-wrote Behind the Claw. The influence issue could be interesting ...
</font>[/QUOTE]Doh! I totally forgot about that! That certainly lends strength to your argument.

BTW, I heartily recommend the GT:Humaniti book. While the interior art is problematic, the contents are quite good. The Darrian writeup is the best I have seen yet (and that is coming from a guy using "Daryen" as his profile name), and much of the others are very faithful to their origins. (Especially the Geonee and Dynchia, for example.)

Quite a good book for anyone wanting to use minor human races.

IIRC Carlos Alos Ferrer did the Geonee write-up for that book. He's done great work on the Geonee in the past.

Speaking of GT sourcebooks, I looked into picking up "Starports" as it was something I thought could be quite useful, but it looked like I needed to have the core rules to make any sense out of it. Did you pick that one up? And did you or anyone else find a way to convert it over to any of the other Trav rule sets: CT, MT, TNE, or T4?
Originally posted by daryen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by DED:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by daryen:
I am ignoring the Aslan at the moment.
That could be dangerous. ;) </font>[/QUOTE]I am ignoring the Aslan. The in-game states sure aren't. For example, I imagine the Floriani feel like they are staring down a loaded gun all the time.
</font>[/QUOTE]Indeed they would.

By the time the Regency breaks up, I would think that the Aslan would be headed back into the old Heirate to beat up Virus to satisfy their insulted honor. There are fatherlands to reclaim.
The Aslan should be preoccupied with retaking their fatherlands rather than duking it out with Regency remnants. Granted there will still be some ihatei too lazy to make the longer trip, but the clans are primarily going to be tripping over each other to get across the Reft.

I am sure there will be some fights, and even a few lo-pop worlds take by the random ihatei. But most will be rushing the Reft.

Cool. We agree on that one.

The stuff in Foreven is just conjecture by Peter Gray. It may or may not stand up once the TNE sourcebook comes out.
I know you were just putting Peter's stuff up, but it still irks me to see the one and only Darrian client be taken by the Regency.

Besides, regardless of the source, I still couldn't resist tossing something from your website back at you. ;)

Pete's put out so much material, that it's impossible to keep up with it all.

(Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I love DED's site. It is one of the best Traveller resource sites on the web.)


Hmmmm, that's not how I interpreted it at all. Sounded awfully violent to me.

Martin, would you please clarify this point for us. Is the Regency Civil War an "amicable divorce" or a fight complete with bloody noses and other body parts?
I am completely wrong on this. There is a civil war in the Regency and it is not pleasant. I am sorry for stating things incorrectly on that.

No problem. Just wanted to make sure Martin didn't change things around while I was asleep. ;)


And thank you for the discussion. It really helps to be forced to think ideas through to see if they can stand on their own.

No problem. Glad to be of help.
Originally posted by DED:
Speaking of GT sourcebooks, I looked into picking up "Starports" as it was something I thought could be quite useful, but it looked like I needed to have the core rules to make any sense out of it. Did you pick that one up? And did you or anyone else find a way to convert it over to any of the other Trav rule sets: CT, MT, TNE, or T4?
Over half of Starports is "background" material that explains the Imperial Starport Authority (SPA) and how things work with the different starport classes. The next largest chuck deals with designing starports.

If GURPS had used the metric system like it should (sorry, but that is my one BIG gripe about GT), the conversion would be simpler. Otherwise you have to know that 500 cubic feet (cf) is one "space" is one "dton". With that, a rough conversion to at least High Guard is possible.

So it is not a simple "yes" or "no". I like it, but I also like GT ship design, so take that for what its worth.