Originally posted by Savage:
This expansion into Sword Worlds is something I never bought into. With everything going on it should've collapsed. I'd suggest an slight alternative. If your a splinter Zhodani govt (say 20-30 regional stars) and the Regency and take out your client state wouldn't you call it invasion and run to the rescue. Afterall your next. If your Darrian would you join with the Sword Worlds. Yeah like israel and egypt? Lets be pals.
The Regency Sourcebook is quite clear on this. The Regency never made their move against the Sword Worlds until they had cleared it with the Zhodani. (This was done prior to the Zhodani implosion/exodus.) The Zhodani didn't ride to the rescue because they were co-conspirators with the Regency (and Darrians).
And the Zhodani knew they were not next. First, they were already on a good relationship with the Regency. Second, the Regency was not a threat as it was too small compared to the Consulate.
Fundamentally, the Zhodani jettisoned the Sword Worlds because they were no longer useful. Frankly, the Zhodani had probably long wanted to rid themselves of the Sword Worlds and willing handed them over to the Regency.
The Regency shouldn've had the bandwidth. The agressive assault should've collapsed under any pressure when they were taking back captured worlds.
The Regency Sourcebook points out that the attack on the Sword Worlds was a overwhelming response. They likely employed many of their freed up "Aslan hunters" to do the job. The Sword World "invasions" were really just glorified "flag plantings"; none of the systems were captured in any real sense. The Regency probably ignored them and just hammered the Sword Worlds themselves.
And managing the Sword Worlds was a very large headache. Many of the Regency efforts (primarily the Denebian relocations) ended up just blowing up in their face.
Now the Darrians and 5 sisters forming a splinter I'd buy. Heck. If I was the Darrians I would've negotiated it in exchange for assistance versus the virus and to watch the back against the Zhodani.
Again the Zhodani are no threat to the Regency. (Nor the Regency to the Zhodani.) They are very much allies at this point. This friendship only ends when the Consulate effectively ceases to exist. There are no formal Zhodani successor states until after the time of the Regency Sourcebook (1202). Many have probably just barely formed by the time of MJD's TNE in 1248.
And there is no way the Regency would willingly let loose of any of the Five Sisters. There is just too much military capital involved. Plus they are very interested in keeping a "cap" on those two Droyne worlds. (I don't know why, but the Imperium/Domain/Regency always did their best to competely isolate Andor and Candory.)