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Dealing with Lockdown


SOC-14 5K
I talked with a friend of mine from my church last night, and he is starting to struggle with cabin fever. He, like my and my wife, are in the most vulverable group to the corona virus, and has been pretty much staying it. Cabin fever is not something to joke about, as we saw it in Alaska. People can stay cooped up for only so long before they start having problems. My wife is still working as she is in what has been deemed an essential occupation, so she is dealing with the public daily, not without worries on my part. However, many of you might be under lockdown right now. If you are, give friends and family a call or do an Internet chat with them, see how they are doing, just talk and listen. It will be of enormous help to both them and you.
Military barracks.

But imagine you're on a tropical island, swaying in the breeze of the air conditioner.

Triced-up hammocks - old-school Navy style.

Reveille! Reveille! Reveille! All hands heave out and trice up. The smoking lamp is now lit. Sweepers sweepers man your brooms, sweep down fore and aft and swab all decks compartments and ladder ways, now sweepers. Breakfast for the crew. Now Reveille!"
heh. imagine being in jump space most of your career.

I was not referring to an imaginary world, but the Real World that we are living in. The lock-down order in Illinois lasts until April 7th, and given what is happening in Chicago, I suspect that it will be extended.
New Orleans is looking at lockdown until April 20. It's likely to be extended if it gets as bad as the projections are indicating.

Good advice, TR51. Just checking in with people to see how they're doing means a lot and helps break up the monotony.
This will be historic; we do live in interesting times.

I doubt it will reach the ravages of the Black Death, but there will be sociological changes.

Our lockdown is supposedly until April nineteenth, but I suspect that's very dependent on where we are on the infection curve.

When was the original lockdown announcement, Friday thirteenth? While there was a sudden potato famine, it didn't last long.
I misspoke. New Orleans' lockdown is officially scheduled to end Apr 13. But that would be foolish. The Gov and our Mayor have both stated it's likely to be extended.

It's... I don't know what the word is. Looking back at historical events, particularly the massive and awful ones, I always wonder how on earth people could behave in such ways, or look the other way, or just not care. Then I see the Springbreakers, and people congregating in Austin and so forth (probably happening around here too, unfortunately). I guess this is what it's like, everything's just fine. Except it isn't. And don't get me started on the US government's response to this...

I hope everyone is taking this seriously. Follow the protocols, avoid going out the airlock except if absolutely necessary and double-check suit integrity when you do have to.

What kinds of card games do Scouts and X-Boat pilots play?
I was not referring to an imaginary world, but the Real World that we are living in.

yes, I know. just trying to be game-relevant.

I doubt it will reach the ravages of the Black Death

covid19 won't.

the response might ....

I hope everyone is taking this seriously.

taking what seriously?

but it's a great setting for a game scenario. people trying to buy their way off planet, selling holds full of masks and hand sanitizer and toilet paper to the highest bidder (or the bidder with the most guns ...), delivering brave physicians to hotspots, delivering government agents who investigate the political causes, retrieving operatives who get caught behind the "front lines" they caused ... great stuff!
Well, it looks like the lock-down will extend to April 30th. That is going to be hard on people, and some industries are going to start having problems.
It's hard, believe me.

In Spain, we're on partial lockdawn (only allowed to leave home to buy escential goods, walk pets, going to work and helath reasons) since March 13th (ITTR, as time begins to blurr), and under Alarm State (the least sevree of Martial Law situations) since the 16th, that will last at least until past Easter.

Now, this lockdaws has been even increased, with all non-escential Jobs are closed (on a leave to be recovered when the crisis ends), so even going to work is limited to those workin on such essential services.

New cases are lowering those last days, but even so hospitals (mostly intesive care) are close to saturation, and helath workers casualty rate (counting those mildly ill and quarintained as such, as true casualties are low) is reaching about 10-20%, furthr streaching helath system (quite sound in Spain, BTW).

Also silence is scaring (few cars on the street), and, if you move a Little, it ssems you to be in a ghost city. And don't understimate the time blurring I told about, as most shcedules and time references are nearly lost.

Being locked at home is hard, and, on difference to jump, no specific date for end is in sight, and always fearing falling ill nonetheless. I'd say more closer to a missjunp (to keep the analogy), in a closed sapce and with uncertain future (OTOH, you're not with strangers, and at least you can see open sky through the window and obtain fresh air just opening it).

The only good point: pollution levels are all time low (a least, the lowest for about a century).
Cabin fever is not something to joke about, as we saw it in Alaska.

We're locked down here in California, but not that hard. It's more businesses that are actually locked down (i.e. closed) and the people are mostly just playing along.

The neighborhood looks almost like Halloween, there's so many folks out walking and riding bikes and such.

My wife and I tend to daily go out to lunch (which has to be drive through or pick up), but then we go to a local park to eat it rather than bring it home. This opens up options in that we're not locked down how far we can go to get lunch, but we also don't have to worry about the food getting cold brining it all the way home. Or, we could eat in the car.

We're also out walking everyother day or so. Weather is warming up this week for us.

Mind, we've had a large landscaping project going on for the past 2 months, and the crew is still here. So, there's some distraction and interaction (however noisy) with the owners and the crew.

Different state have different policies, we're more a suburb here and not super densely populated. Grocery store wasn't a looted ghost town this weekend, which is good. Stuff coming back on the shelves.

All told, most folks are behaving themselves.
Well, it looks like the lock-down will extend to April 30th

virginia governor says 10jun. harsh. can you say, "economic depression"? sure you can.

hey, great game scenario - plague ship! you're on a jump liner that discovers one day after jump that some passenger has brought aboard a serious plague, and all the passengers freak out - social distancing in-hull, toilet paper thievery, buffet line rationing, cheese and cracker hoarding, scapegoating, vigilantes, witch trials. and then you finally arrive and the nightmare is over - only to find the destination port won't allow you to dock and it all begins again. sounds great.
You can't get more social isolation than in deep freeze.

Interesting question is whether the Slow Drug (and Fast) effects all organisms, or just humans, in which case, there might be quite a number of surprises at the end of that cruise.