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Deckplans Poll: The Next Generation

I use accurate stats and the following Deckplans/Battlemaps:

  • Total voters


SOC-14 1K

Shutdown by Virus (a.k.a., SPAM). We come from the long night again.
Here is the original thread. http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=31063

Let's redo our approach with a bit more detail. :eek:
Feel free to change votes. And vote often. You may vote for multiple types. (Perhaps the players use Detailed Graphics but still have Art for other ships)
Have fun. Don't take it personally. All plans are a sign of art. Free plans are always appreciated.

The new Poll:
We all insist on accurate ship/station statistics but our Deckplans / Battlemaps need to be...
  1. Detailed 3D/2D Quality Graphics (DQ)
    DQ Examples: Magmagmag Traveller plans. Ryan Wolfe (who is on this site from time to time) has his Future Armada series which are not specifically for Traveller. Or the Firefly from the Firefly RPG.
  2. Not Detailed 3D/2D Graphics (NDG)
    NDG Examples: MT (Assignment Vigilante), T20's Merc Cruiser are a step up from the original CT deckplans. CT AHL and Snapshot may be the beginning of that step up.
  3. CT-style Not Detailed Graphics (CNG)
    CNG Examples: Black Book CT deckplan like Safari Ship, Leviathan and Kinunir. FASA's Adventure class.
  4. Art Only no Deckplans (AO)
    AO Examples: Plans that are not to spec or only for Art/Concept: CT Merc Cruiser, T4 Starships or GT Starships' Tigress
  5. Detailed/Non-Detailed Quality Battlemap required (DQ/NDG)
    DQ/NDG Examples: Newer Style Battlemaps like Future Armada series...
  6. CT-style Battlemap required (CNG)
    CNG Examples: FASA Adventure Ship maps
  7. Plain Battlemap board. (PBM)
  8. I do not use Battlemap boards (NoBM)
  9. Virtual Desktop Plans/Maps (VDP)
    VDP Examples: Those gaming online may only use online plans/maps, or working in 3d 2nd life-style environments.
A few things to discuss:
We had 125 votes on the first poll. Comments are appreciated. Keep the first thread or update it. But to carry on the conversation here is a basic list of questions. Feel free to add to it.
  • Provide links or mention your favorite plans (Traveller or any system)
  • Discuss plans you'd like to talk about (good features or problems)
  • Mention those you consider Art use only.
  • Deckplans need to be accurate within 20% or what do you think.
  • Which Era Deckplans do you prefer Artistically, Functionally...
  • If you think age is relevant to your expectations mention your range (>= 40) or (40<) yo. (example, Savage >=40yo)
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Sheesh, my brain locked up. Descriptions too confusing, sorry.
I divided the topics into headings and imbedded the details if it helps.

I took feedback throughout the original thread and incorporated it into the new thread. Hence, votes are reworded and additional options of discussing battleplan maps. There are abbreviations for easier reference.

Also, people can vote on multiple categories.

The first poll was pretty general.

This version asks for more details. It may even help a developer or two. Feel free to reference non-traveller plans as points of discussion.
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If I were to run a Traveller game I would want something I could translate to a minis-scale battlemap. Beyond that I just want accurate stats and a good description.
Should read, "I use..." AND "I am will to purchase..."

Two ENTIRELY different animals if you want to be useful for developers.
nit picking

Should read, "I use..." AND "I am will to purchase..."

Two ENTIRELY different animals if you want to be useful for developers.

I've edited the original enough. You might think there is too much assumption but knowing what some refs are using is adequate for this poll. A Poll on What people would purchase could be helpful to steer refs but we tend not to get the type of numbers necessary from the COTI community to accurately forecast.

That might be a good vendor email inquiry to clients.

Has anyone planned or started on any T5 deckplans? Their are differences in the Art and the cruiser is much larger.
I figure that CT Deck Plans are fine, but for combat in ships, I make plans at one inch equals one meter, figuring that is the size of the figure base.

For outdoor battles, depends on what board war game I have handy.
, but for combat in ships, I make plans at one inch equals one meter, figuring that is the size of the figure base.

Do you keep these on file for common ships, or only make them as needed? Are they permanent drawings, or temporary sketches on wipe-off battleboards?
Do you keep these on file for common ships, or only make them as needed? Are they permanent drawings, or temporary sketches on wipe-off battleboards?

I do permanent ones on graph paper, with standard ones for corridors. I do them for the ships that I use in my Universe. They are not quite your standard Traveller ships.

We can also discuss tools.
I know many people have used Campaign Cartographer, some use Blender. If you'd like to add tool comments to inspire future deckplans by all means dive in...
Neopaint by Neosoft. It's basically a hype up Paint Program with several features which allows you to layer, and make files for repeative use. I suggest you visit the website to get a full review on the program.
I recently looked through MgT Fighting Ships and Trillion Credit Squadron. I like the pictures really needed more work or a different style but I may be one of the few who light the "small" capital ship deckplans. I agree that all ships need deckplans and this is a fine method of providing spacial reference. A battlemap can be used by a ref to do the rest.

It would be nice if they had CD version available for computer, where the ref can zoom in on various sections.

Other gaming companies have set a high standard in deckplans, however, they also do not have as many ships as Traveller. It would be nice if a few of the ships we're higher quality.
Some details, lots of details. Depends on what I'm doing or using for play or inspiration.

I have wondered from time to time how well plastic overlays would work for blank deckplans. Move the top plastic overlay, you see the cables, etc. in the upper hull. Move plastic overlay again, you see top deck, etc. all the way down to the bottom of the hull. Cost might be a problem for actual plastic overlays. But such layers on a computer, or android tablet, might be easier to impliment.
I really liked the Fat Cat far trader plans but they represent the exception rather than the rule because it takes a serious talent to do work like that. I'm pretty good with the CT/FASA level of plans myself.
I've always been a fan of the Classic Traveller deck plan format, recently discovered that FFE has a newly available series of such in just that style.

The bonus in my opinion is that the format is very miniatures-friendly !

I voted 1. Detailed 3D/2D Quality Graphics (DQ) but its more complicated than that.

I love Magmagmag's exploded drawings. For me they capture how Traveller ships look and more importantly work as locations for adventures. On the other hand I'm not a fan of the Future Armada deckplans that try to combine a grid with 3D details.

What I like to see is a good 3D or perspective drawing that shows me what the ship looks like outside and how the decks are organized. Married to that should be classic style CT deckplans with a grid (1.5m squares scale for preference). These plans should be fairly clean, only showing the 2d locations of the components included in the ship design so you know that there is the Jump drive and there is how much space characters have to move around it, or that walled off space marked galley is the tonnage designed in as galley space, but it does show cupboards and coffee pots.

If its marked out on a grid I can transfer it to a larger battlemap for miniatures or draw sections in as PCs explore.

I think one of the best CT style deckplans was the Snow Bird from White Dwarf. Conversely i hate the MgT deckplans. even though they are in a similar style, they scream "living aboard this vessel would drive you insane".

I guess I like aircraft and boat plans, they make sense and are ergonomically clever.