Types of Medical Ships...
The needs of a medical ship are dependent upon what the medical ship does.
There should be casualty transport ships. A couple OR's, a dozen beds for those not able to be safely frozen but likely to be revivable, and a whole lot of low berths.
A local-support-in-crisis ship (of limited use, save for epidemics) would be several OR's, recovery beds, and a bunch of small staterooms for short duration.
Traveling Frontier Circuit Medical Center: 2-3 OR's, disease lab, and 2-3 exam rooms, and a disease lab and radiology lab.
Ship-mounted MASH units... for marine ops, mostly, but probably also capable of being part of the support/auxiliary ships...
How to build them into ships
OR's should be labs, and should be about the size of a stateroom; we have stats for labs from the CT errata... 0.2 per ton. An OR should be about the same size as a stateroom. MGT states that it's 4Td per researcher for labs.
So, if we presume an OR needs a crew of 3 (I'd argue 2.5, but I'll use McPerths' three... that makes the OR 12 Td. If we include Preop in that, and scrub station, I think it's about right, or just a hair big.
We should treat ICU and Post-op as labs as well. I'd say 2 Td per patient, and if we take 2 nurses per 5 patients as a minimum, that's a good 8Td per 5 patients; 3 nurses per 5 gives us 12 Td... so, 2td station + 2td per bed, maximum 5 beds per station. For a full-up meatball, with 12 hours per patient in post-op, and freeze if not able to go to a stateroom, we need 12 per OR.
Wards- a ward bed should be half a stateroom, plus a 4 Td "Lab" Station for each 12 such rooms? (this gives 2 nurses per 48 patients - low, but not uncommon in military field hospitals in Korea and Nam... as the OR staff pulled the extra shifts to help keep numbers manageable.)
We need an imaging lab. One tech, 30 minutes per scan, thus supporting 2 OR's per 4Td. Let's pretend, for now, that it's an "advanced imager" combining multiple types of scanner into an imager unit of 2Td and a 1 td workstation, plus 1 td of access space and such...
For the following, presume the following
Surgeon = Medical 3 Dex 8
Doctor = Medical 3, dex may be under 8
Nurse = medical 2
Medic = Medical 1
Orderly = Medical 0
So, for our meatball unit... a MASH in a hull
6x OR: 72 Td MCr14.4 - 6 Surgeons, 6 doctors, 6 nurses
Post-Op/ICU 75 beds (12 per surgery, rounding up to a multiple of 5) = 15x12=180 Td, MCr36, 30 nurses, 15 medics
Wards: 96 beds (48 SR, 184Td, MCr24), 2 stations (8Td, MCr1.6), 2 Nurses. 4 medics for full staffing.
Imaging Labs x3: 12 Td, MCr2.4, 3x Techs
Drug Synthesis: 4Td, MCr0.8, 1x Chemist
Total Tonnage 352Td
Total Cost: MCr79.2
• Surgeons x6
• Doctors x6
• Nurses x38
• Medics x21
• Imaging Techs x3
• Chemist x1
Meaning another 75 staterooms (300 Td, MCr 37.5)
For a grand total of 652Td, MCr116.7
Plus, add some G-Carriers for ambulances, plus their crews... total 24 Td and MCr3.5 per ambulance...
The GCarriers at 8Td, MCr1 each. 4 patients each, plus driver, a pair of orderlies, and 2 medics. This uses the metric of 1 person under medical care takes 2x the space of a passenger.
5 SR for each; 20Td plus MCr2.5 per ambulance.
If we want to be able to grab half an OR shift per unit-sortie... 6x6=36 meaning 9 ambulances... 216 Td, MCr31.5, 9 drivers, 18 orderlies, 18 medics.
So combining it, 868Td, MCr148.2 for the MASH...
Then add 100 Td of low berths... 200 of them, MCr100. I think there are enough nurses aboard already, but just for good measure, 4 more nurses (1 per 50) for 16Td and a MCr2 more.
Plus 16 Td supplies.
Bringing it to 1000Td, MCr250.2