OK, the server move ended the poll abruptly. Here's the top 7, from memory, based on my last view, with 37 votes.
1) Firefly /26
2) B5 /24
3) nBSG /12
4) ST:TOS /7
5) Blake's 7 /5
6) Farscape /4
7) Space: A&B /3
Given that B5 is popular, why aren't people playing that instead of Traveller?!
btw, my PAL R2 box of Starhunter is on it's way from Down Under....
1) Firefly /26
2) B5 /24
3) nBSG /12
4) ST:TOS /7
5) Blake's 7 /5
6) Farscape /4
7) Space: A&B /3
Given that B5 is popular, why aren't people playing that instead of Traveller?!
btw, my PAL R2 box of Starhunter is on it's way from Down Under....