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Describe YOUR 2300 world/universe

The 2300 World I was a part of (another couple of guys actually did most of the leg work) was canon in some respects, at least at the beginning. We did add the whole "Alien" species, as well as another highly advanced but in hiding species called the Korrellians. They were masters of technology and their foe was....the Medusans. The Medusans in our game genre (Only seen one of them alive, and that was more than enough during a fluke mishap when we were testing a new type of FTL/Stutterwarp drive) are psionic creatures that intended to wipe the Korrellians from existence (and ended up targetting mankind because Korrellians and humans are identical in appearances). The Korrellians developed the first AI constructs that we (simple military spec ops) called Terminator units, after the 300 year old film that was canonized by the Provos.

Most of our time was spent in either the Colonial Marine Corps (US), or a secret US government spec ops team known as Dark Force, who's job it was to recover alien artifacts so that the US could hopefully gain a technology boost that would make it surpass the French et. al. in the Superpowers race. One time, I played a troubleshooter in a MegaCorps...that was a blast. I remember a few years ago, I came up with expanded/extended Military Careers, as having served in the Army and enjoyed playing Army type chars, I thought the skills were way too loose in respect to Basic training. I also added a lot from the Twilight 2000 game, adding various military schools (Like Ranger School, SpecForce school, Jump school) and such for most of the US military units. I think I have those stats laying around, if anyone would like to have them. I intended to add to the Troubleshooter career and a few others to put it on par with the Military ones, as you got IIRC about 2x the skills you did with a civilian career. Anyway, a vast majority of the game millieu was pretty canon as far as mechanics go..7.7 LY stutter limit (as the drive we ended up testing got destroyed). We did make heavy use of TV megacorps such as OCP, Hyperdyne, and things of that ilk. We also borrowed a lot of weapons and technology from Shadowrun to add to the whole Cyberpunk feel...got stats for that stuff too laying around. Anyway...I'm glad I found this place, and hope 2320 will be as fun as the original!

Chris aka Gunbunny
I have vastly increased colonization from each of the major powers. I also have some Scandinavian worlds on the Chinese arm. But stardrives of 10 ly range are in use.
The biggest change I made to 2300's setting for my own campaign was to scrap the Twilight war, using a homebrewed history more like Merc:2000 than Twilight:2000 as the starting point.
This makes everything happen about 100 years sooner, since there is no rebuilding to be done.

The idea was to creating an over-arching campaign with several different eras available, each offering a different sort of campaign. First was going to be a near-future techno-thriller kind of game (this was back in 1991, so 1999 was "near future), then a Vietnam scenario set during brushfire wars in Latin America in the early 2000's, building to an early cyberpunk kind of campaign by 2010 and through 2030 or so. Next step is colonization of Mars, then jump ahead a few decades and ride the first Stutterwarp Explorers to Alpha Centurai. Eventually, blindside your players with Aliens.

Never did finish the Master Plan, and the players petered out in about July 2000 (game time). :(
I used the Pournelle "Falkenberg's Legion" stuff and added in a little of the "Hammer's Slammers" stuff from David Drake to create a world where Mercenaries are common and often used. I dropped the alien races for anything more than window dressing as the true conflict were the Corp sponsored wars, Colonial aggressions and second world powers flexing their muscles. The players ran a mechanized infantry regiment, (Hastings Hellhounds, Col. Hastings commanding) and were set up in the american colony in the Centauri system. Basically, the Quarantine of earth required that no Mercenaries were allowed in system because of the chance of infection. The corps were much more important, the space travel was faster and cheaper so there were more places to ply their trade... It was shaping up pretty well, I thought.
I didn't like the vehicle designs, nor the rules set so I played around with different things until finally the new Silhouette rules by DreamPod9 came out and I used Gears and their vehicle design rules and their system rules to run the game in. Made a cool 2300 sheet for it too. If they don't come out with their minatures rules pretty soon, I may go looking again for another system. Then again, I may also have to look at 2320... though I'm getting sick of D20.
For me, I haven't actually played 2300AD, save as a prequel to Traveller First Contact. But reading through the material, especially the early stuff (Traveller 2300), I always thought of Asimov early Robot trilogy (before it morphed into his link to the Foundation series ie. nothing after Robots of Dawn) and some of Arthur C. Clarke's stuff. I am sure that is not how it was intended but I always saw the need to downplay the national rivarlies and focus more on the Hard struggle of Humanity amongst the Stars.
I set my 2300 AD world in 2307. The Humans are about to strike into Kafer territory, with a massive fleet and thousands of troops.
In my world, Robots are prevelant, and some corporations produce Sentient AI's, but these are very expensive, and not common. A Sentient AI might be a corporate rep, or scientist, owned by the corporation or individual. This will eventually lead to severe ethical issues.
Otherwise, my timeline is close to canon. Adding Robots seemed right to me
Robots, although, I have my doubts about AI would be a welcome addition to the universe of 2320AD. Not to mention the hybridization between robotic and organic technologies that the Pentapods would come up with...

Having a massive invasion of Kafer territory was already done in Challenge (Operation Back Door?), if I am not mistaken only to find that the Yili were the brains behind the brute of the Kafer invasion.

Personally, I would like to see something more sinister with the Kafers just being used in pawns of a larger game. Traditionally, I have used the Vilani for that purpose but it would certainly be interesting to have something even bigger laying behind Kafer space. As I was disappointed after Invasion, there was nobody really to give Earthlings a bloody nose.
Backdoor saw ISTR 4 frigates going to the Ylii homeworld.

Three Blind Mice saw 3 UK Frigates, under multinational command scouting Kafer space.

As of 2303 that is the extent of invasion.
More sinister than the Kafers???

How about pentapod human simulacra infiltrating human space ready for the day the pentapods launch their invasion?

Oh, and gestating one of their "gods" at the bottom of one of Earth's oceans ;)
Could it be that the Invasion by the Kafers was nothing but a front to divert humanity from a more pressing problem.

We know that the future on Earth is dominated by posthumanists. Could it be that Colonial Revolt is now brewing? Added to the equation that something is creeping across known space. Remember the psionic plant warned of the Enemy. Perhaps, we have uncovered something in Kafer space that Man was Meant to Know...
Originally posted by kafka47:
Could it be that the Invasion by the Kafers was nothing but a front to divert humanity from a more pressing problem.

We know that the future on Earth is dominated by posthumanists. Could it be that Colonial Revolt is now brewing? Added to the equation that something is creeping across known space. Remember the psionic plant warned of the Enemy. Perhaps, we have uncovered something in Kafer space that Man was Meant to Know...
You're not on the 2320 playtest, are you? There was a spoiler thread in there, secrets of 2320 that won't see the light of day...

These aren't those spoilers, though:

Elements of the Ylii want to incorporate humanity into their polytaxic society, and aren't above manipulation (social, genetic) to do so.

Then there are the Pentapods, with multiple factions, each with their own goals/ideas for humanity.

The Sung want out, and there's nearly as many of them as there are humans.

What's AGRA doing now that it/they is/are aware of Humanity?

Then there's the Kafers. What happens when they finish their current civil war?

Back in the Human sphere, many colony worlds have been settled for 100+ years, and independence movements are growing. The economic doldrums that halted the founding of most new colonies in the past 70 years is finally over, and nations are seeking to expand to new worlds again. As too are the newly independent colonial nations (Wellon, Friehafen, Niebelungen, Heidelsheimat, Adlerhorst, Elysia). Overextended nations are having to cut back on their colonial holdings, however, with the attendent problems that holds.

Lots of stuff to do, I should think.

Oh, no true posthumans, or AIs. The technology for the former is tightly controlled, and the technology for the latter just doesn't seem to work, at least not for long. Breakthroughs can happen, though. The transhumanists/posthumanists want the restrictions and bans on DNA modification and mind/machine interfaces abolished, and they now control the outpost at Van Maanen's star. What are they doing, one wonders?


Even though, I am not on the playtest...what is a sourcebook without at least 50 unsolved mysteries in it?

You have wet my appetite for more and I cannot wait until I get my 2320 book...hopefully, Loren does not veto your anti-Transhumanist (somewhat) sediment to boast sales of Transhuman Space...
Also how many of us have tried to use 2300 as a tie in to CT or MT? I know I have. I just wish that 2300 had a simple, clean, and elegant ship design system like High Guard.
My 2300ad universe is pretty much canon excepted for a few differences which are:

- Canada in about to open up a second colony on Wolverine (AC+17 534-105 II); a world of 1,5 G with great resources of tantalum and other rare earths minerals.

- U.K. has decided to give to Canada, a “sizable” amount of territory on its Beowulf’s continent in exchange to Canada’s participation to help clean Beowulf of the Kafer’s infestation due to a handful of troop transport that succeeded to land on the planet during the battle of Queen Alice’s Star. This territory will be named New Vancouver.

- Canada, with the help of Brazil and the Life Foundation has discovered a Brown dwarf orbiting Sirius. Sirius C, as it came to be name, showed all the sign of a star that reached its post mortem phase; meaning it was once a red dwarf that went out of fuel and reverted to a brown dwarf. More incredible, Sirius C I seem to have hosted, at one point, a very advanced civilisation that showed incredible resemblance with the myth African Dogon tribe. In order to learn more of these “Dogon”, Canada and a handful nations and agencies, opened up a few outpost on Sirius C I a.k.a. Legacy . As the study of Legacy and its Dogon’s civilisation advanced, it became clear that Sirius C held a second mystery… Sirius C II; a world depicted by the Dogon’s map as a mercury size planet, had disappeared. Knowing the Dogon used to master the Stutterwarp technology, was there a relation with this fact and their apparent exode? If so; where did they go?

- A Canadian science vessel, while undertaking research in deep space radio wave transmission, picked up what appeared to be a distress call from Capella! Further study had showed that three races (GM notes : the Vrusk, the Dralasite & the Yazirian) are waging a devastating war against a fourth one (GM notes : the Sathar). As the conflict is relatively close to the human colonial sphere, an expedition is mounted to assess the possible nature of the threat toward mankind.

As you can see, I am a Canadian.
My 2300 Universe is very non-canon. I developed it out of SJ Games OGREverse+200 years.

The major powers are the UK, US, China, Japan, Australia, Germany, France, Mexico, Israel, Brazil and Argentina.

Texas is still part of the USA. Arabia and the UAR are not star-faring powers.

The setting owes a lot to Heinlein's Federation. The nations of Earth entered into a loose confederation to pursue space exploration. The relationship between Earth's nations in space is much closer than in canon 2300, resembling the closer alliance portrayed in Space: AAB