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Describe YOUR 2300 world/universe

The campaign I've been setting up (and may someday actually run) will probably sound somewhat heretical, but here it is.

I've kept the setting, stutterwarp range, polities, and history intact. My maps are nearly the same (although I've been doing some cross checking against Gliese3, but I don't really expect much to change.)

What I've done is add HEPlaR drive, contra grav lifters (no thrust though, just buoyancy), artificial gravity, and psionics.

Reasons: I rather like the feel of stutterwarp, but disliked my parties not being able to (easilly) play the small starship game a la CT or Firefly. The contragrav/HEPlaR was not the only possible fix, but it was the one that sounded the best to me ^_^. I may yet drop the contragrav, but since I wanted artificial gravity the nul-grav seemed a natural extension.

Without spun habitats ships can be smaller, and with CG/HEPlaR those small ships can actually land when they get where they are going.

Because HEPlaR burns fuel, and because I put an upper cap on the size Contragrav can lift (800 dtons or so)... beanstalks are still viable. ROTONs and MHD thrusters however are no longer used (HEPlaR is cheaper and gets better fuel economy) however.

There are no grav vehicles air/rafts, etc, not so much because CG modules are power expensive, but because the tech base simply isn't there to make them small enough to fit small vehicles. So, aircraft and ground effect vehicles are largely unaffected.

Contragrav/Artificial gravity are not an issue for warp discharge because you can't discharge the drive to the ship its mounted on... and discharging to another ship would be the same for them as if their own drive broke down... so no dice there. To keep this from being used as a weapon... I stipulated that the warp discharge requires the 0.1g field to be significantly large. In other words... if the ship can't be IMMERSED in the grav field... it can't discharge. That nifty 800dton volume limit on cg field size helps there too. Artificial gravity has no upper limit, but it only works close to the field plates (i.e., the floor)... so thats ok too.

Since this change instantly invalidated all existing starship designs, and since stutterwarp is a vectorless drive... I went ahead and specified that HEPlaR is a requirement on all starships anyway... because its a lot easier to match vectors with that planet you wish to orbit if you don't have to slingshot around every other planet on the way there. 10-15 g-hours is all thats needed for ships that don't land, but they all have to have it. Ships still slingshot (aka Delta Vega) to conserve fuel, but its there if you need it. That nicely takes up the space that suddenly became free with the loss of all that spun habitat machinery.

What I end up with is larger commercial freighters like the Anjou still running in the 2000 dton range, but a lot of streamlined 200-400 dton couriers show up. Those are the small ships I was after to begin with.

Psionics, I added because I rather like that aspect of traveller to begin with. I use Babylon 5 as a model for how it interfaces with society, and then made it much more rare than what the CT/MT/TNE/T20 books would seem to indicate. I've got homebrewed/amalgumated rules on those too.

There it is. A tad off the beaten path perhaps... but its the one I'm playing with at the moment. Its not *quite* 2300, but its close enough for what I'm after.
Our campaign startedout pretty well per canon - France had been The Big Cheese for well over 100 years, had recently been embarrassed by Germany and some other political/economic events, but remains the big dog on the block. The USA and Australia in my campaign were a little more populated than in canon, but not overwhelmingly so.

The main differences really popped up during the campaign. First, just before the Kafer invasion, a war broke out between the USA and Mexico. France attempted to intervene on behalf of Mexico but was dissuaded when the German military mobilized (mostly in response to French mobilization). Both the US and Mexico refrained from nuclear weapons, but some of their South American allies (on both sides) made use of a few nukes against US or Mexican orbital facilities).

The war ended when an international coalition threatened to attack both the US and Mexico if the war did not stop. The US had only partially acieved their war aims; retaking the former US states of New Mexico and Arizona, but only making marginal headway in California. The coalision was trying to get the US to return the reconquered territory when news of the Kafer Invasion came, and refocused everyone's attention elsewhere.

The Kafer Invasion was a bit larger, and the Earth system itself was a little bit more threatened. The immediate need for the USA's space forces (Mexico's space forces were minor in comparison) sort of led the other powers to 'forgice and forget' as long as the fighting would just end. The kafer fleet never actually entered Earth space, but one battlegroup did get to Alpha Centauri where they were repulsed in 2309 (I think - typing this from memory).

The campaign got to about 2310 or so, and then we switched over to another game for a while. However, we will be getting back into 2300AD at some point; the D20 version is what I am looking to use this time.
Well the ref for the game I played in had us start in a pretty standard Aurore situation - except we were mostly Aussie mercs and somehow we all ended up with combat walkers ...

From memory I think we fixed things that way, we just figured that with our CT/MegaTraveller/Battletech experience we were better off being surrounded by armour than out in the open.

It led to some pretty lopsided Kafer encounters, until the ref had to start throwing really nasty Kafer vehicles at us AND giving us all sorts of mechanical things to fix.

Later we did the Bayern adventure, that rocked and was some of the most non-gun-happy gaming I've ever had. (the most fun being a hippy PC in a bunch of cyberpunks)
If I was to ever get my act together enough to actually run a game, I would start it on Joi, and get the PCs involved in the situation in Elysia.
It is interesting!

Several years ago I started adapting the Classic Traveller-era "Sky Raiders" trilogy to play in the 2300AD universe... and have gradually tinkered with the background to the point it might not be 2300AD any more, to an objective eye. But it still feels like it, to me!

I've done some short play-throughs of parts of the campaign in tabletop gaming, but am hoping to get off my butt and turn it into a play-by-wiki game this year -- drawing on a wider and deeper pool of players, for one thing, but also putting more setting information and 'color' into an accessible form.
Great idea! Those are some of my favorite modules ever, classic Keith Brothers excellence.

It is interesting!

Several years ago I started adapting the Classic Traveller-era "Sky Raiders" trilogy to play in the 2300AD universe... and have gradually tinkered with the background to the point it might not be 2300AD any more, to an objective eye. But it still feels like it, to me!

I've done some short play-throughs of parts of the campaign in tabletop gaming, but am hoping to get off my butt and turn it into a play-by-wiki game this year -- drawing on a wider and deeper pool of players, for one thing, but also putting more setting information and 'color' into an accessible form.
Mostly normal

Since this is my first post here, Hello everyone. I came in to the 2300AD universe some years ago via Bryn Monnery's Etranger site and this has coloured my take on the whole 2300AD universe.
The setting I like to play in has most canon but expanded with a free take on things that GDW didn't delve too deeply in.
I'm Dutch and the Netherlands aren't well described in any GDW material so I elaborated on that. I have the Dutch as mostly a client state of the UK and not having a large presence in space. As a state that is. I wrote up a Dutch megacorporation called the Stellar Colonial Company which is a 24th century VOC in all but name :o . This is a good excuse for the players to go places.

There are many more smallish colonies on lonely worlds where a cargoship orbits maybe once every three months and lands it shuttle for a day. Weird things happen there...

I'm now working on a piece on Syuhlahm. I think that world needs some more attention. It is a nice setting to write a storyline that doesn't immediately deals with the Kafer war.
My 2300 universe was basically as written in the original boxed set of books. I never got any of the supplements, so that was all I had. Didn't know about the Kafer until YEARS after I stopped playing.

In my version:
The Chinese Arm was just as advanced and powerful as the European Arm. I made Manchuria almost as strong as France and her equal in technology.

I liked the idea of a broken US, so I kept the US broken. Canada and the US were redrawn to be Pacifica (the west coast from Mexico north and East to the Rockies); an independent Utah/Mormon state; an Independent Texas, including Oklahoma and part of Kansas; an Independent Quebec (a French Department) and the United States, consisting of central Canada and the Central and Eastern US. I gave Canada's colonies to Pacifica and made them a strong Manchurian ally and made Texas a bit stronger too; although with only one colony.

The Pentapods were the Hivers of the setting, manipulating humans without them realizing it.

The game itself didn't get too far, but I had a lot more tension and conflict in my version than the original box set implied (although I understand later supplements changed things to be more like what I envisioned, I think).

I still use a variation of the World Generation rules in all of my SF games, including Traveller (my preferred game rules).

I was strongly influenced by CJ Cherryh's work, so her vision was adopted into my setting pretty directly. Lots of stations, only a few truly habitable planets.

I am planning on getting the 2300 CD from FFE and will pre-order Colin's redo under the MGT rules when possible.
I get the feeling to some degree that the universe of 2300 has stagnated somewhat, with less expansion, less exploration going on. Perhaps it is just me, but other than the slugfest with the Kafer, it seems that the rest of the world is content to sit inside of the Human sphere and estivate.
Without going through the kafers or the other canonical 2300 alien races, the human space is the limit on a 7.7LY travel limit.
There's still the Wolf cluster on the French Arm, which may continue past the 50 ly sphere of the map, and the Chinese Arm is open past the abandoned outpost at (name eludes me).

There is still some exploration, but as the edges of the frontier are pushed further back, supply and communications lines become harder to maintain. All of the corporations and foundations, save for Trilon, are headquartered in the Core, which sharply limits lines of communication and control.

My current project is still in the brainstorming and outlining phase, but the working title is 2700AD. As you might guess from that title, I am starting from 2300AD as a historical base and then extrapolating into the future. (It might not be quite so much as 400 years into the future, as I like the 2300AD tech and don't want to have any real game-changing advances like gravitics or reactionless thrusters. Maybe 2500AD?)

The reason for this is that I would like to include a more widespread interstellar civilization with more aliens, including at least the Vargr, Aslan, Hivers and K'Kree from Traveller. By "widespread" I don't mean anything on the scale of the Third Imperium and its neighbors, but possibly a roughly circular area about 100 parsecs (326 ly) in diameter. I describe it in those terms because I will probably go to a 2-D Traveller-style hex map; if I stay with a 3-D map then the charted sphere will probably have a smaller diameter.

I am hoping to create a fun mix of the things that I like best about 2300AD (lower, more realistic tech; fewer, more detailed world settings) with some things I liked from Traveller (Vargr!!!) and some things that I never got a chance to use much in my old Spinward Marches games (sneaky manipulative Hivers and xenophobic genocidal K'Kree).

One major tech advance will be extending the range of stutterwarp to about 10 ly from the current 7.7 ly limit; that would be about 3 parsecs rather than the current 2 parsec range. I will probably also introduce jump drive as used by one or more of the new races, although I haven't decided what jump range will be - probably J-4 or J-5, which will give it some range advantage over stutterwarp, but at a huge cost in fuel usage and required tankage. I may fiddle with that some, so that one is not always clearly superior to the other, but both have their pros and cons (for one thing, jump ships will also require a maneuver drive, and since this will not be magic thrusters there will be more fuel tankage required for that).

The next stage of the process is to refamiliarize myself with the 2300AD setting that I would be using as my starting reference, since my boxed Traveller 2300 has been lost over the years and all I have left is my Colonial Atlas. I bought Mongoose 2300AD last week and am eagerly awaiting my 2300AD CD-ROM from FFE with PDFs of all of my old books.

I guess that is about all there is to say on M23U for now, but I am sure I will be asking for advice and posting updates as the project progresses.
Also a question of ship densities in 2300: is it just me, or does it seem that there are few ships in service? I think that there are too few ships to support the colonies, unless there are a great deal "off camera" as it were. IM2300 universe, I have probably too many starships operating out there, but I like a busy universe. I seem to get the feeling from canon that the number of ships in service is in the low hundreds at best, IM2300 universe it is in the low thousands.
The one I'm working on (no play yet) is set 100 or so years (maybe 200) after 2300AD, when drives have advanced to longer ranges, and a network of long-distance jump gates have been discovered, seemingly placed by some long-ago advanced race (no, not those Ancients) to be discovered by various sentients as they advance into space. No gate can be used for incoming traffic until it has first been activated by being used for outgoing traffic, and even then the incoming gate can refuse traffic it doesn't want; so the gate system can't be used for races that get into space early to spread all over and conquer the late-bloomers.

The result is more alien space-farers, a wider canvas of area but still with unexplored pockets within just because it is SO BIG, each race has a chance to expand some on its own before bumping up against settled areas of other races.

Still trying to decide if I want to take the actual 2300AD setting (with all of its details of initial Human expansion and contacts) as my base and work out from there, or (on the very remote chance of ever publishing anything) just make it all up from scratch on my own.

EDIT: Huh, I just scrolled up and saw that I already posted in this thread over a year ago as I started working on some of the same ideas set forth above. Unfortunately have not done much concrete work on it since then; still mostly in my head.

Well this is an interesting read!

Been wondering about a storyline for the T2300 game I been asking for advice about in a different thread, but from what I've read here I really need to check out those sites mentioned as well as those examples from the T2300 setting book!

I'm looking at establishing that the first stutterwarp drives were invented around the time an artefact was detected, the attempt to investigate was turned into an incident when an American team shot down the probe sent to analyse the artefact causing it to activate and seemingly killing the American team.

The original stutterwarp drive was able to jump a ship from the Moon to Mars and from there to the Asteroid Belt and so on... their technological limitations made them unsuitable for travel beyond the solar system but an artefact located at the edge of the solar system was eventually revealed as allowing a wormhole to and from another star system allowing shipping to travel by that means quite safely.

The length of time for ships to travel from the inner to the outer planets of a star system made stutterwarp drives the best means of travel insystem whilst the newly discovered Extra Stellar Gate Network allowed travel between star systems limited only by the necessary Gate artefact whose builders' remained one of the constant mysteries.

Originally thinking the artefact being reverse engineered resulted in the creation of stutterwarp drives but figured having them be unrelated would explain how humanity spread through the solar system without it taking centuries just to build the Deep Space Station near the asteroid belt (Imagine a Babylon V space station).

If I ever hope to get this game off the ground I'll be posting more questions even as I'm wondering if what I've typed here still makes sense in the T2300 setting!

Still some interesting ideas here was thinking of keeping the French as the nation in charge but its far from one sided with the Germans and the Americans causing problems... might have to read up on the other nations wouldn't want to leave them out of the fun!
I think in order to expand we are going to have to get some handwavium to break the 7.7 limit. I like your idea of 2700 ad.
I think Constantine's work on actual starmaps is good for expanding the map also. It's a fine line with 2300 in having too many locations (ie. space opera) vs. the limited scope of the current.

Another possibility is to pull the old cluster maps off Kilmanjano Libre (or whatever). Those series of maps are also excellent and greatly expand things.

A problem lies in that many of the exit points from current 2300 run through bottlenecks created by alien races.