Historically, main Destroyers1 mission has been the defense of the "more valuable" targets (Capital Ships or transports, be them troop transports, freighters or tankers) against smaller targets taht can threaten them (mostly torpedo boats, subamrines and, latter, aircrafts and missiles). As a secondary mission, they used their superior speed and agility and its smaller size to perform torpedo attack runs by themselves.
In CT:HG things are quite different, as there is no equivalent for torpedoes/submarines, nor plane equivalent threat (at least at higher TLs, where fighter's threat falls under heavier screens/armor on Capital Ships). Likewise, Destroyers lose the speed and agility advantage when all ships have the same speed limits and may be equally agile.
So, they are too small (and lightly armed) to even dent a capital ship, while they are an overkill for anti-piracy fighting (assuming most piracy will be small ships, on the 200-800 dton range).
Then, what's Destroyers niche in this environ?
In CT:HG things are quite different, as there is no equivalent for torpedoes/submarines, nor plane equivalent threat (at least at higher TLs, where fighter's threat falls under heavier screens/armor on Capital Ships). Likewise, Destroyers lose the speed and agility advantage when all ships have the same speed limits and may be equally agile.
So, they are too small (and lightly armed) to even dent a capital ship, while they are an overkill for anti-piracy fighting (assuming most piracy will be small ships, on the 200-800 dton range).
Then, what's Destroyers niche in this environ?
Some notes:
- Along this thread, I will refer to all HG built (over let's say 1000 dtons) and under cruiser category as Destroyers, be them Destroyers, Frigates, etc...
- I ignore the hamsters told about in TCS contests, as I find them quite useless in more strategical picture, as useful as they can be in those single engagement artificial contests
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