For those in the know, what is the copyright/legal status of the DGP material with regards to recovery and republication by FFE/Mr. Miller? I am not asking about emotions, personality conflicts and greed factor. I have read some of that here over the years. Can the rights of this specific material revert due to the passage of time ever or death of the current owner? Things like that.
Are there other intellectual property issues? As an example, Star Fleet Universe material is published, from my understanding, because the owners television show essentially did not have an ironclad IP on all elements of the of the original show like the design of the Enterprise or its appearance in a Technical Manual or some such. They did better later with the new shows. I have read this several times over the years. And recently over on the Mongoose boards, it was suggested to us not in the know to restrain our points to only the old show when referencing the Traveller Prime Directive project as this may cause the SFU owners difficulties.
Even if I have the specifics incorrect on the example above, what if any legal issues would be caused by DGP material and rights reverting?
I do not *know* current copyright law, but I am willing to listen and learn. My knowledge of US Copyright is little and out of date (they talked about it once in 8th grade, 30+ years ago. I knew it as republish after 34 years, for copyright over 78 years. If I am wrong, see?
'splain it to me Lucy...