Umm, exuse me...
Umm, just to get briefly on topic.. to Fleet and Squadron Actions, I have the following thoughts:
1. I generally think of 3I space combat along three lines, first the good old age of sail, World War II, and Modern Sea/Air Comabt.
2. This leads to lots of hazy int on where folks are out there compared to us, thus it can and does take weeks and months just to get the Fleets or Squadrons to even meet, lots of space out there and RL proves how wide the Seas are.
3. Now once the Navies meet in the same system, the questions raised earlier come to bear, regarding pinning the other side to something and prosecuting their forces. Now assuming there is an engagement...
4. This is where the WWII and Modern Warfare models come in handy. First even before picket engage, the individual fighter screens engage each other while fighter/attack and attack spacecraft make runs at the opposing Navy's Pickets and Tenders.
5. Once spacecraft have fixed Naval positions and made their attack/defense moves they head back to the respective Carrier Vessels for refit and rearm.
6. About here the Navies begin to close and engage with Pickets/Escorts, again missiles are exchanged and light DEW fire while Capitol Ships fire Spinal Mounts to destroy/wound whatever gets caught be the beams.
7. I figure at this point Capitol Ships move into Firing Positions on Primary and Secondary Targets and "Commence Shooting!" (Because we NEVER say 'Fire' in enclosed spaces unless there is combustion happening. We fight fires and shoot the enemy.) Meanwhile the second wave of spacecraft having refit and rearmed engage at closer distance, while picket/escorts begins SAROPS on those vessels needing it. Capitol Vessels blast each other.
8. In the end either one Navy surrenders (individual ships may already done so) either en masse or they leave the field.
9. Mostly We (speaking for My Strephon) Desire that Our Admirals and Captains fight Our Navies as Intelligently and Creatively as Possible.
10.This means that my ImpNav is more competent, but still one can't always get one wants can we?
So, that's about it for now...