Secondary large mounts could certainly be added to the largest sized ships as well. Why couldn't a 500,000 dton sphere have multiple PAs that would usually be mounted spinally on a 10,000 dton ship?
Of coursed, you can already do this in TNE. The basic premise for a TNE spinal is that it limits maneuverability of the firing ship, and the target must be facing the gun mount (either front or behind). Since facing is unimportant in basic TNE, they use the maneuver limitation to act as the technique to "aim" the ship.
In Brilliant Lances, the spinals are mounted (typically) in location 1 and can only fire straight in front of the ship. Then it's simply this narrow arc that and the fact that the ship must maintain the proper facing that limits the ship. Spinals are also more difficult to employ in BL because there are dead zones in the arcs of fire for the Bow On facing, so in theory ships can't be 'aimed at' because they're out of arc. That would need to be fixed, frankly. Give it a 15 or 30 deg arc and chart it accordingly. It's allowed 60 degrees in Battle Rider, and then facing is optional as is.
You could in theory mount another spinal, but you'll start running in to surface area limitations to where the gun can't fit. Guns are mounted in a specific location, there's 20 locations, so each location has only 5% of the total surface area.
If you look at the FF&S design sequences, if you "build a bay big enough", you can mount large guns in them. The bays take guns that are simply "big enough to fit" the size of the bay. So, it's not a real leap to take the design sequence for a bay and tweak it for longer weapons, but ones that don't traverse (and thus have similar arcs of fire like spinals, even if not firing in the direction of the axis of the ship). Such guns would take less surface area, and less overall volume like a bay, since they don't need the empty space to move.
In the end, they're big guns and aimed like a WWII tank destroyer -- the ship is the gun mount.
The TNE, FF&S, and BL systems improve upon much of these things. A minor nit with them both is they don't offer Jump mechanics in their sequence of play. How can I jump out of combat? Not really clear.
BL is the most complicated system, with it maneuver and such. BR is lightweight BL, better suited to "ships with crits". And the BL design sequence isn't terrible, a light weight FF&S system. It's the weapon sequences that make FF&S design a real pain. BL gives some standard turrets and barbettes and small spinals to aid that problem.