Not quite what I had in mind. Let me give you an example. The ship design system does not allow a ship to carry more than one spinal. Is that because[Various setting mysteries].
A) Ships with multiple spinals self-destruct the moment they try to fire more than one at a time.
B) Ships with multiple spinals are not cost-efficient.
c) The Imperium and its rivals and enemies all have a religious ban against ships with multiple spinals/there's a treaty that bans the building of ships with multiple spinals/everyone erroneously believe that ships with multiple spinals are not cost-effective, and here are the rules for multiple spinals in case you want to make up your own TU with ships with multiple spinals.
B) Ships with multiple spinals are not cost-efficient.
c) The Imperium and its rivals and enemies all have a religious ban against ships with multiple spinals/there's a treaty that bans the building of ships with multiple spinals/everyone erroneously believe that ships with multiple spinals are not cost-effective, and here are the rules for multiple spinals in case you want to make up your own TU with ships with multiple spinals.
Another example: It's not allowed to build ships with the same kind of weapons in spinal and bays. Is that because it's impossible to do so, because it's a bad idea to do so, or because the combat system can't handle it?
A third example: You can't carry more than two people per 4T of living quarter. Is that because military people will mutiny if they get stacked three to a stateroom, or because the Imperium doesn't like to treat its spacers with undue harshness? Is hot-bunking disallowed because shipping twice the number of people will cause the life support system to break down, and if so, what are the rules for installing extra life support equipment?