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Ebon Rapturious, a 400 dTon Frontier Trader: Description and Deckplans Available


R_Kane (Roger) and I would like to announce the availability of the description/stats and deckplans for the Ebon Rapturious, a 400 dTon Frontier Merchant designed for T20.

R_Kane designed the Ebon Rapturious for a short lived PBEM game, and I finally finished my deckplans for the ship. The design below is from Roger, and I've added to his descriptions. The deckplans and designs are available from my deckplans page at:


The plans come in 4 different versions:
- Small with text labels (JPEG)
- Small with numeric labels (JPEG)
- 15mm scale, 144 DPI with text labels (PDF)
- 15mm scale, 144 DPI with numeric labels (PDF)

The small versions are designed for on screen display.
The latter two versions are designed to be printed and are about 24" square.
The text label versions have minimal labels while the numeric labels version
has numeric labels for almost every area of interest.

I used Canvas from ACD Systems to create the deck plans.

The background, description, and stats for the ship appears below.

Please post comments here so that Roger (R_Kane) and I can see them.


Ship Background
Fifty years ago, in 943, the Ebon Rapturious was commissioned along with
her 4 sister ships: Ebon Resplendent, Ebon Defiant, Ebon Intense, and
Ebon Ascendant. The five ships were commissioned by
Jeffers Killady-Stornhaven; a wildly successful trader who over the course
of 20 years went from a single run-down free trader to running The
Ebon Trading Concern with his newly commissioned fleet. The ships were
designed to run the more out of the way routes, being armed and lightly
armored, to increase their chances of surviving against pirates and
other dangers. Unfortunately, the next 20 years were not as profitable
and in the end, he had to sell off his fleet and assets to meet the
demands of his many creditors.

Before the Ebon fleet was liquidated, the Ebon Defiant and the Ebon
Intense were lost to piracy and a mis-jump, respectively. The remaining 3
ships were sold to Mantarillion Shipping, who had to pump a few MCr into
the ships in order to bring them up to an acceptable level of operation.
About 5 years ago, Mantarillion Shipping sold off the ships to
Ashenusharger-Ngonarz Mercantile Enterprises; a joint Vilani-Vargr
merchant company, sometimes referred to as "Ash and Goner". Today the
ships remain pale shadows of their initial glory.

Ship Description
The Ebon Rapturious and her sister ships were designed to run far off
the beaten track. As such, they are well armed, slightly armored, and
have more agility than one might expect a typical 400 dTon merchant ship.

Physically, the outline is very similar to that of the standard 400 dTon
subsidized merchants, and, from a distance, the Ebon Rapturious is often
mistaken for a variant design of the ubiquitous fat traders. Unfortunately
for the pirates who have made this mistake, the Ebon Rapturious is
considerably better armed sporting a pair of triple laser turrets and a
pair of triple missile turrets.

The laser turrets are mounted on the port and starboard sides, and the
missile turrets are mounted dorsally. This arrangement allows for
the cargo deck to be fairly close to the ground upon landing, but does
mean that none of the turrets can bear on targets approaching from the
lower hemisphere, a fact that may have doomed the Ebon Defiant.

The 100 dTon cargo bay is designed for easy roll on and roll off cargo
loading on unimproved landing areas.

The bridge and crew areas occupy the fore areas of the upper deck. Four
berths are allocated for crew accomodations.

There is a "swing cabin" amidships. The swing cabin can be used for either
crew or passenger accomodations by adjusting the opening/closing of the
iris valves appropriately. Typically, the steward will occupy this
cabin if passengers are carried.

The passenger lounge is fairly spacious with a couple of sitting
areas/tables and a couple of vid panels for entertainment. A galley
occupies the rear of the cabin.

The sickbay, low berths, air-raft berths, and fire control stations
occupy the aft portions of the upper deck. The low berths are arranged
around the sickbay allowing the medic easy access to low berth passengers.

Fuel is carried in the lifting body wings and in ventral tanks. Most of
the fuel is carried in ventral conformal fuel tanks.

Ship Statistics
The statistics below represent the Ebon Rapturious as she was
laid down.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Ebon Rapturious (400ton Frontier Trader)
Design by Roger (R_Kane)

Class: Starship, type A2 EP Output: 27 (12.0 excess)
Tech Level: 12 Agility: 3 (12.0 excess EP)
Size: Medium (400 tons) Initiative: +3 (+3 agility)
Streamlining: Streamlined AC: 13 (+3 agility, +0 size)
Jump Range: 2 Ship Defenses
Acceleration: 2-G Repulsors: None
Fuel: 110 tons Nuclear Dampers: None
Duration: 4 weeks Meson Screens: None
Crew: 5 Black Globes: None
Accommodations AR: 2
Staterooms: 10 SI: 145
Small Cabins: 0 Main Computer: Model/3
Bunks: 0 Sensor Range: Medium (Model/3)
Couches: 0 Comm Range: Short (Model/2)
Low Berths: 8
Cargo Space: 100.1 tons Cost: MCr 216.6882 (new)
Atmospheric Speeds: NoE: 1175kph
Cruising: 3525kph Maximum: 4700kph
Other Equipment: Air/raft

Triple Turret Triple Turret
Pulse Lasers (x3) Pulse Lasers (x3)
Attack Bonus +2 (+2 USP) Attack Bonus +2 (+2 USP)
Damage: 2d10 Damage: 2d10

Triple Turret Triple Turret
Missile Rack (x3) Missile Rack (x3)
Attack Bonus +2 (+2 USP) Attack Bonus +2 (+2 USP)
Damage: 2d6 Damage: 2d6

TL 12 Design Specifications
Size EP Cost Notes
400ton hull +400 48.0 cone - s/l
Bridge Controls - 20 - 1 2.0
Model/3 computer - 0.3 13.8
Flight avionics - 0.8 Cost Factor:1.8
Sensors - 0.9 Cost Factor:1.8
Communications - 0.4 Cost Factor:1.0
2-G Acceleration - 20 - 8 14.0 8 Drive Units
TL9 Fusion power plant - 40.5 +27 121.5 27 Power Plant Units
Fuel (power plant) - 30 4 week duration
Jump-2 - 12 - 8 48.0 8 Drive Units
Fuel (Jump engines) - 80 Fuel for one Jump
Fuel Scoops 0.4
TL12 Purification Plant - 6 0.032 Refines 200 tons in 8 hours
4 Hardpoints 0.4
Triple Turret 1.0
Pulse Laser(x3) - 1 - 3 1.5 USP:+2
Triple Turret 1.0
Pulse Laser(x3) - 1 - 3 1.5 USP:+2
Triple Turret 1.0
Missile Rack(x3) - 1 2.25 USP:+2, each holds 3 missiles
Triple Turret 1.0
Missile Rack(x3) - 1 2.25 USP:+2, each holds 3 missiles
Missile Magazine - 1 0.1 holds 20 missiles
Armor - 24 2.7 12 units; AR:2
Staterooms (x10) - 40 6.0
Low Berths (x8) - 4 0.4
Sickbay - 8 5.0
Airlock - 3 0.005 extra entry for passengers
Air/raft - 5 0.2732
Cargo -100.1
0.00 +15 MCr 274.1102
(MCr 219.2882 with 20%standard design discount)

Agility = Extra EP * (100/Ship's tonnage)
= 15.0 * (100/400) = 3.00 = 3</pre>[/QUOTE]============================================================================
The Ebon Rapturious in 993
After 50 years of service, the Ebon Rapturious is a shadow of her former

On the 50-year old Ebon Rapturious, the failing, port missile rack was removed
and never replaced and the two beam laser turrets were sold off and replaced
with cheaper, used pulse lasers.

Over the years, the ship has developed a few quirks that have never been
satisfyingly repaired.

The port side laser turret has an occasional hitch causing the turret to
jump slightly while tracking.

The automatic missile feeding system jams on every fifth missile loaded for
no discernible reason, requiring a manual override in the missile magazine.

One stateroom, the aft port crew stateroom, is known as "The Freezer".
During Jumps the room's temperature drops significantly, to around 10F
(approx -12C). Outside of jump-space, the room's atmospheric control works
perfectly normally.
Originally posted by Father Fletch:
Rock on.
ROn I really like your deck plans, the back story, and the fact that you are using a MAC!
Father Fletch,

Thanks for the kind words! Most of the back story is Roger's though I will take credit for some of the descriptions and some additions (in addition to the deckplans themselves).

I want to publically thank Ron for all the hard work and effort he put into designing the deckplans and the ship description text.

Hopefully the Ebon Rapturious will be blasting off again soon, in a PBEM near you....
