SOC-14 5K
I think that jump capacitors act as spark plugs.

We all have our own ideas, in the absence of canon. I consider it a buffer to handle the temporary slight difference of the torrent of power from the power plant, and the massive power consumption of the jump drive.Mypersonal interpretation
is that although a fusion power plant can deliver the necessary power OUTPUT needed for the jump drive to "do its thing" successfully, the actual "yield" of a fusion power plant in this "wasteful overdrive" condition is basically DIRTY POWER, as opposed to CLEAN POWER.
I think that jump capacitors act as spark plugs.
Really? Where does it say this? Can you remember the reference?Alot of it does depend on edition,. For example Mongoose Traveller days that a miniature black hole is produced, then ejected into another dimension, creating a bubble which is then inflated with hydrogen.
That would depend a great deal on what we think each part of the jump drive is supposed to do, and the mechanics of jumping.
I'm going to speculate that for Classic, the fuel powers a generator within the jump drive, that creates energy that manipulates space to punch a hole into another dimension, and that generator needs continuous power from the fusion reactor to power a field that lets the starship remain within that dimension for a week.
The rules in High Guard only allow faster jumps when jumping at lower numbers than the drive is rated for.
Oh boy, that's a "Thrice Upon a Time" disaster waiting to happen.Alot of it does depend on edition,. For example Mongoose Traveller days that a miniature black hole is produced, then ejected into another dimension, creating a bubble which is then inflated with hydrogen.
Really? Where does it say this? Can you remember the reference?Alot of it does depend on edition,. For example Mongoose Traveller days that a miniature black hole is produced, then ejected into another dimension, creating a bubble which is then inflated with hydrogen.
. . .To jump, a ship creates a bubble of hyperspace by means of injecting high-energy exotic particles into an artificial singularity. The singularity is driven out of our universe, creating a tiny parallel universe that is then blown up like a balloon by injecting hydrogen into it. The jump bubble is folded around the ship, carrying it into the little pocket universe. This new universe is short-lived and will eventually collapse, precipitating the ship back into normal space several light-years from its original position.
. . .While in jumpspace, the ship is completely and utterly cut off from the universe. It hangs in a shimmering bubble of boiling hydrogen, a pocket dimension from which nothing can escape. It cannot communicate with the normal universe, not even by psionic means. It is utterly alone.
Many misjumps are lethal, causing the jump bubble to collapse early or for time in the bubble to flow differently, so that trillions of subjective years pass inside the bubble and all that comes out the other end is hard radiation caused by protons exceeding their half-life.
Theoretically, jump spaces are alternate universes, each only dimly understood from the standpoint of our own universe. Within jump space, different physical laws apply, making energy costs for reactions and activity different and imposing a different scale on size and distance...
A jump is defined as the movement of matter from one point in space (called normal space) to another point in normal space by travelling through an alternate space (called jump space)...
Starship hulls contain as an integral part of their structure a network of wiring which maintains the jump field around the ship. Without this field, the natural physics of jump space would intrude into the ship’s interior and the alien physical principles would make life impossible, operation of equipment unpredictable, and even the passage of time would be altered. Breaks in the protective network within a starship’s hull are a primary cause of the loss of ships when jumping...
When the jump drive is activated, a large store of fuel is fed through the ship’s power plant to create the energy necessary for the jump drive. In the interests of rapid energy generation, the power plant does not work at full efficiency, and some of the fuel is lost in carrying off fusion byproducts, and in cooling the system. At the end of a very brief period (less than a few minutes), the jump drive capacitors have been charged to capacity. Under computer control, the energy is then fed into appropriate sections of the jump drive and jump begins.
The drive’s first function is to tear a hole in the fabric of space. The hole is precisely created and the ship naturally falls into the breach on a carefully directed vector. The drive then directs some of its energy to sewing up
that hole again. The act of closing the hole severs the ship’s ties with normal space and allows it to begin its jump.
The duration of a jump is fixed at the instant the jump begins, and depends on the specific jump space entered, the energy input into the system, and other factors. In most cases, jump will last a week.
During the week in jump, the responsibilities of the crew are directed toward maintaining life support within the ship, repair and maintenance of ship systems, and care of the passengers.
At the end of the week in jump, the ship naturally precipitates out of jump space and into normal space. The exact time of emergence is usually predicted by the ship’s computer and the bridge is well-manned
for the event.
In TNE they were a bit more explicit about the existence of jump space dimensions- alternate universes with different laws of physics.
They also republished the JTAS jumpspace article...So it creates a bubble of hyperspace.
And an artificial singularity.
And exotic particles.
And a parallel universe.
What a completed departure from existing OTU canon and MWM's article on jump drive and what we are told in T5.
LBB2'77-DA1/MgT require significantly less energy since they don't need the equivalent of Pn=Jn running during the week in Jumpspace.I have no idea how Collectors works. It can apparently collect vast amounts of energy fairly quickly and release it very quickly, but it can't release small amounts of energy slowly (replace a power plant).
This.The morale of the story is: Don't dig too deeply into jump physics, it doesn't add up...
That's how I see it, at least metaphorically.That was one possibility I had considered,
But there are a few wrinkles.
The fuel cost is extremely front loaded.
IIiRC 80 prevent of jump fuel is spent entering jump space. For a far trader that would be fuel roughly equivalent to a rocket launch.