I am confused again. What are posts listed as being made by "BwapTed" when quoted show "Combatmedic"?
Because Combat Medic got a change of username, and quotes are not dynamically linked to the originals nor the user account numer.
I am confused again. What are posts listed as being made by "BwapTed" when quoted show "Combatmedic"?
In our Active Duty IISS campaign, my players also convinced me that a Suleiman on active duty would have a better computer than a 1bis. (To be honest, I didn't need much convincing.) I don't remember of we went with a Model 2bis, 3, or 4 or if I put different models about different ships at different times, but they did get the upgrade they wanted.
Because Combat Medic got a change of username, and quotes are not dynamically linked to the originals nor the user account numer.
That's an interesting idea.
I'm using the computer Model to determine range with an eye towards having the old civ .5 LS detect/military-scout 2 LS detect/3 LS track paradigm work with TL and Model, but the 1bis was coming up short.
Having an uprated sensor fit that then gets derated (like pulling top electronics from USN warships before giving to a secondary ally) and saving millions of credits of risk and equipment reuse with the Detached Duty ships neatly solves the issue.
Hmm, 2 Bis seems tailor made, I treat that as a Model/3 that goes to Model/1 with first hit, 0 EP so no power hit, just going to be a little more scrunched in the cargo bay- or could fudge with all that bridge space.
18 MCr- worth half the ship, but makes them capable little machines...
Would a more modern take on jump cassette information be like there is a fee you have to pay to download new info on jump destinations when you're at a spaceport?Jump cassettes were to get you to the next system and ultimately incur a higher cost, until you could pool together enough money to get the Navigation program.
So you would crawl and scrape to get that first program advantage and be able to jump to other destinations then just trade lanes, get that first single turret with a cheap pulse laser to start getting mail contracts, sink millions more in or risk the individual development route to get more capability, etc.
And I don't think self-erasing media is hardly retro at all- much like movies we download for a few days' rental, but rights to access it are gone at the end. The kind of software companies that can make million credit program fees stick aren't going to give away the milk. No incentive to buy programs if you can just plug in cheap cassettes and run off that forever after.
Have to think less like an engineer and more like a cost sink/goal game mechanic.
Would a more modern take on jump cassette information be like there is a fee you have to pay to download new info on jump destinations when you're at a spaceport?
Would a more modern take on jump cassette information be like there is a fee you have to pay to download new info on jump destinations when you're at a spaceport?
Like the "cassette" in this case is simply information you're downloading from a spaceport database/computer network?
So something akin to a GPS update? That could be one take on it. The process would slightly different from that described in CT. Then again, who plays any game on a purely RAW basis?
Well, one aspect of the cassette, I think, is that it's a "one time use".
Now, whether the cassette self destructed on use, I don't know.
But another aspect is that the data that the cassette represents is a jump window. Download it, and it's good for, 12-24 hours "due to the nature of jump space" or something. After that, start ticing DMs off the misjump roll.
In cases where a generate program is not available, starports have single-use flight plans (in self-erasing cassettes) available for all worlds within jump range for Cr10,OOO per jump number.
It's hidden in the computer program rules under the generate program:
I was actually thinking more like you download the coordinates or wherever, jump, and then the info you downloaded erases itself so you have to go buy info on a new route.Hence my use of the phrase "slightly different" compared to CT.
If I haven't misunderstood him, Wellis' GPS:5700 idea would have a ship purchase a regional jump navigation database which then requires regular updates for the specific routes it contains. (Just how big the "region" is and often the "updates" are needed doesn't need to be addressed and mostly because each referee will want to do it his way!)
I was actually thinking more like you download the coordinates or wherever, jump, and then the info you downloaded erases itself so you have to go buy info on a new route.
Since nowadays so many people download stuff instead of buying a physical hardware like Blu-Rays, I thought that would be equivalent if one were attempting to extrapolate from more modern trends.
But your idea sounds better honestly.![]()
Since we're talking retro, would jump casettes look like 8-Track casettes or something?
Like how do you make Traveller truly the future of the 1970s?![]()
Since we're talking retro, would jump casettes look like 8-Track casettes or something?
Like how do you make Traveller truly the future of the 1970s?![]()
When I saw Nintendo's Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow game cartridges, that became what I have thought of for 'jump tapes' ever since.More like Atari carts, for me.
Even in the Far Future, the creation of a party of summoned monsters is still the biggest thing?When I saw Nintendo's Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow game cartridges, that became what I have thought of for 'jump tapes' ever since.
:smirk: A plainclothes Terran Intelligence operative at Phoenix Landing Port invites a visiting Vilani ship crew to visit the local shopping mall "to pick up some food and stuff you can't find at home". They peek into a Redbox Used Video Games store in passing and the navigator just flips out for no apparent reason.![]()
Even in the Far Future, the creation of a party of summoned monsters is still the biggest thing?![]()