Hello Folks,
This thread is inspired by the Lifeboats thread elsewhere. To that end, I'm thinking that before one can credibly discuss what the design parameters for a lifeboat should be, that we first examine what happens in an emergency situation. To that end, I'd like to propose that we discuss potential emergency situations, and then - either within this thread, or perhaps start a new thread "Solutions to Emergency situations" and keep an ongoing running thread.
For instance, let's presume that you have a 200 dton ship leaving a world. We will further stipulate, that this ship is a jump 2 ship. In addition, the exit port is a world with a population of 8, and that there are a total of 4 stars within 2 parsecs jumping distance from the exit world.
First - from the perspective of the world's starport authority, we will note that our 200 dton ship has filed a flight plan, and that said flight plan indicated which world it was intending to go to (note that in the traveller universe, ships must pick a destination before it can embark cargo and/or passengers).
So, when will ANYONE have a clue that something is wrong when it comes to our hypothetical ship (Let us call it the Credit Dew just for fun).
We can't determine what went wrong as yet, until we can determine that something is in fact, wrong. So, let us call the exit world "Alpha Century" and the destination world "Neocourageous World".
Ship leaves Alpha Century, makes it within 100 planetary diameters before it disappears in a gravitational electromagnetic flash as it enters into jump space.
A) how long will it be before anyone knows something went wrong when Credit Dew doesn't make it to Neocourageous? How does Neocourageous know that Credit Dew is even coming? How does Neocourageous Starport Authority even know that the Credit Dew is overdue? At what point will the Neocorageous SPA begin to mount a search rescue team?
Assuming that Mis-Jumps are understood well enough that they can place a starship up to 36 parsecs away (GULP!), what is the standard protocol for mounting a search and rescue?
Until we can answer those questions, it sort of doesn't make sense to worry about design considerations for lifeboats. Why? Because if we can't know how the rescue efforts are being mounted, and how long it takes before they are mounted - we can't really determine just how long any given lifeboat has to hold out waiting for rescue.
So, what happened to the Credit Due? It never showed up at Neocourageous one week later. You're the lead investigator for the SPA at Alpha Century. How do you determine if the Credit Dew showed up where it was supposed to show up? If youre the SPA lead investigator at Neocourageous - how do you know when the Credit Dew was supposed to show up and that it is now overdue?
Inquiring minds wanna know
This thread is inspired by the Lifeboats thread elsewhere. To that end, I'm thinking that before one can credibly discuss what the design parameters for a lifeboat should be, that we first examine what happens in an emergency situation. To that end, I'd like to propose that we discuss potential emergency situations, and then - either within this thread, or perhaps start a new thread "Solutions to Emergency situations" and keep an ongoing running thread.
For instance, let's presume that you have a 200 dton ship leaving a world. We will further stipulate, that this ship is a jump 2 ship. In addition, the exit port is a world with a population of 8, and that there are a total of 4 stars within 2 parsecs jumping distance from the exit world.
First - from the perspective of the world's starport authority, we will note that our 200 dton ship has filed a flight plan, and that said flight plan indicated which world it was intending to go to (note that in the traveller universe, ships must pick a destination before it can embark cargo and/or passengers).
So, when will ANYONE have a clue that something is wrong when it comes to our hypothetical ship (Let us call it the Credit Dew just for fun).
We can't determine what went wrong as yet, until we can determine that something is in fact, wrong. So, let us call the exit world "Alpha Century" and the destination world "Neocourageous World".
Ship leaves Alpha Century, makes it within 100 planetary diameters before it disappears in a gravitational electromagnetic flash as it enters into jump space.
A) how long will it be before anyone knows something went wrong when Credit Dew doesn't make it to Neocourageous? How does Neocourageous know that Credit Dew is even coming? How does Neocourageous Starport Authority even know that the Credit Dew is overdue? At what point will the Neocorageous SPA begin to mount a search rescue team?
Assuming that Mis-Jumps are understood well enough that they can place a starship up to 36 parsecs away (GULP!), what is the standard protocol for mounting a search and rescue?
Until we can answer those questions, it sort of doesn't make sense to worry about design considerations for lifeboats. Why? Because if we can't know how the rescue efforts are being mounted, and how long it takes before they are mounted - we can't really determine just how long any given lifeboat has to hold out waiting for rescue.
So, what happened to the Credit Due? It never showed up at Neocourageous one week later. You're the lead investigator for the SPA at Alpha Century. How do you determine if the Credit Dew showed up where it was supposed to show up? If youre the SPA lead investigator at Neocourageous - how do you know when the Credit Dew was supposed to show up and that it is now overdue?
Inquiring minds wanna know