For an adventure I need a derelict ship found by the PCs to be unable to move due to empty fuel tanks (Not engine damage). I would like it to be possible to have life support running. I absolutely need to have the computer and the internal security systems (and a low berth) running. Is there any problems with that?
At a pinch, I can have the maneuver drives sabotaged instead of the tanks empty, but I'd really prefer not to, since it would contradict previously published information.
I'll go from MT because I know the figures/how it works.
So very roughly (assuming a 100 ton vessel):
Basic Env, Basic and Exstend Ls is about 1.5 Mw per 100 tons (give or take)
Anti Grav is about 180 Mw per 100 tons (give or take)
Computers 0.01 Mw (average)
Low berth 0.001 Mw
CPUs for the above (guess of) 20 or 0.04 Mw and double that for security so 0.08 Mw
So Anti grav is out. Leaving about 1.6 Mw per hour.
Batteries are _out_ becuase of the volume requirements for exstended durations. At TL 15 1.6 Mw for 1 hour would need 0.23 kl volume of batteries or 5.5 kl per day.
So assuming a fully efficent Fusion plant giving 6 Mw per KL at 0.003 kl/h fuel load you would need 0.0008 kl/h fuel (assuming 100% efficency of the Power plant). Or 1 kl of fuel for 50 days (give ot take).
As a comparison 1 kl of fuel would power a 400Mw Power plant (standed ish) for 5 hours.
Assuming you don't want this then Basic Env (light and heat) is your biggee making 1.35 Mw ish of your total. If you lose this you lose all life support, so facting this in leaves about 0.1 Mw needed or 0.00005 kl/h.
0.25 kl of fuel will last 208 days or run the hole ship for 80 minuets.
I'd go with minimal power plant activity, no life support, but with computer, internal security and low berth.
If you do this then it's likley that lots of the air will be frozen and floating about in the ship, ready for minture explosions as the players come near it with their high kelvin tempruture vacc suits! Fun for all the familly
Best regards,