PM p.54:
- Assignment Resolution Tables:
- DMs for Assignment Resolution on the Line/Crew and Gunnery tables, it says "For survival, DM +1 if any MOS skill 2+." Here in the Navy, that should read "...if any Branch skill 2+."
- But in general, what it looks like is those DM notes were copied from the tables for Mercenary on MT PM p.50 (Inf/Cav/Arty=Line/Crew, Support=Flight/Eng/Med, & Commando=Gunnery), and though you can make a case for any of them, none makes a lot of sense in the Navy context. I would take a look at replacing the DMs for each branch with those from High Guard, which make more sense, and are more interesting.
- Parentheses around the Promotion throw are mentioned on p.53 (left column, under Promotion). But the only case they appear is in the table you've inserted for Tech branch Training. Presumably the other branches' Training, and some branches' Shore Duty columns should also have parentheses around the Promotion throw, just like in High Guard.
- Technical branch assignment table:
- Note that there are no DMs listed for this table you've inserted. If that is correct, it should still be noted, since every other branch has a DM or two listed. Probably, though, it should have the High Guard "For promotion, DM +1 if any branch skill 3+."
Now here's some good errata. And that isn't a table I inserted -- the insertion is from the GDW 1990 MegaTraveller Errata sheet. And (confession) I don't use the Advanced Character Generation much... The group I played with during the CT days thought the advanced chargen was munchkin-y from LBBs 4-7, so other than stealing the College and Decoration/Court Martial rules, I've never dabbled much here (as I confessed when we discovered the problems with the Advanced Merchant rules)...
So, I'll need to walk through the rules and see what the impacts are, but this is definitely new errata.