Just wondering if all interested parties have commented in that thread?
Just commented in the thread.
Just wondering if all interested parties have commented in that thread?
I completely agree. Fixing disintegrators really deserves its own discussion...
i'm going to hold errata for the high tech items (disintegrators, antimatter missiles, proton screens, etc) for now. They really deserve some thought and discussion of their own.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e
a 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
b 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
c 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7
d 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7
e 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
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Good question placing the Psionics clarification in the Retirement section; somewhere on page 17, but any suggestions as to where?
My Page 23 (I don't have my first printing PM with me) has the right default skills. I'll have to review when I find my first printing PM again...
Post 563 - Disintegrators - Penetration = ship destruction may be a little too much.
Not sure this should go to this thread, as is more a question than pointing an errata, but in MT a dton is 13.5 kl, while in all other traveller versions I've readed so far, one dton is 14 kl. Why this difference?
PS: I don't intend that changed, as it will affect too much the system, just wondered if there is a true rationale under that discrepancy
If I recall the reasoning is 14m3 (or kl) is the actual displacement of 1ton of liquid hydrogen. This was actually the measure given in CT/HG originally also. It was soon changed to a "soft" conversion of 13.5m3 because that worked better with the scale of 1.5m squares (two of which is 13.5m3 and close enough to 14m3 to be called "1 ton").
TNE went back to 14m3 because (or to "fix") the scale changed to 2m squares (the new adopted house combat system of the time) and made 1 square (2m x 2m x3.5m) the new deckplan standard.
Not sure this should go to this thread, as is more a question than pointing an errata, but in MT a dton is 13.5 kl, while in all other traveller versions I've readed so far, one dton is 14 kl. Why this difference?
PS: I don't intend that changed, as it will affect too much the system, just wondered if there is a true rationale under that discrepancy
It's the low berth being 0.5 dton that I think should be changed. i.e. a low berth should be 6.75 kl.
Appologies for not pointing that out.
Best regards,
Mathematically I may agree with you. However, the impact on the game, while not deep, would be wide spread. Many, many ships have 1t low berths. How do you change all those plans? Add 1/2 the low berth tonnage as cargo? Redraw deckplans? Double the number of low berths? This last idea has a huge ripple effect -- increases cost, increases power, increased cost increases control panel needs, and so on ....It's the low berth being 0.5 dton that I think should be changed. i.e. a low berth should be 6.75 kl.
Appologies for not pointing that out.
Best regards,
Where did you get the fuel usage stats for the new One Small Step review in errata 2.19?
I've broken liquid fuel engines into three categories: "normal" liquid fuel engines, running on some hydrocarbon (usually kerosene or a rough equivalent) and Liquid Oxygen (LOX), "hypergolic" liquid fuel engines, running on something like Nitrogen Tetroxide and Hydrazine, and "Liquid Hydrogen" rockets, running on LOX and Liquid Hydrogen.
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Normal liquids are reliable and cheap and low-tech. Liquid Hydrogen improves performance at the cost of reliability, something which I'm striving to write some rules for. Hypergolics are the most reliable (and cheapest, engine wise), but the fuels are excessively toxic and hard to handle (remember that Titan silo that blew up around 1985?).
I've added Hybrids, where a liquid oxidizer and a solid fuel are burned in a thrust chamber sort of like a solid rocket engine. These need more work, and I'm doing it, but right now a real-world hybrid engine rocket design of mine is eating my time and suchso don't expect it soon.
All of the listed values correspond with known specific impulse, barring mathematical error while I was calculating them (I spot checked a few and they're right, so they in general are pretty close).