Pg 81 - Archaic Weapons
Under Early Firearms, the Pen/Atten for both the Flintlock Pistol & the Percussion Revolver are 0/1 - with the 1 as a superscript. Does anyone know if this is a typographical error, or is the 1 supposed to be a superscript & I am missing that that is supposed to be.
Thanks for any assistance in this......
In MT RM (p 95) says: 'Gunnery skill (turret/bay, spinal or screens) may be used in place of computer DM or weapon table DM on the to hit and defensive tasks'.
Following this, some questions arise:
- So, if you have gunnery 4 and are on a ship with computer 1, you can use 4 as computer DM. If you're on a ship with computer 6, difference between a guner with gunnery 0 and one with gunnery 6 is null.
- If your character with gunnery skill 1 is firing a factor 3 misile battery against a repulsor 5 equiped ship, can you use your skill 1 in place of the repulsor table DM (-6)? It seems me quite a powerful use of the skill...
- If your character with skill 3 fires a factor 5 meson bay against a meson screen 4 equiped ship whose operator has skill 5, what's the DM? +3 (firer's skill)? -4 (table's DM)? -5 (deffender's skill)?, -2 (firer's skill - deffender's skill)? (after all, it's a confrontation task, but in this case, even having a deffender more skilled than the firers, it's easier to penetrate it). Also, in this last case, having a factor T meson spinal or having a factor 5 meson bay makes no difference on its hability to penetrate screens...
Can someone answer me, please?
One thing I never understood in MT is how are supposed disintegrators to work (in game terms). As they are stated, I cannot see any advantage over meson guns.
Just going from memory (so sorry if I get any details wrong) but IIRC there are Meson Screens that will stop Meson Guns, but no 'Disintigrator Screens' to stop Disintigrators. A weapon with no known defense would seem advantageous (at first glance).
Do even Black Globes stop Disintegrators?
Pg 51, Mercenary Skills Table Shipboard column
6 - Ship Tactics
7 - Fleet Tactics
I don't think so.
Recommend replacing w/Special Combat.
Yes but the link between Jump Drives and Power Plants is brocken in MT. i.e. you need a PP to run a Jump Drive in CT, but you don't in MT.
Best regards,
Yes but the link between Jump Drives and Power Plants is brocken in MT. i.e. you need a PP to run a Jump Drive in CT, but you don't in MT.
Best regards,
Didn't the 1st edition of CT not require PPs for Jump drives. (I think that was why the X-Boats were originally able to be Jump 6 on only 100 dtons).
But you still need jump fuel...
The ANNIC NOVA doesn't.
Best regards,
Jump Sinks.
There is nothing in the tables for jump sinks, however we know that they absord 650Mw per kl per combat round. Or 216.5 Mwh per kl of Jump Sink. We know from High Guard that they cost Mcr 4 per ton, which equates to Cr 300,000 per kl. We don't know there wieght, however one tone per kl would be anout right.
The question is at what TL they should be introduced. I would suggest TL15 i.e. when the black globes that can fill them are introduced. Otherwise no one would use jump fuel. You would just fill the sinks from your power plant over the 6 days in jump. I've just done a TL10 100 ton J1 ship as a comparision, and the difference in avalable cargo and cost of jump fuel per jump is hugly in favor of Jump Sinks if allowed.
So Jump Sinks:
TL Vol W Pw Cost
15 1 1 216.5 0.3
WhereVol is kl, wieght in tons, Pw is in Mwh, and Cost is in Mcr.
It might be worth optermising by TL as it advances per level but 3% increase in Mwh held per kl if you wish.
Best regards,