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Evacuating the Khouth Cluster

Between 1130 and 1138, the Khouth cluster managed to evacuate 15% of its 4,000,000,000 population. That is 600,000,000 people; or the entire population of the UK every year for a decade. or 1.2 Million per week for a decade.

1) Where did they go? Serk would have looked a good bet, and the United Followers of Augurgh may have taken them but must have moved them on quickly (to where) as the Human:Vargr ratios don't change?

2) The volume of shipping available to move that number of people doesn't exist in 1130 at Khouth.
(a) how much existing shipping could be dedicated to this task; how is it organised and by whom and from where? The 61st Fleet is busy clearing out Million and would pick up some of the job using Military Transports but only once the people get out of the UFA and only until 1136 and Military Transports aren't enough.
(b) can the orbital residences and warehouses be converted to jump-capable units and take the desperate. Anyone fancy designing a converted warehouse that can carry low-passage passengers with the cheapest power, manoeuvre and jump drives that can be found? What would such a "Ship" look like? How would it refuel? How fast could it manoeuvre? Would it be able to make a second (or third) trip? A warehouse 1500m x150m x6m would be 2*100*1000=200,000 tons...to which would be added docking space, corporate admin, etc. Once you have fuel for two jumps (minimum requirement) and minimal manoeuvring, the ship has to be 350 kdtons or larger!

3) Are the Lurent likely to be amenable to helping? They have ships big enough.