Originally posted by far-trader:
I'm liking this project of yours a lot Ravs. Try to ignore my "helpful" comments when they interfere
Case in point...
Originally posted by kaladorn:
But compared to large expanses of ground, maybe not so large. You have to imagine an A or B class port must be huge. An A-class, especially, can *build* these things. So it *must* have sufficient space.
I'd say not myself. Once you get to a class A or B port I expect the bulk of it is done in orbit. No need to build, repair or process the behemoths on the ground with all it's complications when there's all that easier space up there.
If you want a canon cite (I knew I'd seen it somewhere) CT S9 (albeit speaking of Imperial Navy and Scout Bases) offers...
Naval Bases: The berthing area is generally a series of orbit patterns which large naval vessels are placed into when not in need of any sort of major repair. Smaller craft also use
these orbits when not wishing to land as part of their stop. Light repair work involving no structural or integral systems can be performed with the ship either placed in an orbit pattern or berthed at the ground based facility. Surface support of ships is generally limited to vessels displacing 1,000 tons or less. Although larger
ships can sometimes be handled on the ground, they are usually repaired and maintained
in orbit.
Way stations... <are the> equivalent of naval bases... although
they are capable of servicing only the smaller tonnage ships (10,000 tons and
below) due to restrictions on facilities...
Scout bases... are small repair and maintenance
facilities capable of handling ships of 1,000 tons and under.
Fascinating Far Trader! An excellent reference--when covering Naval & Scout Bases...
It seems reasonable that civilian facilities would be if anything smaller than an IN one.
So we have:
Naval Bases able to handle any size ship in orbit but limited to 1,000tons on the ground routinely.
Scout Way Stations able to handle up to 10,000tons (presumably in orbit) due to restrictions on facilities.
Scout Bases able to handle up to 1,000tons (again presumably in orbit).
And we know the IN only has Naval Bases at class A or B starports while IISS Bases can be found at class A through D starports, though more commonly at the lower end.
Au contraire mon frere! IN bases can
also be found at C-class Starports as well: check the Imperial naval Depot systems out--quite a few of these are C-class
And then there's a few worlds with them like C686A88-E N too now..

Agreed about the IISS Bases.
I'd tie the size of civilian facilities to the starport class using the above as guidelines. Something like:
Class A starports: Highport and Downport Facilties limited to 10,000tons maximum size.
Class B Starports: Highport and Downport Facilities are limited to 5,000tons.
Class C Starports: Downport Facilities limited to 1,000tons. No Highport.
Class D Starports: Downport Facilities limited to 500tons. No Highport.
Just off the top of my head. I had it worked out similarily at least once before but with more details and a population factor.
All Good points Far Trader, but I figure the
size of the port's facilities is
directly tied to the Population of the world, and the size berths based on amount of traffic and the largest sized vessel serving the Imperium commercially.
I disagree with the C & D-class Highports assessment on these grounds:
1) Orbital habitats/ in system space ports (F, G & H) have the equivalent of E & D-class ports until they achieve Size F (and have a UWP pop 5) in which they can then support an A, B, or C-class orbital starshipyard. That means all those habitats of Size A-E must have D-class orbital ports of call, right?
2) Planetary tech level and it's population can also dictate whether or not a world can even build an orbital starport. Generally considered one needs a Pop 6, TL8+, with either an A, B, or C-class starport as minimums. This relegates By TL7 & below and population 5 and below to which worlds
have only downside ports.
3) Supported by a large mainworld pop, the downside port of call will almost always be a larger facility than the orbital one. Asteroid systems are an exception I'm sure, as well as worlds with 0-2 atmospheres for USL hulled vessels.