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Extra-Galactic threats?

Hi All,

I’m doing some research to locate any sources of extra-galactic threat on a level that would cause the major races to ally against it. So far I haven’t found anything that leaps out at me, but I thought I’d ask here to see if anyone has any insights.


I had thought of Grandfather and his children (if any are left alive because you can just never be sure). I'm just wondering whether or not there were any others that might pose a large enough threat that the major races formed an alliance of convenience. Something along the lines of the Moties from A Mote in God's Eye / The Gripping Hand.
I had thought of Grandfather and his children (if any are left alive because you can just never be sure).
If you know what he means and I think you do...

Anti-spoiler for the PbP I'm running: If you know what I'm talking about, it's not canon in my ATU. If you don't, don't worry about it. :)
Hi All,

I’m doing some research to locate any sources of extra-galactic threat on a level that would cause the major races to ally against it. So far I haven’t found anything that leaps out at me, but I thought I’d ask here to see if anyone has any insights.


Are you looking for something more detailed in Traveller than the Empress Wave or the “Baddies from the Core?”
In my fiction thread I wrote about a "race" that used a kind of glowing "flying saucer" tech that was faster and outmaneuvered the best Imperial fighters. In stead of using LASERs, Meson cannons or other stuff used in and around the 3I, they simply used a suped up form of disintegrator. I hadn't really drafted up their background, but they could be extra-galactic.
I like races from before time. The ones that have been around twice as long as we have.

Huedocan: A race of beings who live in a Dyson Sphere. They use crystalline technology (Stargate Tech), Disruptors, matter manipulation and matter storage devices. All powered by the electromagnetic field around your body and control by psionics.

Keracan: Massive machine which amplifies Psionics (Think magic.) on a world wide scale.

Shadox: (Fred Saberhagen's Berserkers series with an organic twist). Beings that are organic metal and hate other lifeforms. They are lurking out there somewhere.

These are just the one's I'm willing to talk about. I've made several of these races for different stories over the last 40 years. Hell, and some of them are just sophonts that look at us in a different way. I've got a big write up in my files about the Saurian Question. Simply put; Would you give a more primitive race advance technology? Another way to put it: Would you give a 5 year old a load gun to play with while, you stand there and watch him/her? He/she may not know how to use it or fire it, but there is that chance, he/her could fire rounds off accidentally. Which might or might not kill, you or themselves? In any case, you are now the evil threat to the planet because you gave them the tech do destroy you or themselves.

Truly any race above your tech level could seen a a threat and the Saurian Question. I don't do the Star Trek "Prime Directive' in this case. (forget the character name?) The Admiral's solution (In the beginning of 'Mote in the Eye of God' by Larry Niven's) nuke the crap out of them or corridor off the world from the rest of the interstellar communities until they grow up! Those are truly the only options in my universe.

SO they really don't have to be a big scary super aliens to cause havoc, they just got to reverse engineer the stuff at Area 51 and piss off their stellar neighbors.
A race of beings who live in a Dyson Sphere.
Best use of a Dyson Sphere isn't at 1 AU around a G2 V type star ... it's around a White Dwarf.

In John Scalzi's Old Man's War series, the most technologically advanced alien species (that is known about) did exactly that. One of the characters describes it as "putting a yoke on a white dwarf" in order to achieve unbelievable quantities of energy capture/production that none of the other alien species can even hope to rival.

Main point being that it takes a LONG time for a White Dwarf to cool down ... far longer than the time a G type main sequence star will remain in its hydrogen fusion phase. That white dwarf is going to be a heat pump for who knows how many billions of years ... :oops: