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Far Frontiers Gateway sector

194-2507 Gateway News Service- Gateway

Nine employees of the Foreign and Colonial Ministries have gone missing. These senior deputy undersecretary level staff members were part of the hard core Imperialist faction inside of the Gateway government. The nine government employees did not show up for work, and all attempts to make contact failed. Security Officers from the ministries were sent to their residences, and were unable to locate the missing personnel. At this time investigators with the Gateway Investigative service are involved in the search for the missing people. Security camera footage is being scoured along with interviews of those who were close to these persons.
195-2507 Gateway News Service- Gateway

Pietro Alibazzi was found in a public restroom at the Uncle Bill's classic cowboy cooking restaurant in the capital. He was on a toilet where he apparently died of what initially appears to be some sort of medical episode. He was a Senior Deputy Undersecretary at the Colonial Ministry and some said he was the leader of the Imperial faction. We are being told by the employees who found him that he had a playing card in his hand. We are told it was the Ace of Spades. There is no sign of foul play. He was seen talking to a patron earlier, but the man's face was hidden, and none of the employees can recall what he looked like. Police have no comment at this time.
197-2507 Gateway News Service- Miskatonic

Eight Royal Sutekh Merchant Marine ships have entered Miskatonic space insisting on the right to refuel, and dock with Miskatonic Station. The Station Manager has directed that they will be accommodated as with any other ship. The 1,999 ton Tradewind class ships have both colonial cargo and speculative trade goods on board and are targeted at the settled worlds of the Outlands Subsector.

The Dunwich Horror has delivered a replacement fusion reactor system to the station under contract with Deutschland Sternshiffewerk who have the contract to operate the station. They have also delivered a load of fresh meat to the Wombat Burger chain on the station so that they can continue to deliver the sizzling fresh burgers that everyone has come to love and crave.
198-2507 Gateway News Service- Gateway

Three persons showed up at St. Liebowitz's Monastery, in the dead of night, in a drenching rainstorm, claiming that they have always wanted to join the order and spend the remainder of their life "atoning for their sins, and serving humanity by becoming a monk". The three, to date, unidentified people two men and one woman (who will go to the affiliated Abbey) have been admitted as novices in the order based on their obviously sincere belief and obvious dedication. They have taken the religious names of "Brother Humilis, Brother Luke, and Sister Agnes" The Abbot in charge of the Monastery has said that recent years has seen an increase in monastics who have come in to St. Liebowitz's to take up the life as a cloistered monk or nun.
199-2507 Gateway News Service- Friedland

DunDraCon CCLXVI has kicked off on this central world. This year the convention is being held at the Kaiser Wilhelm IX convention Center, and it is expected that in excess of 80,000 attendees from across the sector will attend. DunDraCon CCLXVII is chock full of new games, panel discussions, celebrity meet and greets, book signing events, and much, much more.

Some of the Guests at the convention include Gomer Kleinschmidt who played Captain Thunder on The Power Poodles of Electron 9, as well as Diana Zipp-Thevins who played his hot-spunky communications officer. Also we have Reginald van Dorn of Dark Star Voyages, where he played Mr. Cromwell, the mysterious person who showed up at exciting and tragic events. Also the famed and legendary Star Trek Blooper reel will be shown for the very first time!

In the news for games, the NuGame Designers Shop has released the latest version of Traveller, and game junkies will appreciate the 68th edition of the game, Runequest players are looking forward to the new set in the 73rd Edition of this classic role playing rule set. In the rather obscure category Chivalry and Sorcery, the Return to the Classic edition is being released. Call of Cthulhu, that perennial favorite of the horror genre is releasing is 66th edition to eager fans.

In gaming tournament news in a special event, there will be several Advanced Dungeons and Dragons convention games using we are told Classic 1st Edition Rules! Yes, the original rules, which were preserved are going to be the focus of several competition games at this years DunDraCon. Also AD&D 75th edition rules will be absolutely in evidence here on Friedland. We are being told that there will be several games of the legendary Arduin Grimoire at the Convention.

Gaming stores across Friedland are reporting massive sales of both digital and hard copy rule sets since this promises to be an historic Convention. LoreWorld games is releasing its newest AD&D video game, which has already seen massive excitement as the reviews come in. LoreWorld is know for its faithful use of the rules, and its testing until as many bugs as can be squashed are found and eliminated.

And we are told that both the Kaiser and Kaiserin will be in attendance since both are hard core gamers from their University days. Rumors are passing around that there will be a special 1st Edition AD&D game run by the Kaiserin as an invite only, and that the Kaiser himself will GM a Traveller game! We know that both lead a very active gaming life, and are known as "killer GM's, but with a merciful side". Rumors are that the Imperial family has maintained a classic set of ORIGINAL Traveller LBBs that they use in their games!

In in even more exciting news, there is a rumor that next years DunDraCon CCLXVIII will be held on DUNWICH! This has not been confirmed, but as soon as it is we are going to be the first ones with the news. Now Our Very Own Natasha Alvarez is on planet having been diverted from her plans in order to cover this convention. We are told that both Natasha and her husband are avid gamers. This should be exciting, perhaps a little too exciting.
200-2507 Gateway News Service- Friedland

Natasha here on Friedland at DruDraCon CCLXVII with Richard! OMG! CAN THERE BE A MORE FUN PLACE TO BE?! Well other than a good fashion show? I just am overwhelmed by the smell of actual paper books, the sound of clinking dice, and the tears of the vanquished!

I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT! Yes, dear readers, I HAVE IN MY HAND THE LATEST TRAVELLER RULES! ZOMG! RUNEQUEST, MY FAVORITE GAME! Richard and I are in hog heaven here. The cosplayers are out in full force, and I must tell you that they have outdone themselves this year! I have seen several just amazing Captain Thunder and Lieutenant Wu cosplayers that look almost like the real thing!

Richard and I got in a marathon gaming session last night at our suite at the convention center with five other players, with Richard being the GM. The new Traveller Rules are just perfect for us, we ended up discovering the Secret of the Hidden Flame, the newest Traveller module, which was just perfect for us. Tonight I am running Runequest where all the players will be absolutely fashionably dressed as a guest of honor in Gaming Salon 14. My game is already booked up, and I have a killer scenario ready for my players.

I am making Richard dress very fashionably tonight to set the tone, and I, of course, will be in my signature Chi-Cheng Lau coture. I can tell you that we will have a very very very special guest playing with us dear readers. I have also been invited to play in the KAISERIN'S OWN GAME! Me, little old me, I must make sure that I am properly dressed for this event! I have finally achieved Gaming Nirvana!

Richard and I managed to get into the special event backstage pass area, and we had le cocktail with none other than Diana Zipp-Thevins! She was even more stunning in person than I expected, wearing Miriam El-Hassan coture with the most amazing Jerzy Fornast shoes from his "Gaming Girl" line. They looks just so comfortable! She told me a little secret, she is a BIG FAN, yes, ladies and gentlemen, a BIG FAN of 1st Edition AD&D!

She said that they even had cast games after work at the set of The Power Poodles of Electron 9, with Gomer Kleinschmidt as their GM. She said that Gomer is an AMAZING game master who always threw in some of the nastiest traps! She said that her Lady Delicia character made it up to 17th level Bard before the game ended.

Well dear readers off to the games!
201-2507 Gateway News Service- Friedland

OMG! OMG! The Kaiserin ran 1st Edition AD&D, and it was amazing! They had this place called the City State of the Invincible Overlord, and I was just overcome with the brilliance of it all! CAN YOU BELIEVE we ended up with our little characters fighting to keep the Overlord in power?! We started off with 7th level characters and after a short overland quest came back to the city in a state of rebellion.

I was brought to tears by the game master brilliance that the Kaiserin showed. She was of course dressed for the occasion in a signature one of a kind outfit made just for her by the House of Ersatzplatz here on Friedland. The lovely Imperial Blue outfit, was paired with her signature Jerzy Fornast stilletos. Food and drink were provided by the Imperial kitchens just for us, and it is hard to describe the amazing nature of it all.

I got a chance to ask the Kaiserin when she started gaming, and she told me that she started in Gymnasium and continued at University. She said that she and the Kaiser met in a game where he killed her character for opening a trap door that made her character fall into a gelatinous cube. She said it annoyed her so much, that she stayed and argued with him, and they discovered that they just clicked.

I have been invited to additional games at the Palace when I am back on Friedland! ZOMG! CAN LIFE JUST GET ANY BETTER?! Richard was having a great time as well, since he was invited to the Kaiser's Traveller game. Afterwards he told me that the Kaiser was just an amazing GM, but you did not want to make stupid mistakes in his game.

Well Natasha signing off, and we are headed back to New Texas, perhaps we will have some gamers with us in the Ming Dynasty, our King Richard class liner.
210-2507 Gateway News Service- Gateway

Authorities have told us that the three new novices at St. Liebowitz's Monastery are some of the missing persons from the Colonial and Foreign Ministries. We are told that the police have attempted to interview each of them, but none of them can recall anything about their prior lives, and cannot even recall their former names. All three have memories of vague "sins" they have committed, and a burning, nay overwhelming desire to spend the rest of their lives as monastic brothers and sisters.

The police have declared that they are puzzled by this, but it is very similar to other incidents of a similar nature. And in those prior cases the missing people also could not recall any part of their prior lives, and just wanted to serve mankind through prayer and good works. At this time the police spokesman told us at GNS that they were going to close the case since the missing persons did not want to leave the monastery and became violent if attempts were made to remove them. All said that "retribution for their sins would be visited upon them if they left the sacred cloister".
AG still has a small but dedicated following.
Yes, I am aware. I still also have my 4-9 original volumes, and most of the later stuff Emperor's Choice put out. Will I ever play anything AG-centric? Most likely not - we always used the originals as "supplements" to AD&D. But, there's a lot of nostalgia there, as well as knowing folks who were involved in the process.
Yes, I am aware. I still also have my 4-9 original volumes, and most of the later stuff Emperor's Choice put out. Will I ever play anything AG-centric? Most likely not - we always used the originals as "supplements" to AD&D. But, there's a lot of nostalgia there, as well as knowing folks who were involved in the process.
Same here, I have 1-9 as well plus the map, we always used it as a sourcebook for other things.
213-2507 Gateway News Service- Dunwich

The Primacy of Sainte Foix has directed that no media coverage be responded to by either the government or citizens due to the overwhelming deluge of “nosy people” since the expose of the Primacy Council being composed of former genetic slaves, or as some are calling them, “Genetic mistakes” by the less charitable who are NOT in the Primacy when they make that statement. However as our reporter was told very pointedly before he was run out of town, the Primacy is respected, and highly efficient, despite the handicaps that they have to struggle through. Lèse-majesté is a crime in Sainte Foix, albeit one that is seldom enforced, sort of like the law that says you cannot eat donuts and kippers for breakfast. Yes, there is such a law on the books, why exactly, no one in Sainte Foix can remember.

The other colonies on Dunwich are giving the media and other intrusive intruders the old heave ho when they start looking too deeply into things that the government and populace think should remain private. So far in Innsmouth, one reporter for the tabloid “Sneaks” was actually tarred and feathered and then placed on something called a rail, and taken to the outskirts of town, and tossed across the city line, and told to walk to the next settlement. She arrived, somewhat worse for wear, suffering from various injuries. The tar and feathers were removed at the Arkham City Hospital, and she was placed on the first ship to anywhere off planet.

All attempts to dive into the background of the various colonies and their links to escaped, or in some cases, intentionally placed genetic slaves, is being actively discouraged. We know that some of the modifications cause issues very similar to cyber psychosis where the victim suffers from serious delusions, and can be very violent when acting on the delusions such as in the case of Rudy Olivares who killed over two dozen in a ritualistic manner due to his breakdown of sanity, claiming he was sacrificing them to “He who waits” to appease the “Old Ones”. These breakdowns can be directly linked to the nature of the genetic modifications of the individuals.
214-2507 Gateway News Service- New Caledonia

The Prince has moved back to New Caledonia from New Ireland since the repairs have been completed on the palace which was badly damaged in the Civil War. The Prince has been busy since his return, with meetings of government ministers, and other important notables from the planets of the New Caledonia system.

He has taken the time to visit the New Laphroaig Distillery which was damaged in the fighting, and hundreds of bottles of the smoky goodness were destroyed in the fighting before both sides agreed to not have shoot outs around the various Distilleries on New Caledonia. He was shown the oldest of the old, the most valuable treasures which were not damaged, and he and the Court were treated to a wee dram of the 30 year old bottling.

The Prince’s comments were: “Ah! this is some really fine whiskey, thon smokey tar like taste o a fine islay malt juist says somethin tae ye! mind, A am no sure whit it is saying, an perhaps it is better thon A dae no. A am sae glad thon we managit tae save our sacrit patrimony durin the late unpleasantness, sae we can aw enjoy a wee dram.”

The Prince has also provided Caledon Ventures Corporation with a charter for the Aslan Trade, along with McTavish Exploration and Trading, and Highland Trading so that some of the Aslan trade goods will be brought back to help New Caledonia. He is very much interested in increasing the inflow of cash into New Caledonia to help with all the ambitious projects that he has planned.

The Prince said that his goal is the get New Caledonia up to TL 12 within the next decade if possible from its current TL 11. To that end he is working with New Texas and Xanadu to help improve the planetary systems tech base. He also said that he will encourage “the right kind” of settler to come and join the good people of New Caledonia and New Ireland to boost the population.
215-2507 Gateway News Service- Wayfarer Belt

The Belt Authority has issued new guidelines for all ships in the system after the near miss between two mining boats which had turned off their automatic collision avoidance system and came within meters of slamming into a mining station as they were attempting to unload their load of ore. The Belt Authority has issued these updates to the regulations for the belt, and the fines could exceed 3x the cost of the damage if there is a found violation. The increase in ship traffic inside of the belt has resulted in the need for a more strict adherence to the traffic control and space control systems.

New Texas is aware of the issues, and has just issued a contract to New Texas Space Guidance Systems to come in and upgrade the navigational beacons, computers, and traffic control stations in the belt due to the need for a more active traffic control system. A new station will be set up in section 30 of the belt to add coverage for that area which has been lacking to date.

Due to the aging infrastructure in the belt, accidents have regrettably become more common in the system. To assist in paying for this, all ships will be subject to an additional fee of 1 stellar per ton of ore to assist in paying for all the needed upgrades. This additional fee has raised the ire of some of the mining companies and independents who claim that the fees are already too high, despite the surcharges and other fees being 15% less than in other belts in the sector.

A protest has been lodged with the Commerce Secretariat by a coalition of miners and companies over the proposed fee increases. The Wayfarer Belt, while a rich belt has not seen the staggering finds that other belts have seen of Onnesium, and other metals which is part of the protest. The Commerce Secretary is personally going to travel to the Belt to determine the validity of these complaints.
216-2507 Gateway News Service- Outback

Outback has always been a bit of, well, an outback in the subsector, but the government wants to make that something of the past. The government is looking for investors to help re-vitalize the economy of this rather backwater planet. Since joining the New Canberra Trading Federation, they have seen a small increase in economic investment in the planet, but not to the level the government has hoped for.

Economists tell us that a combination of the tainted atmosphere, the dry climate, and the historical disinclination to allow heavy industry has handicapped this planet in its quest to move forward. The Outback Family who own large chunks of the planet, along with several of its largest stations has traditionally discouraged outsider from coming in and investing due to their concerns of a take over by outside actors.

Outback has the lowest GDP of any planet in the subsector, even below that of New Africa due to New Africa's astonishing mineral resources. One of the larger economic sectors is the Mercenary basing stations where mercenary units are allowed to base on Outback, but even then, Coffeeville has a lock on mercenary basing, and no atmospheric taint. While the taint is not as bad as it could be, at times of the year the dust count is enough to cause problems.

The government has authorized the leasing of areas of the belt and rings around the gas giants to various industrial concerns, in the hopes that the money that these leases bring in, as well as the assorted services for the belt will help the economy of Outback.

Norman "Fuzzy Norm" Outback, the current Head Honcho (i.e. head of state), has finally agreed to allow this investment, despite his concerns that the "ferriners" will come in and take power and authority away from his family who have run Outback since its founding. The Outback family is very large, and very popular on Outback, and still seals deals the old fashioned way with a handshake and a beer.

As of the time of this report, we have over a dozen corporations who have expressed interest in purchasing leases in the belt and around the gas giants, but the lack of modern infrastructure has made some of them concerned that their initial investment might not recoup the costs of building up the infrastructure in the belt. To date no especially rich or valuable finds have been discovered, with the Outback belt being mostly unexplored.
217-2507 Gateway News Service- Esperanza

The enclave of New Haifa has entered into talks to join itself with the Colony of New Anatevka since they are adjoining colonies. The only issue at hand is the one of what the languages will be. Since New Haifa speaks Hebrew, and New Anatevka speaks Yiddish. At this time, it looks like the two colonies are working on having a dual language system which will accommodate both languages as well as Standard English.

If this merger takes place the colony will become the fifth largest of the colonies on Esperanza, and one uniquely positioned to take advantage of the new sea, and the rich minerals which have been found in the Shield mountains. Plus this will also allow the joint colony which we are being told will be re-named to just Anatevka to control all expeditions into the sea of dust which is suspected to have rich mineral beds, but has mostly been unexplored due to the difficulty of survival and access to the Sea of Dust.

A decision is expected when the matter is put to a vote between the two colonies on 250 day, with observers indicating they expect the matter to pass with a vote of over 60% in favor of joining the two colonies. The New Quebec Colony has issued a protest since the new colony of Anatevka will border their claims, and they are also in a dispute over access to the desert.

New Quebec is concerned that the newly joined colony of Anatevka will tend to overshadow their colony, and they have not had the best relations since the colonies have been at loggerheads over the New Quebec colony demand that French be adopted as the planetary secondary language. With this joining, they see their hopes falling further and further from becoming a reality. New Quebec has always refused to join in with the other colonies due to their insistence on Francophone language and culture must be accepted in its rightful place, and the other colonies telling them "NO!".
228-2507 Gateway News Service- Esperanza

New Quebec has issued a request for mercenaries to be employed by the colony. They are looking for at least two battalions of troops, who must be at least TL 11, have their own organic transport. Another criteria is that the troops must speak French. The contract is for two years, and both internal security, and striker missions are on the table. The colony is also looking for some mercenaries for training missions.

The other colonies have expressed their dismay at the possibility that New Quebec is looking to destabilize this otherwise peaceful planet. Most colonies have minimal forces, due to the lack of reasons for dispute. The colonies of Anatevka, New Iberia, New Italia, Liberty, and New Johor are viewing with alarm this decision on the part of New Quebec. The colonies have met and are discussing whether or not to hire mercenaries themselves in case of New Quebec deciding to initiate hostilities.

New Quebec has a small force of roughly 500 troops, which are equipped to TL 10, and have surplus equipment from New Joseon and other worlds. The other colonies have expressed concern for the potential to destabilize the status quo on this normally very peaceful colony.
230-2507 Gateway News Service-Dunwich

The former colony of Gregor's bay has officially announced that it was renaming itself to the City State of the Invincible Overlord, a name apparently taken from ancient history, but the reference is extremely obscure. Historians have not been able to locate which City State on old Terra is the model for this. The colony has started, with the assistance of a unit of mercenary combat engineers in constructing a wall around their settlement, and have renamed the river close to the city as well.

The Conqueror's river flows on two sides of the city, which has always attracted a more "eccentric" mix of people than the usual colony found on Dunwich. They have always had a "ancient" sort of buildings which at least on the exterior appear to be from medieval or renaissance times on Terra. The City is relatively isolated compared to the rest of the colonies on Dunwich. The colony has done some terrain modification around their colony which has a total population of 145,000 persons.

The current Colony President has renamed his office to that of the Overlord, with his seat in the "Cryptic Citadel" which appears to be some sort of castle. The colony is lobbying for the next DunDraCon to be held in the city, where they are building an event center that resembles a series of ancient buildings. Also they are setting up some buildings as "Inns and Taverns" for the convention goers to stay at while attending the Con.

When we asked some of the other colonies what they thought of this change, responses ranged from hilarity, to just head shaking and comments to the effect of: "Them fellers are kinda throwed off". But this is Dunwich where the odd and the unusual seems to be the norm.