199-2507 Gateway News Service- Friedland
DunDraCon CCLXVI has kicked off on this central world. This year the convention is being held at the Kaiser Wilhelm IX convention Center, and it is expected that in excess of 80,000 attendees from across the sector will attend. DunDraCon CCLXVII is chock full of new games, panel discussions, celebrity meet and greets, book signing events, and much, much more.
Some of the Guests at the convention include Gomer Kleinschmidt who played Captain Thunder on The Power Poodles of Electron 9, as well as Diana Zipp-Thevins who played his hot-spunky communications officer. Also we have Reginald van Dorn of Dark Star Voyages, where he played Mr. Cromwell, the mysterious person who showed up at exciting and tragic events. Also the famed and legendary Star Trek Blooper reel will be shown for the very first time!
In the news for games, the NuGame Designers Shop has released the latest version of Traveller, and game junkies will appreciate the 68th edition of the game, Runequest players are looking forward to the new set in the 73rd Edition of this classic role playing rule set. In the rather obscure category Chivalry and Sorcery, the Return to the Classic edition is being released. Call of Cthulhu, that perennial favorite of the horror genre is releasing is 66th edition to eager fans.
In gaming tournament news in a special event, there will be several Advanced Dungeons and Dragons convention games using we are told Classic 1st Edition Rules! Yes, the original rules, which were preserved are going to be the focus of several competition games at this years DunDraCon. Also AD&D 75th edition rules will be absolutely in evidence here on Friedland. We are being told that there will be several games of the legendary Arduin Grimoire at the Convention.
Gaming stores across Friedland are reporting massive sales of both digital and hard copy rule sets since this promises to be an historic Convention. LoreWorld games is releasing its newest AD&D video game, which has already seen massive excitement as the reviews come in. LoreWorld is know for its faithful use of the rules, and its testing until as many bugs as can be squashed are found and eliminated.
And we are told that both the Kaiser and Kaiserin will be in attendance since both are hard core gamers from their University days. Rumors are passing around that there will be a special 1st Edition AD&D game run by the Kaiserin as an invite only, and that the Kaiser himself will GM a Traveller game! We know that both lead a very active gaming life, and are known as "killer GM's, but with a merciful side". Rumors are that the Imperial family has maintained a classic set of ORIGINAL Traveller LBBs that they use in their games!
In in even more exciting news, there is a rumor that next years DunDraCon CCLXVIII will be held on DUNWICH! This has not been confirmed, but as soon as it is we are going to be the first ones with the news. Now Our Very Own Natasha Alvarez is on planet having been diverted from her plans in order to cover this convention. We are told that both Natasha and her husband are avid gamers. This should be exciting, perhaps a little too exciting.