Originally posted by Keklas Rekobah:
Here's an idea, let me know what you think.
A Zhodani ship enters Imperial space. It is of a type used exclusively by nobility. It broadcasts a distress beacon. The weapons and maneuver drive are both shut down. There is barely enough fuel left to maintain life-support.
An Imperial Interstellar Marine prize crew boards the vessel and makes four significant findings:
1) An unconscious Zhodani Noble is at the helm, and she's wearing a very illegal (for Zhodani) and active psi helmet (?!).
2) A male Zhodani noble seems to have died in the act of impaling the now-dead occupant of a low berth.
3) The rest of the crew is dead (it seems they all killed each other).
4) The occupant of the low berth is humanoid, with mauve skin, four tentacles around a sucker-like mouth, an immense brain, and eyes like pinhole cameras (no iris or lens).
Ship's logs reveal that somewhere on the fringes of the Zhodani Consulate, the ship encountered a race of beings with high-level psionic ability. One was captured and put in low berth. While in jump, members of the crew started going mad. Only the heroic self-sacrifice of the Captain (and a psi-helmet that was quickly cobbled together) saved the ship and pilot.
Are these new aliens a threat to the Consulate?
Are they a greater threat to the Imperium?
What is this 'Cthulhu' that the Illithid race seems to worship?
How did the ship get this far from home?
Where the smeg is my curried pizza?