I don't know if any of you have read the D20 SpellJammer supplement from Polyhedron/Dungeon, but they had the Mind Flayers being a space faring race that were on their way to the main human planet for fresh meat.
T20 Lite also makes references to BEMs (Bug Eyed Monsters) so that's a valid creature to throw in
I find the "grounded in science" bit to be odd. There's no scientific grounds for the Vagr, just some speculation. It's about as hard science as Frankenstein was. And if any creature is reasonable it would be a highly evolved Raccoon. They already have great manual dexterity.
If it's fun, does it matter if it fits the rules? Rules are meant to be broken. It's good to have a rule-set that you don't have to change much, but if you want to have a little fun and branch out, why not?
I've also been considering buying CoC D20 along with T20. I think combining them would make for a really nice campaign. HP Lovecrafts stories are very suitable for space adventures.
T20 Lite also makes references to BEMs (Bug Eyed Monsters) so that's a valid creature to throw in

I find the "grounded in science" bit to be odd. There's no scientific grounds for the Vagr, just some speculation. It's about as hard science as Frankenstein was. And if any creature is reasonable it would be a highly evolved Raccoon. They already have great manual dexterity.
If it's fun, does it matter if it fits the rules? Rules are meant to be broken. It's good to have a rule-set that you don't have to change much, but if you want to have a little fun and branch out, why not?
I've also been considering buying CoC D20 along with T20. I think combining them would make for a really nice campaign. HP Lovecrafts stories are very suitable for space adventures.