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FFE CD-ROM Release Schedule


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
from Marc:

2300 AD CDROM is at the duplicators and set to come back here New Year's Eve
more or less. They will ship out right away.

My tentative publication list is then:

Classic Traveller LBBs.

Twilight 2000 v2.2 and support

FASA and Gamelords for Classic Traveller


Twilight 2000 v1.0
So, does this mean he has abandoned the Reprint books?

I had really hoped to eventually get the CT Modules Reprint. Based on this message, it would appear that I will never see it after all.

Too bad.
I suspect the Reprint books were a marginal item. The format and price coupled with the fact that many people already had the material probably being the reason. And people are always saying they want this stuff on their computer so the CD of scans is the answer. I wonder if the "Classic Traveller LBBs" means he plans to put all the BFBs on CD? Were they all scanned to produce the BFBs? If so they shouldn't take long to set up and the quality (if the BFBs I have are indicators) is very good.
Will the CT CD include all of CT GDW canon I wonder?
Including the first editions of CT and High Guard.

And why's T4 not on the list?
Well, unless the CT CD-ROM has all of the post-Starter Traveller CT products on it, I certainly won't buy it.

But then, we already know what my "vote" is worth ...
T4 would be last on anyone's list. Remember, he wants to make some money or at least recover the money already made. Daryen remind me of what came after Starter Traveller, I would rather like to have seen things after after LBB all on one CD ROM. If he does stick to this schedule and does complete it before June then he will have my vote but if dilly dallies back and forth and only comes up with a mediocre product in the end. I will vote with continuing only with T20.
Kind of off topic here, but I wonder if he is going to do anything with Dark Conspiracy.

That was pretty fun, and I was able to use some of the beasties in TNE.

The items I am specifically thinking of are:
- Atlas of the Imperium
- Spinward Marches Campaign
- Alien Realms
- Tarsus
- Beltstrike

(As an aside, based on the eBay prices of those first two alone, I fail to see how he would not be able to make money on a Modules Reprint book, unless he absolutely butchered it.)

From what I can tell, there were three phases to Classic Traveller:
- Little Black Book (This includes all of the books, adventures, and supplements.)
- Traveller Book (Including TTB and TTA.)
- Starter Traveller (Including the above list and the Alien Modules.)
This division isn't perfect (for instance, TTA was published after Starter, and Book 8 was just weird), but it works pretty well.

Based on that view of CT, Marc has only released the LBB related products, with the sole exception of the Alien Modules.

Any CT Reprint CD-ROM product that does not include the missing material (including what was promised for Modules Reprint and TTA will not receive any support from me.
I love the dead-tree Classic Reprints. Sure they cost a lot when you end up buying several volumes. But overall, they are still wonderful resources. I have never heard of a single CT canon-monger on these boards that ever complained about the Classic Reprints. I know for a fact that these reprints continue to sell briskly on eBay as well as other resellers (NobleKnight games, Stiggybaby's etc). In at least one case, I had to wait until my favorite reseller had to "re-stock" his CT Reprints until I could order more for my campaign.

As for getting rid of these Classic reprints and then replacing them with electronic PDF documents on a CDROM.... I only have one comment:

MWM, please do not follow the same amateur-quality fuzzy-scanner full-of-missing-pages production that became the $35 MegaTraveller CDROM, which everyone is bitching about. Please do not inflict this horror on Classic Traveller fandom. This is my prayer. Amen.

/me prepares for the flames headed my way
Well... actually, I didn't care for the reprints, but they make stuff available that may be hard to get, plus they have bits of trivia that can be interesting. But I do prefer the portability of LBBs.
Rob, as you seem to have Marc's ear. Any chance that he has commited to any dates for the future releases?
Yowsa, robject! That is a packed CD. I can only hope that the CT CD is as packed. (I guess it would be, as the BFBs are deceptive as to number of books....) I hope the thing is formatted without funky jumps between pieces of text in the tables and is fully searchable - that would be worth a couple months of pennies for me. (Copy and paste into Excel is so important to my way of doing things... :( )
Maladominus said:

I love the dead-tree Classic Reprints. Sure they cost a lot when you end up buying several volumes. But overall, they are still wonderful resources.
I completely agree. I bought a couple of them to read stuff that I never had before. Specifically, I bought the Games reprint, as I never purchased any of the original board games. It was great to read the content as a Traveller enthusiast, just to read the background info.
Every time I have correspondence with MWM (for instance, when I'm purchasing something from him) I mention that I can't wait until the Modules reprints are available. I really hope that one day they do become available. In the meantime, it can't hurt to drop him a line and mention it.
I also think several folks around here would be willing to do some of the work for a mere mention in the "liner notes" or a read-me file.
That quote above is all I know about the plans for scans. No other dates were mentioned.

Assuming I get some input into the matter (more a wish than reality), I'm going to be more careful in checking the material for problems.

Anyone who got the MT CD-ROM will understand, because Hard Times had shaded maps and textboxes that didn't scan, and the Player's Manual is 1st ed.

By the way, Marc is planning on releasing (you guessed it) errata for the MT CD-ROM. Probably 100% easier to do than to reprint them.
Originally posted by robject:
That quote above is all I know about the plans for scans. No other dates were mentioned.

Assuming I get some input into the matter (more a wish than reality), I'm going to be more careful in checking the material for problems.

Anyone who got the MT CD-ROM will understand, because Hard Times had shaded maps and textboxes that didn't scan, and the Player's Manual is 1st ed.

By the way, Marc is planning on releasing (you guessed it) errata for the MT CD-ROM. Probably 100% easier to do than to reprint them.
Hahaha. I just had an evil epiphany. Bazillions of players here would end up purchasing the CT CDROM. And then everyone gets a heart attack in finding out that the CDROM contained High Guard 1st Edition. :D

Sorry, it's my Evil Epiphany Day.
You are an evil man.