Originally posted by kaladorn:
Okay, so what I'd really like to know is:
Was the one who died a bot? (You'd think Dulinor might have known this AFTER shooting him) Or a clone? Or an actor? And if so, how does he really justify the Grand Princess and Empress hanging out with the fake? Was that normal? Or were they fake too? I mean, if he could clone himself, wouldn't Strephon clone the others too? (I sure would)
Personally I was convinced that it was a pseudo-biological robot made by Theodore Krenstein, but that turned out not to be the case

. According to MT canon he was definitely a clone.
FWIW, at the
GURPS Nobles playtest we had quite a discussion about the nuts and bolts practicalities of having a couple of clones running around and the likelihood of keeping them a secret. I believe that Jon in the end decided to change canon a bit and made him a surgically altered double instead of a clone. You get the same effect with a lot fewer problems.
My own take on the situation is that Dulinor knew that he was shooting a double. Strephon had a sceduled meeting with Dulinor but had been called away. Naturally (remember, this is all merely my opinion) Dulinor would have been informed when he arrived that for Reasons of State Strephon had had to skip out on him. Apologies and so forth and please play along with the charade, we'll get together as soon as I'm back, toodles.
But at that point Dulinor was already committed. He
had to go ahead and hope for the best. And if he had managed to secure control of Capital, he might still have gotten away with it. But he had to retreat.
Enter the real villain of the story: Archduke Tranian. As the highest-ranking Imperial noble on Capital, the Major-domo (or whatever the official who runs the Imperial Palace is called) informs him that the dead emperor is actually just a double, and, BTW, Varian is dead too, but Lucan survived. Tranian decides to gamble for the highest stakes. He is sure he can control Lucan. So he tracks down everyone in the palace who knows about Strephon's double and eliminates them, gambling that he can secure enough control of the Imperium before the real Strephon returns.
The rest, as they say, is history.